The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Today’s Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today’s Mike Church Show!
Veritas et Sapientia – “I am quite disgusted with America, but what can I say that has not been said. It is so obviously a Marxist Communist revolution wherein all vestiges of the nation’s past must be destroyed…history, religions, family, innocence of children, customs…all, all, all. So we keep praying for help and light.” – Dr. James M., CRUSADE Channel Listener
Lockdowns Hit Minority Businesses, A Study Says 41% of Black Business Owners Disappeared in April – The Lockdown Governors Have Some ‘Splaining To Do To BLM Don’t They?
A Shocking Eye-Witness Account Of What’s Really Happening During The Seattle Riots – A National Guardsman’s Eyewitness Account of What Antifa/#BLM Hell Looks Like From The Inside
85% Of Independent Restaurants May Go Out Of Business By The End Of 2020 – I Reported On This Back In The Last Week of March As A Possibility IF “Lockdowns” Began, Well Here Ya Go.
Welcome To Your New World Order: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity Amid The Newest Cultural Revolution – This is a chronological recap of the madness of the AntiFa – Black Lives Matter, Communist Revolution.
The Second Wave Covid Scare – The CoronaHoax™ crowd, clinging to their deceitful narrative of virus armageddon -that NEVER materialized – now parade about “spikes” in positive tests without EVER publishing new hospitalizations which are FLAT!
To Citizens Wearing Medical Masks: You’re Whacko Conspiracy Theorists – I’m Going To Try This AGAIN & Agree With John Rappaport: Wearing A Surgical Mask In Public Makes You Victim of a PsyOp & NO Healthier!
NASCAR driver Ray Ciccarelli says He’s Leaving at End of the Season, Citing Disagreement With Flag Policy – His Grammar & Spelling Aren’t All That But Ciccarelli Isn’t Making Money For NSACAR Elites To Give To BLM=HEROIC!
The Crowd That Booed Jacob Frey Is On The Cusp Of Controlling The Democratic Party – Watch The Video Emily Jasshinski EMbeds In Her Report & SEE That Those Gathering For These “Protests” Repeat WHATEVER The Mob Leader Shouts, Regardless of What That Might Be; They Are Demonically Guided.
New Tenochtitlan Police Union Boss Mike O’Meara Goes Peter Finch on Antifa Drunk Media – O’Meara, president of the New York State Association of Police Benevolent Associations Said He Is “Proud To Be A Cop….& Will Be Til The Day I Retire!”
Truck Drivers Reject Delivery To Cities With Defunded Or Disbanded Police – Scroll To The Bottom of This Story and Watch The Looters Rob a MOVING Train Of Hundreds of Flat Panel TV’s.
If you want to say something completely stupid that has the added benefit of being a whopper of a lie then say that Confederate soldier’s statues must be destroyed because the Confederates “committed treason”. As Thomas D. Lorenzo explains (again!) that is the biggest lie ever told about the “Civil War”.
Article 3, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution defines treason as follows: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort” (emphasis added). The all-important words here are “them” and “their,” signifying that, as in all of the founding documents, the words “United States” are always in the plural, meaning the free and independent states, not something called “the United States government in Washington, D.C.” After all, it was the citizens of the free and independent states, as they are called in the Declaration of Independence, that delegated certain powers to the federal government, as delineated in Article 1, Section 8. They defined treason in this way to attempt to assure that the powers of the federal government, which they had delegated for their mutual benefit, would not be used against them by means of a military invasion. Levying war upon any of the free and independent states is the “only” definition of treason in the U.S. Constitution.
Read the whole thing and for extra credit get a copy of mine and Dr. Brion McClanahan’s book “Is Davis A Traitor” in the Founders Tradin’ Post!
Tonight, we will broadcast Gone With The Wind for all the world to hear the audio portion of this cinematic masterpiece.
Tonight, the @VeritasRadioNet will broadcast #GoneWithTheWind to anyone who wishes to hear it and you can hear for your self, the historic charm & artistry that made this film the most popular in history!
— Mike “The KingDude” Church (@TheKingDude) June 12, 2020
From my Twitta:
BREAKING: On May 27 I urged @realDonaldTrump to move the RNC to #Jacksonville out of wretched Cooper’s #NorthCarolina & predicted he would make that move. Tonight @GOPChairwoman CONFIRMS my prediction! Shouldn’t YOU be listening to my show every morning?!
— Mike “The KingDude” Church (@TheKingDude) June 12, 2020
Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!
Who Is Mike Church? Mike Church is the most aggressive yet charming promoter of using radio and TV media to restore Christian Order and promote God, Family and Country, on daily talk-radio & TV, in the U.S. today. Using his razor sharp wit and broadcast skills honed through 26 years in the business, there’s simply no other voice as unique and effective as Mike’s in all of broadcasting. Read the entire Mike Church Story as told by internationally renowned author Christopher Ferrara, a regular guest on The Mike Church Show, here.
Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day.
“Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.”
Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.
It’s June 2020 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”
The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 54 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
Same Awesome Show For West Coast Morning Drive
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Year That Was Anno Domini MMXXI
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
If You Missed The Live! Morning Drive Version
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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