Pile Of Prep

Monday Pile of Prep-‘Muricah, Secede Or Die

todayJanuary 16, 2017 13


0990332489_PT01Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).

Sapientia et Veritas“’Now ‘justice’ and ‘injustice’ seem to be ambiguous, but because that with which we lock a door. Let us take as a starting-point, then, the various meanings of ‘an unjust man’. Both the lawless man and the grasping and unfair man are thought to be unjust, so that evidently both the law-abiding and the fair man will be just. The just, then, is the lawful and the fair, the unjust the unlawful and the unfair. Since the unjust man is grasping, he must be concerned with goods-not all goods, but those with which prosperity and adversity have to do, which should pray that the things that are good absolutely may also be good for them, and should choose the things that are good for them. The unjust man does not always choose the greater, but also the less-in the case of things bad absolutely; but because the lesser evil is itself thought to be in a sense good, and graspingness is directed at the good, therefore he is thought to be grasping. And he is unfair; for this contains and is common to both.– Aristotle, Nimechean Ethics

‘Muricah Secede or Die? Why Lincoln’s Union Can No Longer Survive – DiHonest Abe Lincoln infamously wrote to newspaper publisher Horace Greeley that he would take any compromise including defending slavery To “preserve the union”. Of course history tells us that the mad man General William T Sherman, brought to bear the concept of Total War and waged it on the Souther people, soldier and civilian, unleashing the greatest military massacre in Earth history. Many people have talked about undoing Lincoln’s deceit but this chatter has never amounted to anything more than a few sympathetic efforts in Vermont, Alaska and now Texas. THEN cam the election of Trumpzilla. As Lew Rockwell points out, Trump’s election and Middle ‘Muricah’s rejection of east coast media elite’s demands indicate a sea change in both opinion and possibility. “Therefore, the causes and conditions leading up to eventual secession are already present. The election of Donald Trump is a huge signal that this will eventually occur as more causes and conditions manifest. Soon, Middle America will discover they will be better off to be their own socio-economic group without having to carry the dead weight of Coastal America bureaucracy and political correctness/foolishness behind it. Those things cost money. To order some small town in Kansas to build bathrooms for a third gender classification means they’ve got to take that money from schools to do it. At some point, Middle America will rather keep that money. I think we’re, hmmm, about ten years away from economic powers arising in Middle America that will create an economic secession and pursue their own economic policies apart from the feds.” Note that the ultimate cause, according to Rockwell, is money, that currency that drives all the affairs of ‘Muricah meaning the secession buck stops here.

DeceptiCONNED: Pray That Trump Becomes An Enemy To The International Imperialists Like Rubio & McCain – Joseph Pearce gives us some guidance on the two paths the Trump Presidency can take, nationalist (good) or Internationalist (bad). “With these criteria in mind, we can begin to judge whether Donald Trump’s presidency will be nationalist or imperialist. If he fights the globalist Empire and defends the weak against the strong, he will be a nationalist (and a hero); if he employs his strength against the weak for what he claims to be American interests, he will be an imperialist (and a villain). For the sake of justice and peace, we can all hope he proves to be a nationalist, and not an internationalist, imperialist, and globalist.” Let us pray that Trumpzilla roars AT the McCain-Rubio Mothra.

Do The Russians Chant USSR! USSR!? – I have talked and written about Vladimir Putin and the DeceptiCON hatred of him that seems neurotic at times. I’ve also talked about the issues that drive that DeceptiCON hatred of Putin that include, principally, Putin’s alliance with the Syrians and the fact that the Russian military has been invited to ally with the Syrians in the war being fought there to defeat ISIS and other jihad revolutionaries. Now comes James Perloff, a former president of the John Birch Society, with the bold statement that the roles of USA vs USSR have been reversed. “Instead, a very different scenario has unfolded. It is the United States that is descending into communism (via creeping socialism), the police state (via the Patriot Act, NSA spying, etc.), and anti-Christianity, as nativity scenes are prohibited at Christmas, gay marriage and transgenderism carry the force of law, and the entertainment industry has gone full Lucifer.” Think about that for a moment folks the ascendant evil of gnosticism and atheism, a goal of the Obama administration, has been a smashing success as I point out below. This is why I have veered my course into discussions of the spiritual war being waged all around us. Perloff is right be he doesn’t have to continue being right. We’ve proven that prayer can be brought to bear to defeat evil – Mrs Clinton – and it will be required in the future.

Time To Dump Fox, Lucifer Should Have Been Enough, Now Comes “The Mick” – The TV show Lucifer has been running for over a year of FoxTV (not to be confused with Fox News) and has been a stealthy success. I say stealthy because the show doesn’t seem to have generated very much opposition from Christians, probably because we have lost the capacity to fear mortal sin, heck most people cannot even utter the words mortal sin these days! Now comes Fox’s latest assault on good humor “The Mick”, a show that spent its debut as an infomercial for Planned Parenthood and has now made “funny” the taking of “the pill” and for encore apostasy the wonders of transgenderism. John Horvat is asking Christians to sign a petition to get Fox to pull the show. Now this probably sounds silly to many readers and a waste of time and resources but recall that the radical homosexual activists were able to torpedo Dr Laura’s show because she refused to retract her correct views on the sin that is sodomy and homosexual relations.

VINDICATION: Mitter Chur, You Had A Have a Good Show Until Now That You Started Talking About Catholicism – Our long, national nightmare is over, the Obama Presidency, yay. So too is the calumny I have tried to cheerfully endure since realizing that our land’s problem was and is spiritual, not political, that even if it were political, the politics are but a symptom of the ultimate rot: a divorce from what tenuous attachment to public acts of faith, piety and holiness that remained. “You had a great career going until you let your religious [Catholic] views take over your show; you are now ruined and your wife and kids are embarrassed, Mike.” Said former friend and warrior Bill E. on one occasion after SiriusXM deemed me “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio“. “Face it, Mike, SiriusXM made a good business decision and you made terrible ones, spouting your Catholic views; they’re smart and you’re finished.” Said Peter. R. I could quote another thousand or so from the Judgement Pornosphere™ but that is sufficient to  make the point: The latest survey-notice NOT a poll- from the Pew Research Center shows that my calling was just and my guidance true. More importantly, we now know the gravity of the pagan world’s power and what we’re up against. From the Pew survey: “When it comes to the nation’s religious identity, the biggest trend during Obama’s presidency is the rise of those who claim no religion at all. Those who self-identify as atheists or agnostics, as well as those who say their religion is “nothing in particular,” now make up nearly a quarter of the U.S. adult population, up from 16% in 2007.” If you’re into statistics that is nearly a 50% gain, not bad if you’re an LGBTQrstlne worshipper or have filmed then publicized, murdering your 3 month old child at a Planned Parenthood clinic, but for “Christian” ‘Muricans, what other course of action was or is there knowing someday we’ll stand before God’s throne and have to answer: “WHAT did YOU do when/during….”

From Russia With Love – After Trump grudgingly conceded that the Russians had some role in “hacking” the 2016 election (N.B. NO ONE knows what, how, when etc), he has now been told that his wish to conduct peace with Putin et al is a dead letter. Senator Marco Rubio went so far as to accuse Putin of “war crimes” which is rich coming from a man who wants to re-invade Iraq because he sees no problem with the first tranche of 500,000 dead non-combatants. Patrick J Buchanan sees a way forward for Trump though: “Clearly, Trump hopes to work out with Putin the kind of detente that President Nixon achieved with Leonid Brezhnev. This should not be impossible. For, unlike the 1970s, there is no Soviet Empire stretching from Havana to Hanoi, no Warsaw Pact dominating Central Europe, no Communist ideology steering Moscow into constant Cold War conflict with the West. Russia is a great power with great power interests. But she does not seek to restore a global empire or remake the world in her image. U.S.-Russian relations are thus ripe for change.” The “War war war, bomb bomb bomb, kill kill kill” lusters in Congress and their think-tank and media buddies are going to provide a quick test of Trump’s resolve here. If “the era of nation building” is truly “over” as Trump pronounced in the campaign, he is going to need serious prayers. Let’s get started…

The “Deep State” Tries To Muscle Trump Off The $4.5 TRILLION BuffetGlenn Greenwald points out that “The Deep State” (sounds ominous! and it is) has set its vicious sights on the Trump Presidency in an attempt to stop it before it begins. This is unprecedented in American not just modern history and Greenwald tells us why. “But cheering for the CIA and its shadowy allies to unilaterally subvert the U.S. election and impose its own policy dictates on the elected president is both warped and self-destructive. Empowering the very entities that have produced the most shameful atrocities and systemic deceit over the last six decades is desperation of the worst kind. Demanding that evidence-free, anonymous assertions be instantly venerated as Truth — despite emanating from the very precincts designed to propagandize and lie — is an assault on journalism, democracy, and basic human rationality.” ‘Membah that on my show we daily pledge to seek and defend the Truth and as Greenwald shows, the errors that produced the warfare, welfare and Media Industrial Complex states cannot be used to correct what those errors have produced:L Trump. “Hold onto your butts” folks.

CNN “Mr President Elect Will You Answer Categorically State…?”, Trump “No, You’re #FakeNews!” – The Trumpzilla returned yesterday to the form that got him chosen as the RNC nominee and President, refusing to bow before the unelected members of Our Elite Ruling Master: The Has Been Media. CNN’s Jim Acosta was chosen as the coal-mine canary for the network to attempt to get Trump to answer a question but Trump chose to deflect Acosta a half dozen times (see video below). When Acosta insisted that he had some sort of privilege to be acknowledged by virtue of the fact that he was in the room, Trump, in cadence retorted, “your organization’s terrible”. This bubble-shattering, “you’re fired” moment will become known as “The Shout heard ’round the world” and the Has-Been Media indignant response was swift. The NY Times swiftly insisted that the White House Press Corps basically serves some Constitutional purpose and ultimately must be included in trump’s activities: “The treatment of Mr. Acosta raised alarms among news media advocates and his fellow journalists, particularly after Mr. Acosta described a threat by Mr. Spicer to eject him from the news conference when he persisted in trying to ask the president-elect a question. The National Press Club also lamented Mr. Trump’s behavior, saying in a statement: “Presidents shouldn’t get to pick and choose which reporters’ questions they will answer based on what news outlet for which they work.” “ Why not!? what rule or code of conduct is violated by avoiding assassins poisoned darts!? I continue to laud Trump’s treatment of “the media” as the hostile force they are. For over half a century these unelected snobs have sneered down their noses at everyone who is not them and changed the course of an entire nation’s history and culture in the process. Good riddance. What’s that old joke, “what do you call 1,000 reporters at the bottom of the sea…?”

“Where Are The White Women At?” – Cleavon Little belted this still infamous line out in Mel Brooks’ Blazing Saddles almost 40 years ago, were he to annunciate it today among the SJW crowd, he would be immediately targeted as an enemy of “real women” and the Black Lives Matter mob. Folks, you just can’t make this stuff up, witness this from the NY Times in a piece about “Contentious” women activists: “Ms. Willis, a 50-year-old wedding minister from South Carolina, had looked forward to taking her daughters to the march. Then she read a post on the Facebook page for the march that made her feel unwelcome because she is white. The post, written by a black activist from Brooklyn who is a march volunteer, advised “white allies” to listen more and talk less. It also chided those who, it said, were only now waking up to racism because of the election. “You don’t just get to join because now you’re scared, too,” read the post. “I was born scared.” Stung by the tone, Ms. Willis canceled her trip.” The error of “Ragged individualism” (yes, that is spelled correctly) is upon us. Funny how those who accuse

#FakeNews: The Has-Been Media Accuses Trump of Actually BEING A Russian Operative – The story that oozed from the demonic “news” outlet formerly known as CNN purports that 4 unidentified members of the Trump Campaign have been under surveillance and investigation since July for their collusion with the Russian government. The implication here is crystal clear: Trump is a Russian/Commie sympathizer who cannot be trusted so let him begin his “administration” under a cloud of suspicion that should lead to a “special prosecutor/investigator” being impaneled. In other words, stop Trump from doing what Trump has promised to do, even if that means recklessly slandering him in the process. David French offers this take on this turkey of a coup: “How can “Americans make up their own minds” when they have no ability to fact-check the allegations? The public knows nothing about the sources, nothing about the underlying claims, and has no means of discovering the truth. Buzzfeed admits that “there is serious reason to doubt the allegations.” It’s been using its journalistic resources trying to verify the claims for “weeks” and hasn’t been able to. But “Americans” can somehow do what Buzzfeed can’t? This isn’t transparency; it’s malice.” But is ANY of this substantiated by the actual facts? Are there such disgruntled Clinton/Obama hacks in the federal monstrosity that they would stoop to this level of subterfuge to preserve “progressivism’s gains”? If so, what does that say about HOW those gains were made, what good they bring about (none), when espionage and character assassination are needed to prop them up. Let’s just secede and get it over with, already.

#FakeNews II: Trump’s Special Counsel Calls BS – Michael Cohen one of the four alleged double agents mentioned above, denies that he has ever been to Prague in his life, much less been there to meet with the KGB and plot ‘Muricah’s doom.

#FakeNews III: Trumpzilla Is MORE Terrifying Than We Ruling Elites Have Imagined, Runnnnn For The Light Carol Anne!Then comes this hyperbolic shriek of literal terror from “writer” Anita Finlay who is so convinced that the greatest injustice in human history was committed in “denying” Mrs. Clinton her rightful Rule as Empress of the Americas! Folks, you just can’t make this stuff up: “More painful is that in their guilt, craven media operatives will continue to push revisionist history to blame Secretary Clinton for their own folly. Trump’s obfuscations about his possible business conflicts, his lack of transparency, Putin association, refusal to release his tax returns, Trump University scandal, Pam Bondi pay-to-play and more have been out there for many months. But a privileged Beltway class thought it more important to burn a qualified woman at the stake rather than treat the American people with dignity by regaling them with facts. Now we will pay the price. They won’t.” Wow, how ominous, we are all going “to pay” as if we haven’t “paid” under 16 years of Obama/Clinton tyranny. Good Lord, folks, there aren’t enough people praying Holy Rosaries ON EARTH to stave off this evil.

Angry, Ugly Women Unite To Plea For More Baby Killing – One of the most depressing things to witness in the era of the sexually perverted, confused and obsessed are the diabolical musings of so many women lusting for an increase in abortions i.e. baby killings. At least when the Aztecs did it, they had a purpose i.e. changing the weather, bringing good harvests etc, but what purpose does the never-ending wailing for increased abortion serve? I have previously written that perhaps The Fetus Dumpling Gang, led by Cher and Scarlett Johanssen, might erect an altar on The Mall at next Saturday’s “March for Women” and sacrifice a farm animal while reenacting one of the murder ceremonies from Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto. There, to the true demon-gods of the Americas, they can “pray” for more illicit sex followed by a rise in Planned Parenthood’s stock price. But seriously, this is disturbing, macabre behavior. As Heather Wilhelm points out, besides abortion, what exactly is the point? “The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us. We are confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national and international concern and fear.” The “left” is in an expanding state of disorder folks which should reinforce, in your minds, that a Return To Order is in play and more importantly that error can only produce more diabolical error.

The LGBTQrstlne Gaystappo Conquers National Geographic – The Orcs of gender have planted another flag in the editorial offices of a widely distributed, popular print magazine: National Geographic. Under the deceitful title: How Science Is Helping Us Understand Gender, NatGeo allows a petty, NY Times employed, hack (who previously wrote about “The Science of Death”) to promote the world-wide mutilation of anyone who’s ever had the thought that they aren’t “the gender I was born with”. This includes children and the author even goes so far as to publish a photograph of a 17 year old girl (see below) who suffered a double mastectomy so she can look like the boy the forces of Mammon tell her she is. Folks this madness is what our era is going to be remembered for and we better conform our minds to the reality that Satan has his sights set on our children and is unloading 90 caliber sex-Howitzers to gain their souls. Thankfully, there are doctors who have weighed in to demolish NatGeo’s diabolical capitulation.

“The final page of Henig’s article celebrates the mutilation of minor children with a full-page picture of a shirtless 17-year old girl who recently underwent a double mastectomy in order to “transition” to being a boy. Why do transgender ideologues consider it harmful to attempt to change such a child’s mind but consider it progress to display her bare, mutilated chest for a cover story? Transgender ideologues like Henig never address this ethical contradiction at the heart of their paradigm.” Folks, those who thought I was too heavy on this subject in 2015-16x now see why I rang and continue to ring the alarms. And BTW, this is NOT “an issue for the states to decide”. This has been decided by God and by his teaching long ago, what will we tell him at Judgement if we fail to spare thousands of souls from adapting this gender-bending apostasy? ht/t Rod Dreher

“Mitter Church, We Just Gotta Get Back To Da Contituthun!” Pt II – There are lots of books that now serve as pulp for the future publication of good books. You know the kind that are all title and “blurb” and no substance? To read a work that is not of this ilk and is actually important I suggest Bruce Frohnnen and George Carey’s “Constitutional Morality”, reviewed by Allen Mendenhall here. Frohnnen and Carey correctly make the case that there is no going back to the order established by “the framers” of the Constitution. That law has become so onerous and pernicious, detached from its Christendom forged moral anchors, that the way forward is from the ground up. But not the kind of “we the people” ground up, but rather a community based return to morality, privately engaged but in public.

The Judgement Pornosphere™ At Not So Golden Globes – “Hollywood” belches out a never-ending stream of mortally-sinful tripe, assisting tens of millions into fulfilling Our Lady’s promise from Fatima that “millions of souls will fall into Hell like snowflakes” but no matter! Actors have earned the right to act all actor-ie and pronounce what is good and what is bad, and President Trump is BAD, just ask Golden Glove, Lifetime Achievement Award winner Meryl Streep. In accepting her award for ACTING, Streep reminded the few people watching, that Trump allegedly made fun of a physically disabled reporter and it was beneath the dignity of the office of the Presidency. Never mind that Trump did not mock the reporter in question’s disability, Streep’s audience and “Hollywood” don’t bother with facts and why should they when manufacturing apostasy as entertainment is so much fun. If Streep wants to protect and defend the disabled, why not spend the moments of her speech denouncing the 4 black teenagers who planned the executed the diabolical plot to abduct then torture 18 year old Austin Hilbourn? Hillbourn’s mental disability and the real-life fact that he was targeted because he was white AND disabled is what actual hate-crime “acting” looks like, Ms Streep.

Facebook LIVE Provides ‘Muricans With The Ability To See REAL Violence, Not The Jason Bourne Kind, Yeah! – Our children will see the images of tens of thousands of people being killed by the time their twenty and yet some wonder why something like FaceBook LIVE would be used to broadcast the real-world equivalent of this and then the real-world consequences via comments. shares and “likes”. An average ‘Murican yewt will witness 200,000 acts of violence and 16,000 deaths on TV (according to a study done at the University of Michigan), this does not include video games. What else can possibly be the result of long-term exposure to the cult of death especially considering that The Church no longer exercises much authority to counteract the violence? The WaPo published an editorial questioning whether Facebook’s “LIVE” video streaming isn’t tailor made FOR the broadcast of hatred and violence. This is the world in which social media’s promotion of prideful obsession is taking us and short of a divine intervention, it is only going to get worse.

Will Doctors Go Trans Or Will They Go Carmelite – A woman who mistakenly believes she is a man, has sued a Catholic hospital to force them to violate their faith by assisting in her transition. The fact that doctors are now encouraging patients to physically mutilate their bodies is shocking enough, add to that the charge that people of faith must surrender that Faith and then ASSIST in the mutilation is the end of days. Here is the pertinent question: even IF a Federal Judge orders St John’s hospital to mutilate Jionni Conforti, can they actually compel a doctor and team of nurses to actually perpetrate the act? If so, the we are now at the threshold of red martyrdom and doctors may be the first to earn that crown.

Order YOUR copy of Mike Church’s “The Spirit of 76-The Story Continues”

But Mitter Chur! If We Can Juth Get Baaa To The Contitution…. – That’s the rallying cry from the abused, beleaguered but now allegedly ascendant “Tea Party-Constitutional Conservative”: “back to the constitution!” This is based on the ahistorical and misguided belief that ‘Muricah was “founded” as a Christian nation and even more wrong: that the Constitution enshrines and protects this Christianity. So sayeth the latest to fall for this David Bartonian, urban legend, the International Christian Concern *(ICC), ICC now claims, correctly, that ‘Muricah is a “nation” that has joined the rest of the secular world in persecuting Christians. But don’t worry, citizen supporter of guns and Trump, our Founders gave us the Constitution and its foundational edict to protect the faith, the First Amendment. ICC erroneously asserts: “The Founders carefully and deliberately placed religious freedom as the first liberty because it encompasses several fundamental rights including thought, speech, expression, and assembly. The First Amendment explicitly grants freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. The essential aim is to  protect the right of citizens to practice religion in the public square.” First off the First Amendment is an afterthought and was aimed at the Federal Government only and did no such thing as is plainly evidence that being Catholic in Maryland or Rhode Island at the time of ratification, was illegal. For an entertaining and historically accurate view of this, get my CD set: The Spirit of ’76-The Story Continues.

Dapper Dan Beats Cargo Shorts & Crocks – “Clothes make the man” used to be a prized, adhered to adage that drove men and women to dress with great modesty and respect when entering the public square. No man in a Cary Grant/Hitchcock movie would be caught dead without a spagetti tie and blazer and no woman without a modest dress cut at below the knee length. Yet today, if you dare to cache into a Fourbucks coffee shop your eyes will be assaulted by peasants, sluts and hoboes in all manner of undress and some even cavorting about in pajamas. John Horvat (Return to Order) points out that this is yet another sign of a sick, deranged society. Dress also impacts business! “Prof. Michael Kraus compared the results of two groups of men, one wearing business suits and dress shoes and another in sweatpants, T-shirts, and plastic sandals. Those in the two groups were told to negotiate the sale of a hypothetical factory and were given leeway to make concessions. The men in suits conceded an average of $860,000 off the list price of the factory as compared with concession of $2.81 million for those in the sweatpants. The researchers found that those better-dressed behaved with more control; they elicited more respect and exuded more confidence.” Time to bow-tie and vest up, lose the cargo shorts, tank tops and Crocs gentlemen, the era of the Sharp Dressed Man has returned.

Texas Has Gone Carmelite Will DeceptiCONS Follow?A Federal judge has ruled that Dear Leaders’ “perverts have rights to your children” Executive Order does not have to be enforced in Texas, thus liberating 9 year old girls from having to use the potty with 43 year old perverts claiming to be men. Yay, Texas! When asked for comment, Ezra Young of the Transgender Legal & Education Fund said “Judge O’Connor’s conclusion that transgender people and persons who have had abortions are somehow excepted from protection is deeply troubling, legally specious, and morally repugnant”. Oh that’s rich, claiming that you have moral superiority when you are promoting and defending total denial of the law of Nature and of Nature’s God.  Folks, these people continue to need our prayers to overcome these mental disorders but beware, they seek the political power to exact our total surrender and nothing less; Carmelites, beware.

Social Media’s Judgement Pornospohere™ Is Coming For You – The British Anthology TV Show Black Mirror has opened at least 2 windows into the very near and very bleak future that social media is about to unleash on the Western prideful. The episode called “Nosedive” is so well-made and provocative on the subject, despite the language and vulgarity issues, I encourage all of you to watch it (it is available via Netflix and other outlets). The Atlantic has a pretty good review of this episode as a primer but let me add: if you know someone who has become addicted to their keyboard and Facebook life, then you know a Lacey. “The idea that a society where everyone is forced to be pleasant and agreeable all the time becomes a nightmare underpins Lois Lowry’s The Giver, where “sameness” gets rid of emotional and physical pain but also eradicates individualism and free will. So the parts of “Nosedive” where Lacie learns to embrace being honest (thanks to the assistance of a grizzled truck driver ex machina played by Cherry Jones) felt far more predictable than the scenes that imagine how future societies could punish people simply for being unpleasant. Lacie’s coworker, blacklisted by colleagues after a breakup, can’t physically enter his office after his rating drops below 3.5.” Watch this episode if you have Netflix here, the trailer is below.

The Sick, BIG, Murican Bidness of War, War, War, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Kill, Kill, KillNBC News reports on something readers and listeners already know: war is a racket and the business of unjustly killing non-combatants and assisting the rest of the world in doing the same thing is a stain upon humanity that the U.S. Government engages in with shocking success. I am listing the top 5 “Contractors” to the U.S. Government below and note they are all “defense contractors”. Folks the numbers below are BILLIONS of dollars and should give any Christian citizen pause, knowing what is being done with those dollars. This too shall all end in tears.  LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION  $36,259,911,070.83
THE BOEING COMPANY $16,646,781,379.52
RAYTHEON COMPANY $13,114,246,704.69

90,000 Christians Went Carmelite in 2017…Oh Look An LGBTQ “Right” Was Trampled!A Vatican radio report reveals that an estimated 90,000 Christians were murdered for their faith in 2017 making followers of Christ the most persecuted religious in the world. While this occurs we are daily regaled with ridiculous claims about “assaults” on the “rights” of the “transgender community” or “LGBTQ community” that rarely involve any type of violence. Now of course this is not a surprise but that doesn’t make the reality of the fact that Christian martyrs are still being made by the thousands any less reprehensible. Meanwhile The West obsesses over defending the “right” to kill the soon to be born and promotes behavior that these same Christian martyrs gave their lives to charitably bring an end to. This is yet another reason to consider supporting Brother Alexis Bugnolo’s Ordo Militaris and taking the defense of the faithful into the hands on 21st century CRUSADERS.

The Article V Convention That Mark Levin Claims To Have Invented Gains Steam – On April 09, 2010, I, Kevin Gutzman, Bruce Fein, Randy Barnett and the late Tony Blankley hosted a “Symposium On A Federal Solution for a Federal Crisis-An Article V Amendment Convention”book available here. In this meeting we answered the objections raised against an Article V effort and proposed 10 amendments that convention could offer to repair our ailing Constitution. Now comes Texas Governor Greg Abbott proposing 9 amendments to the Constitution and among them are some of those proposed by our Symposium in 2010, mirabile dictu (speak of miracles)! Abbott’s amendments all make sense AND the fact that ‘Muricans are having Article V conversations in increasing numbers is a good sign for our beleaguered, festering “republic”. My hope is that Article V enthusiasm can be used to encourage taking on the necessary task of remaking the ‘Murican Union.

Facebook Live, For Beating The Trump Out of You – Remember when Obama was elected and we were told he’d be the first “post-racial” President-that Hope and Change were coming and that all men would come to love each other? Remember that column written by Gerald Warner “This Will All End In Tears” (quoted above)? Now comes this video from “Facebook Live” that shows 4 yewts, one of them a young black woman, who have bound and gagged a young white male, beating and flogging him while demanding he say “f**k Donald Trump”. This shocking level of depravity is part of the legacy that President Obama leaves behind, a virtual trail of tears that far too many will revel in via social media.

It’s January 2017 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limitsI have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”

The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 23 weeks old today. To see another 23 weeks of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!

The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid ThinkingRead this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”

For an audio version of Jefferson’s [r]epublicanism via Project ’76 Webisode, click here

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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