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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from a world gone mad. The Incorporation Doctrine has done more to eviscerate Federalsim and undermine States Rights and the Constitutional order than ANYTHING LIBERALS HAVE DONE, yet charlatans calling themselves “conservatives” and “constitutionalists” continue promoting it, the latest imbecilic incident in Houston. Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “[St Thomas] He points out, for example, that it is essential to avoid the aversion which is engen- dered by overfamiliarity and constant repetition of the same things. This does not imply that the teacher should make the subject “interesting” by hook or crook, in order to facilitate the learner’s task. On the contrary, it means this: all knowledge of any depth, not only philosophizing, begins with amazement. If that is true, then everything depends upon leading the learner to recognize the amazing qualities, the mirandam, the “novelty” of the subject under discussion. If the teacher succeeds in doing this, he has done something more important than and quite different from making knowledge entertaining and interesting. He has, rather, put the learner on the road to genuine questioning. And it is genuine questioning that inspires all true learning.” – Josef Pieter, An Introduction to St Thomas Aquinas today’s FEATURED DOWNLOAD for Founders Pass members here
Ted Cruz meets with pastors in Houston TX over the mayor’s demand they turn over sermons relating to homosexuals
Meanwhile the TX Attorney General, Greg Abbot, frames the controversy as a first amendment issue which (see above) it clearly is NOT. A man who wishes to be governor of a state ought to have at least read it’s constitution and be anxious to defend it
A resounding defeat for pope Francis at the Synod on the family is a not that at all but a resounding triumph of Christ’s teachings on matter of the family. Pope Pius Xth catechism on these issues is the most complete and reverent since “the enlightenment” and was not jettisoned for “gay marriage” and “living in sin” acknowledgements.
One Roman Catholic priests take on the Synod and how it was conducted
Some “parents” seem to think that “sexting” is just the latest “kids will be kids” fad, nothing to see here young citizen, move along. This is destructive reasoning that must be cited for its predictably ill results
Bush Derangement Syndrome now blamed for the blatant mistreatment of US Troops and those chemical WMD’s discovered in Iraq and mis-handled, under orders, by U.S. troops
Ron Paul opposes the military draft and weighs in on my commentary that we should bring it back for all wars but Paul doesn’t acknowledge that my proposal is for an AMENDMENT to the Constitution to brings this about, a feat I do not believe is possible but will force a proper debate on our macabre, lethal foreign policy
Friday’s Guest Joseph Pearce’s latest work at Imaginative Conservative: What is Civilization? Is it even worth defending anymore? “True civilization is a culture animated by the transcendental trinity of the good, the true, and the beautiful. The authentic presence of goodness is love and its manifestation in virtue; the authentic presence of truth is to be seen in the culture’s conformity to reason, properly understood as an engagement with the objective reality beyond the confines of egocentric subjectivism; the authentic presence of the beautiful is a reverence for the beauty of Creation and creativity, properly perceived in the outpouring of gratitude which is the fruit of humility. A society informed and animated by such a culture is truly civilized.”
How DID Edward Snowden smuggle all that juicy intel out of the NSA? A new films shows you how and guess what? He had an accomplice
Remember back in the good ol’ days when liberals would accuse “conservatives” of conducting “witch hunts” to ferret out demonstrable political opponents in the Clinton Administration? We were told this was “un-American” among other indignations. I wonder what the Clintonistas of the ’90’s would say about the “priest-hunts” being organized by the city of Houston as it goes in search of the clergy who may be delivering “anti-gay” sermons and is therefore on Houston’s Most Wanted
Lauren Hill just wants to play NCAA basketball. Lauren Hill is 19 and has DPG an inoperable 100% fatal brain cancer. Lauren Hill is not moving to Oregon to end it all with Brittany Maynard, Lauren is playing and fighting and loving til the very end. Pray for a miracle for this amazing young lady and pray for her soul to be Sanctified as well
Still think that the EBOLA virus, multiplying its USA infection rate is of no concern and that our Federal CDC overlords have the matter completely in hand? Read this and you won’t think like that any longer
The Iowan sheople have the chance to send a message to Mordor that the EPA and its clones are not needed because the States can and SHOULD protect their own natural resources. so says Joni Ernst, Senate candidate who refuses to be guilt-tripped into expensive, ineffective, unconstitutional tree-hugging
Stop the Syrian “war” before it gets worse and becomes the grounds for WWIII
The news being released from the Vatican’s “Synod On the Family” is disturbing. In Lucifer’s final act of conquest it appears that his agents working inside Holy Mother Church, may succeed in ushering all the corrupt sinfulness of the modern world into Church teaching. That’s a worst case scenario but the best case is not much better, granting “pastoral exemptions” to Cardinal Dolan’s favorite homosexual partners and the 5 ex-wife having radio & TV “conservative” types. This should NOT alter the faithful and studious devotion to dogma and the teachings of Christ, if anything, we have to double our prayer and efforts now
The governor of CT is pursuing an all out assault on home schooling, masked as a “safety precaution”. If there is one thing the secular, the State is God crowd despises it is home-schooling and home-schooling parents. This is because those parents are defying the authority wielded by the public school monopoly
I try and be as accommodating and gentle as I can when talking with Novus Ordo Catholics and Protestant Christians about matters of faith and the powder keg issue of Sola Sciptura – by scripture alone. One Peter Five gives a thought provoking overview of the subject
Spyin’ Eyes: We can thank Ronald Reagan’s EO 12333 for the current evil that is the NSA’s ubiquitous “right” to spy on any American soul conducting business provided the NSA creeps “suspect” the business MAY involve foreigners
DeceptiCONNED: Meanwhile, the DeceptiCON website Weekly Standard’s editor, tweets out that if you disagree with Ted Cruz you are a member of ISIS
Did Dear Leader MaObama plan his “strategy” based on 10k ISIS of 30k ISIS. What if there is 60k when our 485 “non-booted-non-combat” troops arrive? Will we double the order and send 1k? So the mission is but 1 day old and it has already doubled in size
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
When the price of bacon goes parabolic, brought on by conditions the Federal Leviathan says cannot exist so long as they are on the job, it may get the attention of the apathetic hoi polloi
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now – Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Deus in adjutorium meum intende, Domine ad adjuvandum me festina“. Incline unto my aid O God, O Lord make haste to help me.
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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Darlene Smith on October 20, 2014
Hello Sir!!! Mucho Studies!!! Seems to me that any church may offer their facilities to any group of members who care to discuss what ever it is that they care to discuss. And if they care to support any political candidate they may take their own personal funds with any other personal funds and do what they want.
Darlene Smith on October 20, 2014
I have read that Alabama constitution has more words in it than any other… Oh, I have read the CODE… NOW reading the constitution… pge 63 in Is Davis…? …circa pge 29 St. Thomas Aguanis
SECTION 3 Religious freedom.
That no religion shall be established by law; that no preference shall be given by law to any religious sect, society, denomination, or mode of worship; that no one shall be compelled by law to attend any place of worship; nor to pay any tithes, taxes, or other rate for building or repairing any place of worship, or for maintaining any minister or ministry; that no religious test shall be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under this state; and that the civil rights, privileges, and capacities of any citizen shall not be in any manner affected by his religious principles.
Darlene Smith on October 20, 2014
No elected official in Alabama knew, or admitted, that stockyards are public utilities whose activities are under USDA regulations… including the lawyers elected!!!
Me thinks we like this lady!!! I hope she is worthy!!!!!
Darlene Smith on October 20, 2014
Gotta remember to stop with the icons!!!!!
OH – my mini galaxy smartphone via Verizon does not offer our American flag as an icon! The husband told me to download one!
AND THANK YOU for the ‘this is not a 1st amendment issue’. I have some younger friends who might aspire to be clergy and this helps them… and me… THank you -Darlene
Darlene Smith on October 20, 2014
Good Morning!!! No monastery for you or yours, Sir!!! We need our constitutional catechism teacher, your wife needs her husband and those precious creatures need their parents!!!! 🙂 Hope your Houston event went well. I did not partake in social media @ the end of the week. Nor did I read any of my studies 🙁 I was a wife and goat farmer!!!! 🙂
May your show go well. I am listening. And I will bother you later. Just now getting the 1st cup of coffee.
OH – we were listening to an archived interview of Art Bell and Mj Ed Dames cited St. Augustine and then St. Thomas Aquinas and I KNEW WHO he was speaking of!!!!
Thank you for caring… All of the best to all of you!!! Be well 🙂 🙂 :), we are!!!!!
Very Sincerely,
Darlene Smith