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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the REAL unemployment numbers & Mike’s 10 year anniversary celebrations plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “The idea, and the reality, of a law above human law have been central to the development of human liberty and the salvation of that liberty from mere license.” – Bruce Fronnen on Russell Kirk’s “Roots of American Order”
Welcome! Please accept my thanks for visiting this site over the last 17 years as the Mike Church Show on Sirius, then Sirius/XM celebrates its 10 year anniversary of Satellite radio exclusivity this week
What was happening 10 years ago today when Mike Church launched his show on Sirius Satellite Radio? Here’s a nice rundown from L.A. Times
What will history say about the Iraq War? Pretty much the same thing history says about Andrew Jackson and the War of 1812
DeceptiCOMEBACK? Paul Ryan introduces a budget that balances in…wait for it… TEN YEARS!? Where was this during campaign 2012!!?
The NY Times continues to employ columnist Paul Krugman even though he has been proven wrong an nearly every economic issue he has written to encourage the expanding State
Do the Afghanis finally want us to get out of their country once and for all? That’s what their president is saying. Will our hyperbolic leaders listen?
Rand Paul lapped Rubio & Co. with the filibuster move…Marco, who!?
Mayor Adolph Dumberg pushes forward with Big Brother soda ban in “the city that never sleeps”
Where the jobs aren’t: Mish breaks down the “recovery” shows that it is actually a recession and gives us REAL unemployment numbers
More on the “glorious jobs report” or more accurately the “gore-ious” jobs report
TIC: There is a higher law that our constitutional law answers to and few understood that better than Russell Kirk
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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George Copelan on March 12, 2013
listening this AM (3-12-13) you mentioned a book about the life and times of a Confederate Solider.
“The Code of Southern Honor”, or something like that.
Please reply with the name, i would like to buy it and read it
wynotme307 on March 11, 2013
The phenominal rise in the stock market is due to big Ben burnyankmes spending …$85 million, or is it billion, a month in the stock market.
This is the beginning of the super inflated currency. When inflation occurs, at first everyone says,”wow look at all the money I have.” But when they decide to spend it they find out the goods they wish to purchase have also exploded in price. We are now in the throws of the inflated depression era in American history.
Babyboomers are retireing from the employment lines. IF Penney and Walmart are showing poor growth or stagnation. The middle class automobile is to expensive for the middle class. Shall I continue…
We, your faithful followers, need a word to describe the coming hardship and events. “infleption”. Inflated depression. Ok, so that’s lame. What would your term be.
Steve on March 11, 2013
Not to be a correcty correctorson, but Afghani is the currency they use, Afghans are the people. Our cultural awareness trainers were adamant about that.
TheKingDude on March 11, 2013
Thanks, Korrecty Korrectorson.
Steve on March 11, 2013
Anytime Mike. I’m stuck over here in SW Asia, where I cannot get my daily dose of the founders red pill, and the best I can do is read your pile o prep daily. But I still miss your rants about the Korrecty Korrectorsons, so, I had to do it.
William Betts on March 11, 2013
Keep it coming, support your efforts, even wear them on my chest and give a few to friends.