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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. The Holidays begin in earnest this week with the season of Advent now in full swing. Of course, Mike’s Mele Keleke Make Opening theme song returns as do his slate of great Christmas songs including Grandma Got Run Over by Obama. Yesterday I introduced new, recurring topics: The Judgement Pornosphere™, Church of Paganism’s Synod on The Climate; today it’s The Kids Are Ignorant Heretics, as the show continues our tradition of bringing humor, analysis and now The Truth to every issue we tackle. “Only those hiding under their beds would call the latest slaughters in Paris unreal and inexplicable. Clueless commentators will not acknowledge that invaders motivated by perverse religiosity are among the refugees entering Europe. Their Trojan horse is not a pony, and their persistence has centuries behind it. As Hilaire Belloc predicted: “The final fruit of this tenacity, the second period of Islamic power, may be delayed; but I doubt whether it can be permanently postponed.” It certainly cannot be delayed by the camouflage of euphemism, shrinking away from calling radical Islamic terrorists radical Islamic terrorists. It cannot be defeated by national leaders ushering in foes intent on making those naïve leaders cuckolds of their culture. If the dupes of the West do not understand this, the nobler Muslims do. King Abdullah II of Jordan has said: “Groups such as Daesh (the Islamic State group) expose themselves daily as savage outlaws of religion, devoid of humanity, respecting no laws and no boundaries. We are facing a third world war against humanity.” –Fr. George Rutler
DeceptiCONNED – Ted Cruz says what many of you reading this want a Presidential candidate to say: “[I] will carpet bomb them into oblivion.” Of course, Teddy and The CRUZers are all pro-life and stuff to, right?
DeceptiCONNED II – And i f you think Cruz’s un-christian, blood lust above is just a one off, please consider that he also pledges to use nuclear weapons on “ISIS”. “I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out.”
OBAMA SKIPS THE ORTHODOXY OF ISLAM – Saying we have a duty to admit Muslims into ‘Muricah to prove we’re better than the terrorists. That is just not going to cut it, Dear Leader and the situation actually places a moral obligation on our government to REFUSE to admit ANY Muslim into the U.S. with relentless fervor. Saying “we must make it harder for them to kill” is acknowledging that ISIS is already here (thanks for promoting the “country of immigrants), orthodox and will kill again.
The Usual Suspects – GOP candidates all gaseously pledge to mobilize your sons and daughters (see Friday’s news dump on women in combat) into land wars in Asia to “destroy ISIL” with bumper sticker slogans and exceptionalism. Not ONE grasps the orthodoxy
IS ‘MURICAH PRODUCING IL TRUMPé!? – That Trump and Trumpistas have fascist tendencies is obvious to those who can conform their minds to reality but it should also be clear that because Trump is not a military first hack, his followers largely populists, his fascism is not “..organizing a paramilitary force to take to the streets to brawl with the decadent supporters of our rotten legislative government.”
NY DAILY NEWS-HERESY IN PRINT: Christians Get the Mass murders they deserve. If I tried to make this up I coudn’t for lack of diabolical imagination.
The Kids Are Ignorant Heretics VI – Although well written, the latest attempt to analyze and prescribe remedies for the logical end result of liberal arts education minus the liberal arts, gets the requisite parts wrong viz there are NO MORAL “visions” that can compete with the Truth and to suggest there are IS the illiberal problem.
HEY LIBS! GUN CONTROL LIKE FRANCE HAS DOESN’T EVEN WORK IN FRANCE: Ross Douthat, an advocate of gun control policies, explains that those who drone on endlessly about gun laws like the French have, fail to admit that those laws failed to even slow ISIS down, how’s that going to work here!?
RED SOX VS YANKEES, RED vs BLUE IN TV= BIG BUCKS – Throwing back the curtain of how broadcast media works, Scott McConnell helps illustrate the how and why of Fox News as “middle-American” which I take to mean, candidly, that “middle America” is grossly misinformed and likes it that way.
“UNIVERSITY” of Emory officially outlaws philosophical and critical thinking because clack students demanded a “safe space” to practice rejecting Truth and tradition. The worst part of this dreadful, chronicled descent to perdition is that those academicians who must suffer the new race-patsy policies must also pursue their careers under them.
BACEVICH – “Beating ISIS” will require decades of occupation, trillions of dollars and tens of millions of soldiers. Is ‘Muricah ready for such a commitment that nearly requires religious fervor yet will be instigated and waged with but loose attachment to McMansions, digital streaming media and American “Dreams”. HMMMM, where have I heard this argument before!? Here, for starters…
THOUGHTS & PRAYERS FOR CA DEAD ARE FOR LOSERS IV – The National Review wades into the “Lefts War” against “Christianity” with a report on the “attack on thoughts and prayers” by David French. What French and other “conservatives” don’t get is that this “war” was declared long before anyone ever conceived that “liberals and conservatives” would be the forces allegedly duking it out. The war began when
Nothing To See Here Christian Citizens of San Bernardino, Just Another Disgruntled Worker, Move Along! – The CAIR declares that the theology that drove Syed Farook to become orthodox was workplace dis-satisfaction.
Nothing To See Here Christian Citizens of San Bernardino, Just Another Disgruntled Worker, Move Along II! – Dear Leader Chairman MaObama assures us that the cache of weapons and bombs stockpiled by Syed Farook and his Muslim femme fatale wife were executing co-workers for “workplace related” issues.
FLASHBACK – Oh but recall that our Dear Leader was convinced that the Cambridge MASS cop that arrested Prof Henry Louis Gates back in 2009, “acted stupidly”. Recall that this arrest was for probable cause and the career of the officer involved was nearly ruined. The end result of this “certainty” was the now infamous “Beer Summit”.
DeceptiCONNED – How many “conservative” candidates will pledge to repeal the Pentagon’s decision to stack my daughters and yours into the combat roles of our grossly unJust wars? The fact that tens of thousands of men have been maimed is not enough, now let’s offer equal opportunity maiming.
San Bernardino and the Red vs Blue Rabbit Hole – The all too predictable and lamentable Red Sox vs Yankees, Red vs Blue, Left vs Right paradigm only took 12 hours after the San Bernardino killings to kick into high gear. One of the loudest partisans are the Mass Shootings Tracker outfit that purports to show that there are mass murders every DAY in ‘Muiricah. Are the numbers of tens of thousands killed every year accurate though? Hardly and Ian Suttle has the actual facts.
California Killings & Judgement Porn – Bloomberg News Tweets that the San Bernardino killing site was a minuscule, “1.2 miles from a Planned Parenthood Clinic”. A subtle “guilt by association claim and warning for all our heroes decked in “in-utero killing assisted by doctor” attire: Pro-life Christians aren’t “pro-life” and they are on ISIS rampage over baby body parts.
THOUGHTS & PRAYERS TO CA DEAD ARE FOR LOSERS – That’s not MY Headline that is the sentiment shared by “liberal pundits” all over the Judgement Pornosphere™. I have talked about this on the show, the disingenuous “sending you my thoughts and prayers…” memes and social media placebos that pass for actual prayers. The libs writing in the Pornosphere discount that actual prayers actually work, where I plead for the actual prayers and not faux alms that make my “friends” list think I’m a good guy or gal. What the libs have written is pure apostasy folks and to be expected to increase, this after all is the result of the serpent tightening his grip on ‘Muricah.
THOUGHTS & PRAYERS FOR CA DEAD ARE FOR LOSERS II – The Atlantic’s Emma Green coins the term “Prayer Shaming” for what I cite above, I’ll combine that with Judgement Pornosphere™ and reiterate that it is God that is under assault here by the diabolic forces that have given us this soulless wasteland called ‘Murican Culture.
THOUGHTS & PRAYERS FOR CA DEAD ARE FOR LOSERS III – Rod Dreher explores the subject of Prayer Shaming even more intensely. The idea that assigning a slogan to this will draw attention to it and help vanquish it is not going to be productive (not his idea-in general).
FLASHBACK – MBD “The CONSERVATIVE CASE” for Reforming ‘Muircah’s Sick Gun Culture. I think MBD was largely correct here: “An armed citizenry is not the same thing as an armed consumer public – In America we have background checks to prevent certain criminals from owning guns. It’s a system that presumes good citizenship on the part of everyone who has not been convicted of a crime. But not having a criminal record is a very different thing from being a responsible citizen. The only test most people have to pass to gain access to weapons of exceptional lethal power is this: Do you have enough cash or credit?
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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