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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
Sapientia et Veritas – “No Christianity, however ignorant or extravagant, ever suggested that a duke would not be damned. In pagan society there may have been (I do not know) some such serious division between the free man and the slave. But in Christian society we have always thought the gentleman a sort of joke, though I admit that in some great crusades and councils he earned the right to be called a practical joke. But we in Europe never really and at the root of our souls took aristocracy seriously. It is only an occasional non-European alien (such as Dr. Oscar Levy, the only intelligent Nietzscheite) who can even manage for a moment to take aristocracy seriously. It may be a mere patriotic bias, though I do not think so, but it seems to me that the English aristocracy is not only the type, but is the crown and flower of all actual aristocracies; it has all the oligarchical virtues as well as all the defects. It is casual, it is kind, it is courageous in obvious matters; but it has one great merit that overlaps even these. The great and very obvious merit of the English aristocracy is that nobody could possibly take it seriously.
In short, I had spelled out slowly, as usual, the need for an equal law in Utopia; and, as usual, I found that Christianity had been there before me. The whole history of my Utopia has the same amusing sadness. I was always rushing out of my architectural study with plans for a new turret only to find it sitting up there in the sunlight, shining, and a thousand years old. For me, in the ancient and partly in the modern sense, God answered the prayer, “Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings.“– Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Anti Trumpzilla Hysteria Hits New Low: Dump Trump Because He Might Talk To Vladirmir Putin – Folks you can’t make this stuff up. Our friends at the have unloaded all available ammo on Trumpzilla including this hysteria driven screed from Paul David Miller that NO AMERICAN should support Trump because “In December, Trump openly admired Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling him a “strong leader.” Putin is, of course, a dictator…”. So “open admiration” of homosexuals is cool and must be observed, including by “conservatives” but “open admiration” of the President of the largest armed force “enemy” is verbotten. Question: how many countries has President Putin invaded causing the death of hundreds of thousands and the destruction of entire country-wide infrastructures?
Anti Trumpzilla II – Now comes Rod Dreher, the solon of “christian conservatism” at the American Conservative Magazine with a lampoon of the Lintany Prayer aimed at Trump voters. Apparently Dreher doesn’t know that the Litany prayer is an ancient product of the Catholic Church and that there are but 7 current “official” litany prayers recognized by the Magisterium. Litany prayers are reverent invocations for the intercession of Our Lord, Our Lady and the Saints. This should place the Litany prayer above the reach of satire but alas, Orthodoxy is not practiced very often these days.
Anti Trumpzilla III – Now comes MBD positing that Trumpzilla’s flame will burn out and the GOP faithful will ultimately be successful in saddling him with their warts and baggages.
Whither The Ideal Presidential Candidate? – John Horvat bemoans the reality that ‘Muricah cannot produce a decent, modest and humble leader for the Presidency. “The ideal candidate, who is not running, should be a representative character that perceives the principles, moral qualities, and virtues desired and needed by the nation and dares to translate them into concrete programs of life and culture … and does so quickly.”
The Empire Will Strike Back With Debt & Enslavement For All – The “Establishment” has now heard the revolter’s plea for equanimity and found it wanting. Still, they’ve plotted a counter measure of increased debt, centralization and WW III. That the train wreck these diabolical creeps have visited on the rest of the planet that exists outside their jurisdictions is emblematic of the scope of their unrequited power.
Trumpzilla To GOP: Treat Me Well Or I’ll Run 3rd Party – Remember that pledge that Trumpzilla signed back in September that he would endorse the eventual GOP nominee and would not run as a 3rd party candidate? Well, if GOP’ers keep rigging debates and promoting the ineligible Marco Rubio, Trump’s claim that they have violated the compact is interesting when we consider that the Federal Constitution is a compact that has been micturated upon so many times its words are not even legible.
Slick Hilly Voters Actually Want FEMA To Build Those Internment Camps – We’ve all heard the InfoWars claim that FEMA has erected death camps across the US and kidnaps ‘Muricans from their sleep, throws them on camoflouged trains for transport to the nearest camp, right? Well, did you know that a significant number of Slick Hilly voters (24%) are all cozy and snuggly with Japanese Internment camps!?
DeceptiCONNED – The Bill Kristol DeceptiCON Industrial Complex is bolting the GOP they invaded in 1976 for their true home, the Dumbocrat Party and their war-hawk candidate who survives: Slick Hilly Clinton. DeceptiCON Robert Kagan has supported events that featured this statement that the party is wrongly composed of people who keep quoting John Quincy Adams’ plea that “Muricah “not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy”. “And I disagree with voices in my own party who argue that we should not engage at all, who warn that we should heed the words of John Quincy Adams not to go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. I disagree, because all around us, we see the human face of America’s influence. It actually begins not with our government, but with our people.”
When Hell Freezes Over II: Slick Hilly Will NOT Be The Next President – Patrick J Buchanan posits that Slick Hilly is the conceited, entitled, political anathema I have been telling you she is and that for all the warts and scars, Donald Trump is not. ‘Muricans do not want another Bush and they don’t want another Clinton, matter of fact they don’t want anyone from either “establishment”. This portends the result of Election 2016: Trumpzilla humiliates Slick Hilly Clinton FTW.
Toward a humane [r]epublic – The American Conservative Magazine’s editors herald the end of “neo-liberalism” and hope for the rise of a “humane republic”. Note the lower case [r] in “republic and be encouraged that we are not the only Remnants we have been waiting for. “The ideal candidate, who is not running, should be a representative character that perceives the principles, moral qualities, and virtues desired and needed by the nation and dares to translate them into concrete programs of life and culture … and does so quickly.”
It Was Thursday Night But It Was Not “Must See TV” – The GOP Debate last eve devolved into an insult contest worthy of grade-school playgrounds. Watch this video with a bowl of popcorn and a tall glass of Bourbon, neat, you’ll need it to conform your mind to the reality that there are no statesmen left and we truly are, as John Kennedy Toole posited, a Confederacy of Dunces.
DeceptiCONNED: Leviathan Orders Apple To Do The Job It Squanders $260 Billion Per Year to Not Do – While the playground insult contest was raging on CNN last night, Apple Computer was waging a heroic battle to scream “To Arms, To Arms!, the federal government is Coming!” If the FBI is granted the power to force Apple to write a software program to make hacking their products possible, what is it they cannot force you and I to do in our businesses? It is beyond time to divorce this abusive spouse we never gave our consent to wed. S E C E D E
DeceptiCONNED – Now the buzz in the race for the Throne, 2016 Edition, includes the “conservative” grumbling that they are so unhappy with their choices that it is necessary to field a 3rd party…nay, “conservative party” candidate to topple Trumpzilla and take ‘Muricah back for “conservatives. I would ask the question, WHAT is a Conservative and WHERE you might capture such an animal and then con him into prostrating himself in front of the Judgement Pornosphere™, only to be savaged by Trumpzilla and spied upon and libeled by the Clinton machine. Sorry, but St Vincent of Saragossa has been dead for 1600 years.
Dude Looks Like A Lady & You Will Go To Prison For Opening A Door For Her You Christian Bigot! – Today’s guest, Stella Morabito has written extensively about the cult-war the LGBTQC…. “community” is waging against Christian, public expressions of faith. This has manifested itself in the latest diabolical phase as the insistence that any separation of the genders in public places is, according gto Slikc Hilly: “This legislation is disturbing, shocking, and outrageous. It serves no other purpose than to directly attack transgender children and could have catastrophic consequences. The Senate must stop this vile legislation dead in its tracks.”
Today’s Guest E Michael Jones and the Culture Wars – Today we feature my interview with E. Michael Jones, publisher of Culture Wars Magazine. Check out the Veritas et Sapientia from today for a sample of what you’ll find on Jones’ Culture War magazine site.
The Dead Get Eaten By Sharks, The FBI Are Sharks – The headline at The Atlantic reads: Apple Is Right: The FBI Wants to Break Into Lots of Phones. Yes sir, we called that one, now explain the 53% of nitwits who WANT Apple to serve Mamon and his Mordor on the Potomac’s wishes. Chesterton said “only the living swim upstream while the dead float with the current”; which of the two are the 53%?
Trumpzilla Passes The Come Line In Vegas Caucus – Not only did Trumpzilla win the Nevada Caucus, he deflated the imbecilic balloon filled with the noxious hot-air that Tedley CruzRight or Marco Ineligibilio could provide an argument against Trump that would turn the momentum and Trump voters their way. The storyline that Truth requires us to conform our minds to says that GOP voters no longer believe the party’s standard-bearers when they make campaign promises having been chastened by what is done with those promises. The REAL takeaway though is the fact that the Leviathan has become too large and has too many tentacles to tame by the political process that created it. It is time to jettison this Establishment and start anew folks, join our conversation on this on the Crusade Channel TODAY!
The Great Apostate Nation of ‘Muricah, By The Numbers – This very lengthy essay at the AmConMag site (from the Feb print issue) provides the hard data details on the decline of Christian culture and Christian behavior in ‘Muricah since 1970. The conclusion the author reaches is that a “Christian party” is not surprising coming from a party regular: The GOP must provide more and more room for “non-Christians” and thus the party must adapt to “same-sex marriage” etc. This gentleman’s effort is precisely WHY we must make the break with Mordor, the corrupt excuse for a union and get to the organization of new republics and or federations. S E C E D E
MBD Throws In With the “Conservative Strength Through Elections” Crowd That Produced Trump – Now, MBD proceeds from the POV that the current electoral system had somehow previously produced “conservatism” and therefore can produce it and “conservative” principles in the future, but where do we find the evidence for these claims, Sir? In our “culture” which currently produces the next generation of voters who then become “conservative” lawmakers. The fact is that when the pieces of “I’ll Take My Stand” were written the “knell of the Union” had already been rung, loud for all to hear.
2016 “Race For The White House”, This Is As Good As It Gets Folks – Fr. Dwight Longenecker reflects on the recent zeitgeist of unethical louts in nice suits we call presidential candidates: “Faced in 2016 with a disappointing array of presidential candidates who eerily reflect the decadence, arrogance, and ignorance of our electorate, the essay made for depressing reading on Presidents’ Day during the overheated run up to the South Carolina primary.”
The Bush Family’s Comedic Circle Is Now Complete – M.E. Bradford wrote about James Madison’s “comic circle”; that Madison had so coveted what HE thought was the perfect government for all ‘Muricans to live under that he neglected to consider that they may not agree and was thus the Madison plan was largely rejected at Philadelphia. In the same way the Bush family plan to have Jeb continue the family business of looting the citizens for the CIA and Boeing’s benefit ran into a population that refused to assent, thus completing the Bush family’s, Madison-like, comic circle.
Tedly CruzRight Under Fire Fore Being an Eligible Jerk – In 4 or 8 years Theodore Rafael Cruz will still be ineligible for the Presidency but perhaps he may have found the graces of humility and justice that would prevent his candidacy and, sans an amendment, the unethical tactics he has employed.
The Culture of Death Becomes Cult of Peeping Toms – For what reason would a pervert want to have legal access to the restrooms and showers of the opposite sex? Studying demographics? Conducting survey’s on toilet paper etiquette, “over or under”? To answer the question we’d first have to revive the term “pervert” to its former infamy and then reassert that perverts are sexual deviants. While this might get us kicked off the development team for Mozilla’s Firefox, it could as likely prevent assorted perverts from committing lewd acts in public restrooms after legislative bodies succumb to the latest blackmail threats from the LGBT “communities”. That entire Christian communities have abandoned the endangered souls of homosexuals to Beazelbub is troubling, that few dare to even counseling concern, is apostasy.
Natural Born Citizen Hissy Fit – Washington Examiner writer Daniel Chait throws a written temper-tantrum that Publius Huldah – a pen name to be sure – had the unmitigated gall to present a historical account of what Natural Born Citizen meant to those who ratified the Constitution. Chait’s complaint is that only “real… litigation….attorneys” should be allowed to discuss such matters, mere citizens, concerned about the Constitution as ratified being micturated upon, need to turn to their elite ruling, legal masters to answer such questions….peasants.
The Publius Huldah YouTube Video that Trump has tweeted as a “slam dunk” is here.
Trumpzilla Vanquishes Bush – Those that thought the Trumpzilla fad was just that, a fad, have now had to eat so much sour crow they may be considering a fast from pundit-works. Kasich and Carson’s longevity makes the “conservative” rally around Tedley Cruzright or Marco Ineligibilio Rubio more difficult.
Insanity: We Must Understand Trumpzilla, So We Can Preserve ‘Muricah – Allan Jacobs pleads with official conservativedumb to work harder to gain an undestanding of the phenomena that is the Trump Voter. This is now going to be the mantra we’re going to hear when we mistakenly turn on the Fox News/Talk-Radio Industrial Complex.
Trumpzilla Is “For ‘Muricah” & That’s Why ‘Muricans Love Him – Timothy P. Carney has been following the Trump campaign for a few weeks and reports that the rise of Trumpism (if indeed Trump can be bottled into an “ism”) may portend an end to the “era of ideology”. As I have told the radio show audience for years, ideology is NOT something to aspire to politically and that it is closely related to Nazi-like stoicism. Yes, I realize using the “N” word means I have lost the debate, but in this instance, an understanding of why the modern Stoics become Nazis and Communists illuminates the “danger” sign we should see flashing on our Road to Perdition.
[Editor’s note] “You can’t replace something with nothing” the saying goes. The “something” is the current ‘Murican, ideological economic and industrial model that features a corporatism unseen in human history, a judicial system that institutionalizes diabolical perversions and a citizen model that promotes the fallacy that democracy delivers political power to all. Our quest in this Distributionism dialogue is to discuss and recommend a way forward that leaves the current corrupt system behind and is “replaced” by what Wilhelm Ropke called a “Humane Economy”. Alan Carlson relays the following from Ropke’s “What’s Wrong With The World” as our model village/society: “He described a real village of about three thousand people with nearby farmsteads in the Bern Mittelrand, a place that combined artisans’ shops, small facto- ries, a brewery, a dairy for cheese, a “highly tasteful” bookstore, and “a great collection of obviously thriving crafts and crafts- men.” He added “that the whole place is remarkable for its cleanliness and sense of beauty; its inhabitants dwell in houses which anyone might envy; each garden is lovingly and expertly tended; [and] antiq- uity is protected…. This village is our ideal translated into a highly concrete reality.” Your sugestions and comments are welcome. [- Mike Church]
The “Third Way” In Economics, Written By Wilhelm Röpke, Is Distributist – Joseph Stromberg analyzed Wilhelm Röpke’s advice for post WWII Germany and finds a close relationship between John Taylor of Caroline County and G.K. Chesterton.
Ten Pages To Begin Our Discussion: [r]epublicanism of Jefferson & Taylor Leads To Distributism – Allan Carlson tackled the subject we are having a symposium on here on the Mike Church Show and on this site which expllores the question of replacing the rotten “something” with something beautiful and tried. Allan_Carlson_Ropke_and_Distrobutism
It’s The Distributism Stupid – This is a campaign slogan that will go nowhere in today’s ‘Muricah but will, I believe, go a great distance in clearing our minds and intellects of the “free-market capitalism” we have been bludgeoned with since birth. This writer contrasts the writing and works of two of the 20th century’s most prolific writers AND movers of Men: Chesterton and the meek and humble Doris Day. Both saw what Ropke saw: man cannot build and live in loving, Christian societies when entity driven profit is the desideratum of society over the desideratum of loving one another and the Lord Our God.
Apple Computer And The 1798 Virginia Assembly: Liberty Martyrs Separated By Time – You have to hand it to the CEO of Apple (full disclosure, I have prayed for Mr Cook’s conversion and turn away from homosexuality) Tim Cook who is making a principled, heroic stand against Leviathan’s manufactured ruse of “national security”. Cook has refused a court order to fork over the encryption codes that safeguard iPhones so the Feds can crack the San Bernardino murderers iPhone and “prevent future terror attacks”. But like the VA Assembly of 1798-99, the body that deliberated and then boldly opposed the Alien & Sedition Acts, not one single state followed the courage of their Virginian brothers in revolution; the revolution at that moment was D E D dead. Now, not one single company of Apple’s stature has followed the commerce-child of Steve Jobs’ proper action, how sad but how predictable! It’s corpse now haunts the entire planet and has possessed most of its population into automotron like servility when the Specter howls: OBEY! Cook says: “The United States government has demanded that Apple take an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers. We oppose this order, which has implications far beyond the legal case at hand.”
The Story of Hitler’s Martyr – The story of Franz Jågerstatter, executed by the Nazis for his refusal to serve in Hitler’s army, is a recent example that doing the right thing, as expounded above, but only receiving a heavenly reward. Make no mistake, few will join our CRUSADE against the illegitimate wars the USA wages, the question you must ask: can your soul continue status quo, knowing the atrocities continue with our partial imprimatur.
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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