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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. The Holidays begin in earnest this week with the season of Advent now in full swing. Of course, Mike’s Mele Keleke Make Opening theme song returns as do his slate of great Christmas songs including Grandma Got Run Over by Obama. Yesterday I introduced new, recurring topics: The Judgement Pornosphere™, Church of Paganism’s Synod on The Climate; today it’s The Kids Are Ignorant Heretics, as the show continues our tradition of bringing humor, analysis and now The Truth to every issue we tackle. “Liberals have an expansive, optimistic view of what they can achieve in the world. They see themselves as a force for good and can be tempted to crash into other countries to “help” them toward “modernity.” Liberalism contains within it a sense of evangelical mission, which sometimes leads to we-know-best arrogance. Conservatism, by contrast, is a live-and-let-live ideology. By nature it is prudent, careful, and restrained. Conservatives do not believe that any country can solve the world’s problems or is called to do so. They want to leave other nations alone, not remake them. That makes restraint in foreign affairs an essentially conservative doctrine. Why, then, do so many self-proclaimed conservatives vote for lavish defense budgets, favor maintaining hundreds of military bases around the world, and support foreign wars? It is because they have left true conservatism behind.” – Stephen Kinzer
DeceptiCONNED – What does a “conservative” foreign policy look like? Well, for starters, there is no one in the GOP Presidential rodeo who has one…
The Islamic problem, by Ross Douthat. Douthat touches on the POV you hear on the Mike Church Show that Westerners cannot adequately deal with the theology of ISLAM because the “liberal tradition” has made ALL religiosity an arbitrary set of non-consequential beliefs
THE COMING TRUMP CRASH? – Mike Church Show guest Tim Carney puts into writing what he told us on the show 3 weeks ago: Trump’s poll numbers in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina are nowhere near strong enough with ACTUAL voters to carry his campaign
DeceptiCONNED II -The ridiculous screed that blames Obama for Trump refuses to die the merciful death come of us wish for it
The GAYStapo Demands That Private Christian Colleges Stop Acting All Christian-ie and get with the LGBT Program of “inclusion”. One activist claims that the situation is “life threatening”.
FLASHBACK: Wesleyan College an alleged “Christian College” capitulated on this last year and constructed the Queer Resource Center as an homage to the god [demon] of Sodom. Recall the infamous 14 digit long list of sexual identities Wesleyan provides:
“a safe space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Flexual, Asexual, Genderf**k, Polyamourous, Bondage/Disciple, Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism (LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM) communities and for people of sexually or gender dissident communities.”
Rod Dreher comments on the above channeling 2008 Joey Biden to “gird your loins” because “it is coming”
You know Dasher and Dancer and Donner and…. the REAL story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a story worth reading because it illustrates the way corporate America used to think about their role in our society, they may have even thought there was something besides expanding wealth!
Microsoft to God: Drop dead, Wndwos X is the “reason for the season”
BUCHANAN: The ‘Murican Elites cannot fathom that Trump is popular precisely because average people never bought their status as “citizens of the global economy”. Hmmmm, where have I heard that before!?
THE FASCISM CARD – Carl Bernstein calls Donald Trump a “crypto-fascist” on CNN, repeats it when challenged, then explains that ‘Muricans might want a “crypto-fascist” as President
GAFFE WATCH (note, a gaffe was famously described as someone in Mordor telling the truth) – SCOTUS Justice Scalia only READ to the court half the truth about “college” because it is not just some minorities that don’t belong at the University of Texas, most of the exalted “whites” don’t belong there either and haven’t for decades. I have been talking about the never-ending campaign to convince every ‘Murican child (and thus the child’s parent) that their darlings are not completed rubes if they don’t trudge off to “college” and get their “degrees”. Judge Schmaels (Ted Knight) famously told “Danny Noonan” in Caddyshack “The world needs ditch diggers too.” Schmaels might be thought arrogant but he cannot be thougt wrong and if he isn’t wrong, how is the county of Springfield served by employing ditch diggers with degrees? Jesse Saffron explored this question back in June and reached the correct conclusion: university should be a meritocracy with the highest admissions standards so that an ACTUAL elite go there, for their benefit and societies as well.
SPYIN EYES – The DHS halted an investigation that was looking into the cell that produced Farook and Malik, the Orthodox Muslims who lived their faith to the death (and the death of 14 others) in Saint Bernardino, the Federalist has the scoop
DeceptiCONNED – The Republican war-hawk chorus employs no humility in their rhetoric that pleads for never-ending wars against ISIS HYDRA, SHIELD, COBRA etc because they represent an “existential threat”. Daniel Larison sees right through these hyperbolic claims. “The truth is that ISIS and its affiliates don’t pose an “existential threat” to Western societies, and it is laughable to think that they ever could. They arguably don’t pose an “existential threat” to anyone except the people that have unfortunately fallen under their control and possibly their immediate neighbors.”
TRUMPZILLA’D – If Trump Weren’t Being Trump and “ranting” as he does, ‘Murican entertainment companies would invent someone like him for a TV series…of wait, they already did!
WANT A COMPLETE INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ON THE TAQUIYA INSPIRED LIFE OF ORTHODOX MUSLIMS FAROOK & MALIK? YOU HAVE TO GO TO THE UK & DAILY MAIL TO GET IT. If this story isn’t a proverbial alarm clock ringing throughout the west to reverse course on the heretical imbecility of religiously plural societies, then we are doomed and secession may be our only option
Senator Sasse Doubles Down on ‘Madison & Charlie Hebdo FTW over ISIS – Not content with elevating the Constitution as superior to God’s written Constitution (the Magisterium of Holy Church), Sasse demands that Obama act as a legislating tyrant “against ISIS” then holds the same Constitution up as our salvation. Which is it Senator? Does Congress declare wars, draft war policy and then fund the operation or does el Presidenté whip out his checkbook (found in the Nick Cage film National Treasure 2) “protect us” without Congressional authorization and get the dough from his “stash”!?
Trumpzilla Didn’t Vote To KILL a Million Muslims, Slick Hilly Did – Finally someone other than me is willing to publish the Truth about Mrs Clinton’s sponsoring of sick wars of profit, resulting in at least a half million civilian casualties. And just how many bellicose invasions of Libya and Iraq et cetera has Donald Trump voted for?!
Rand Paul: If Trumpzilla is not qualified to be President then how is Obama!?
DeceptiCON WARS – It’s TEDdy and The CRUZers vs Marco Rubio for the 8th annual “who has learned the least from George W Bush’s War Policy-Game!? (Bush had no foreign policy only war policy). Ben Domenench thinks that TEDdy & The CRUZers has the upper hand because he is just a tad less UNJust war lusting than the the greatest bust in Tea Party electoral history.
BO KNOWS FOOTBALL BUT REMNANTS KNOW THEIR ADVENT – Here is a well written and succint primer for the season of Advent which has become a casualty of the Modernist Heresy that places shopping and partying over preparing a space in our hearts, souls and daily lives for Our Lord, to be born and among us on Christmas.
The Magnificent Seven Were Catholic Authors Before They Were Western Cowboys – Joseph Pearce informs us of the forgotten history of those writers who shaped the English literary tradition and ultimately guided it toward its Mondernist errors (Chesterton, Tolkein and Lewis exempted!)
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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