Pile Of Prep

Monday Prep-If You’re Truly Pro-Life, Then You’re No “Death Wish” Vigilante Booster

todayNovember 30, 2015 6


Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. The Holidays begin in earnest this week with the season of Advent now in full swing. Of course, Mike’s Mele Keleke Make Opening theme song returns as do his slate of great Christmas songs including Grandma Got Run Over by Obama. “This question of whether Europe is still capable of carrying a transcendence that gives meaning to our action -this question, I say, because it is the most spiritual of all, is also the most carnal. It is not only to give one’s life; it is also to give life. That is the question I put to you at last. You are Romans, but do you have strong reasons that Saint Peter’s will not suffer the same fate as the Hagia Sophia? You are Italian, but are you able to fight for the Divine Comedy, or are you ashamed that in Inferno, Canto 28, Dante dares to put Mohammed in hell?” –Fabrice Hadjadj,  French, Catholic philosopher

PRO LIFE LEADERS : WE DON’T ESPOUSE VIGILANTES – Today’s guest from LifeSiteNews.com John Jalsevac has the Planned Parenthood shooting covered from top to bottom including the denouncements of vigilante murder by Pro-Life leaders.

The OxyMoron of Homosexuality – If the quote above by Philosopher Fabrice Hadjadj intrigues you then this review of his philosophic work on the “oxymoron” of homosexuality might be thrilling: “While our society typically frames sexuality around the theme of pleasure, Hadjadj argues that this approach is mistaken. Integral to sexuality is the difference and relation between the sexes. In light of this, ‘homosexuality’ is an oxymoronic term: where no relationship between the sexes exists there is no sexuality, just the conscription of the sexual organs for alternative ends.”

Death-Wish-1974PRO-LIFERS, ARE PRO-LIFE, NOT PRO-MURDER – You would think the plain, simple language used in this headline would be all that is needed to dismiss the ridiculous assertion that because some Pro-Lifers (full disclosure, that number includes y/t) call abortion “murder”, that makes us promoters of violence against abortionists who “lay their lives on the line everyday”. To use an “anonymous source” (still not confirmed) that the David Daleidan Planned Parenthood exposes are now responsible for the very violence they intended to eliminate is dishonest at BEST and downright libelous at worst.

ObamaCONNED or DeceptiCONNED in Syria? Patrick J Buchanan wants to know whether the White House (Buchanan never goes there but I wonder of Ryan/McCain et al were in on this?) gave the green light for the Turks to shoot down one of Putin’s jets? Has anyone thought through the ramifications of siding with the Muslim Turks against Putin/Russia and Syria? Has anyone given serious consideration to the possibility that these events are linked to begin WWIII? Why is it Vlad the Impaler seems to be the only State leader practicing any kind of Just War Theory operations!?

Memo To “Liberal Catholics”: HIV in Africa won’t be cured by “putting a sock on it” –  This could only come from heretics, actually scratch that, from imbeciles who happen to be heretics: The HIV epidemic in Africa will be cured when Pope Francis ends the “stupid ban” on “condoms” and tells the unfaithful to “sock up” before having Magisterial-mocking sex! Perhaps the protagonists in the following screed should practice and marital Chastity, and not worry about what “side-dishes” crave? “Margarett” is a sex worker and is infected with HIV. (Her name has been changed to protect her identity.) Whenever she can, she says, she uses condoms because she wants to stop the spread of the disease. Unlike St. Peter’s Church, the Catholic church she attends encourages everyone to use condoms. The pastors in Margarett’s church say that even those in a committed relationship should use contraception—you don’t know if your partner has a ‘side dish.’

NEWSFLASH To The ATLANTIC: There were Catholics in ‘Muricah long before Irish catholics immigrated in the mid 1800’s – the same time as our ‘Murican Islamic brethren stopped by to assimilate and worship St Abe – yet this doesn’t stop the author from ridiculously tying bigotry as a custom to our sensible and very Christian wariness to import hundreds of thousands of potentially lethal heretics into our midst. Worse yet is the sad claim that the Kids Are All Right because “most Muslims deny ISIS’ radical interpretation of the Koran”, apparently not knowing anything of Orthodox Islam and the Hell on Earth its “peaceful practicers” rained down upon Christendom for 1,100 years.

DRIVE TO WORK, BECOME A “CLIMATE TERRORIST” – Some things you just can’t make up and then don’t want to believe humanity is capable of doing or saying when they appear. Take CNN blogger John Sutter who claims today that:”We humans, however, are excellent at ignoring long-term global problems — like climate change. We focus on what’s right in front of us. The recent terror attacks are tragic, and many lives will never be the same because of them. They should not be minimized. But climate change is another form of terror — and it’s one we’re wreaking on ourselves.” [emphasis mine-MC]

David Harsanyi: Since when is being Islamic considered being part of a separate “race”? This piece is in-line with my thinking and show content on the matter viz Islam needs to be treated as a theology and thus a theological problem and has nothing to do with the race of the “believer” or groups of “believers” being discussed. “There is a shockingly obvious reason for this incongruity: Islam is not the same as Catholicism or Judaism—or Lutheranism or Calvinism or Buddhism or atheism, for that matter.”

Turkey-a-CONNED – How the fairy tale of lovely pilgrims, beneficently preparing and dining with neanderthal-like Indians at “The First Thanksgiving” came about.

“What Child Is This”, Why It is Savior of ‘Muricans, The Bill of RightsIndiana town will display a “nativity scene” featuring Jefferson, Washington and Franklin huddled around a manger that contains the Bill of Rights. Now do you see the “theocracy” that ‘Muricah has become, complete with the Lincoln and Jefferson Temples, the Washington prayer Tower and now the Constitution’s appendages elevated as Sacred. Look for misguided vets to doff their hats and place a hand over heart while chanting the State Religions Credo “The Pledge of Allegiance”

“The Joy of ISIS” – Is not just a catchy headline to bait-click you into supplying revenue to “blogs” that in more sane times, would not exist; the title is a sub-channel on my recent theme of explaining the modern Jihad as the theological problem it is, in this instance, that Jihad, unlike say, Mormonism, offers a certain joy for its diabolic adherents. These same followers, thanks to the near non-existent state of orthodox Catechism, have no “Joyful” alternative in the super-market of heretical choices. And that’s the thing about Heresies, they offer a less, ostensibly, reverent path to heaven. The only problem is, Heresies offer no such thing but do guarantee the payoff slated for miners of Iron Pyrite. As St Alphonsus Ligouri says of the attraction and longevity of some Heresies: “…it is easy to see that they are upheld, not by the love of truth, but either by popular ignorance, or relaxation of morals.”


Written by: TheKingDude

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