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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the facts you don’t get in other media including what a “conservative foreign policy” might look like with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “Southern conservatism in this era is constitutional, antitheoretical, antirationalistic, localist, and religious. Furthermore, even before the debate concerning slavery, it knows itself as Southern—as is even more the case once it has attempted to realize itself politically in creating a nation of its own.” – M.E. Bradford, Southern Conservatism
John McCain’s rebel buddies in Syria have Sarin gas. This is confirmed by our own government spooks
Breaking up is hard to do: The Tea Party (if you can define that group) asks for a divorce from the GP after Boehner & crew’s betrayals. I don’t want to say “I told you so but… I told you so”
World’s best dad dons skimpy shorts for family night at out to teach his daughter a lesson about short shorts-libs in media lose it, call father “dangerous”
VIDEO: Is Dear Leader, playing the gullible Boehner FOR a gubbmint shutdown? It might help Dumbocrats win back the House of Representin’
Nomocracy in Politics: The South’s gonna do it again. M.E. Bradford reminds us that there is indeed a Southern Conservatism to be remembered
Blog: A graphical walk through the history of Christianity
An intriguing take on the Infertility industry that makes it’s billions by persuading people that must not accept their physical limitations
A Catholic School is sued by it’s religion teacher who just happens to have gone from being Mr. Kralikowsji to MS. Kralikowski. Can’t a private school pick it’s own teachers?
DeceptiCONNED: McCainiac types in media whine about the “Anchorless world” that refuses to assist us in our war to bomb Syria
Speaking of McCain and our new jihadist “allies” in Syria, Janes IHS is reporting that HALF of them are al-Queda types. So you still think we should be arming and training them with money borrowed from China?
Whatever happened to reporting on religion in newspapers and what happened to people READING those reports? Probably the same thing that has happened to our treatment of religion in general: it has been replaced by reporting on government
Our Al-Queada allies on film, beheading 4 people who don’t agree with their view of the world
TIC’s Brad Birzer: Why cooking and writing research papers are the same task and how you can enjoy both at the same time
Steyn: Vladimir Putin is doing donuts on Obama’s front lawn as we watch American Ineffectualism unveil before our eyes
Not all of Putin’s essay in the NY Times was just anti-American hyperbole some of it, as I pointed out on Friday, is worthy of our reflection
Andy McCarthy: On the way to a conservative foreign policy and what it would look like. Andy makes great points about McCain et al but is equally harsh to Senator Rand Paul.
Nevertheless, the Pauls’ indictment is against government when the real culprit is wayward government policy in the execution of an essential government function. The Paul fantasy, like the Left’s, is that we can refrain from being judgmental about other countries: Just trade with everyone while pretending to be Switzerland, and then those nations disposed against us will like us better, and if they don’t we can always respond forcefully — after they’ve killed a few thousand of us. – Andy McCarthy
I counter argue that the starting place for this discussion, if it is to be the Constitution, must recognize that Americans did not ratify a government that COULD be a “force for good in the world”. The ratifiers plan, according to John Jay, viewed from afar would resemble this:
“…what, foreign influence would, on such an occasion, be indirectly exerted, nor for what purposes. Delicacy forbids an ample discussion of this question. Thus much may be said without error or offence, viz.: that such foreign nations as desire the prosperity of America, and would rejoice to see her become great and powerful, under the auspices of a government wisely calculated to extend her commerce, to encourage her navigation and marine, and to direct the whole weight of her power and resources as her interest and honor may require, will doubtless be friendly to the union of states, and to the establishment of a government able to perpetuate, protect, and dignify it.”
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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