The Mike Church Show

‘Muricah Needs a Cult With Authority And Mike Knows Exactly Where to Get One!

todayMarch 14, 2018 7


Mandeville, LA – Why must DeceptiCONS use the word “war” so often? (uhhhh, because they like war) Now we’re hearing non-stop Decepti-babble over President Trump’s “Trade WAR” and the horrors it will bring to the unemployed. Mike reminds listeners that the “Free” part of “free trade” hardly ever works out for the benefit of the receiving party. Plus the blogger Andrew Sullivan is starting to sound like a Catholic i training. Doctor Wacasey also makes an appaerance and talks!
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Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE


Hogs For The Cause – during Lent

Latin Mass Society after Mass yesterday – vending meat products on a Friday in Lent


HEADLINE: CNN’s Upcoming Series on the Pope Features theChurch’s Critics and Agitates for Change by Lauretta Brown


HEADLINE: Rowan Williams Teams Up With Atheist Richard Dawkins to Block Catholic School Expansion by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D

2018 Hogs For The Cause efforts are underway.

This happens every year usually the last weekend in March. It has been moved from City Pork (Park) to the UNO Lakefront Arena

The bidding has begun! We have cutting boards from McClure Tables all handmade in Michigan! We have the Phil Mickelson package and much more!

BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit:

We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.





HEADLINE: The Case for Trump’s Tariffs and ‘America First’ Economics by Daniel McCarthy

  • The TPP is dead
  • This is why you have to read Small Is Still Beautiful by Joseph Pearce
  • Brother Francis – cosmology not cosmetology
  • The study of the Earth is a study of where you live. Understanding it as a created entity not something that just kinda’ appeared.
  • Why is cosmology important?
  • So everything that you send across the seas is now GOODS implying they are “good”.
  • Notice the terminology is “Trade War” Why do we call it that? Because we LIKE WAR!
  • Sanderson Farms
  • Turkey situation a few years back when millions were killed due to a flu virus of sorts.
  • Apples and the 14,000 different varieties we used to have. Now we only have a few varieties. Was this for YOUR benefit or local apple farmers?

Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.



HEADLINE: ‘Everybody Knows That Something is Coming’ by Rod Dreher

  • Patrick Deneen’s book ‘Why Liberalism Failed’
  • Why isn’t Patrick Deneen all over FOX news doing interviews about his book?
  • Sullivan was part of the Gaystapo so I’m just letting everyone know that. Just because he is a sodomite, doesn’t mean he cannot write.
  • The “authority” is no longer considered valid. Authority = The Church
  • What are the people doing in Poland right now?


Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

Please upgrade from basic monthly or basic yearly to Brother monthly or yearly! Please help keep our radio station alive. We also have Founding Father and Crusader levels.








Special Guest: Dr. Kevin Wacasey

  • The Big Myth of Health Care = that you have to have health insurance in order to have health care
  • People seem to like the lower co-pay! I don’t think they understand what a co-pay is exactly.
  • $40 a visit co-pay
  • What is your out of pocket deductible?
  • Chatroom – We have a high deductible plan based on Dr. Wacasey’s equation and we made the switch and saved big bucks!
  • Dr. W’s Equation
  • The $4 List
  • Dr. Wacasey’s own personal example $80/year I get 3 months supply at a time (I have 2 pre-existing conditions.
  • Most pre-existing conditions can be treated using drugs off that $3 list! It’s all a scare tactic by politicians.
  • HEADLINE: Second-grade teacher dies of complication from the flu by Jacki Salo
  • Health Insurance should be looked at like car insurance. You only use it if you HAVE to!
  • People want their companies to pay for their healthcare now. They will even turn down jobs if it doesn’t come with health insurance.

Why do companies offer insurance?

  1. Tax Purposes
  2. Gives them an “advantage” over other companies
  • What if they just handed you the CASH they used for your health insurance? They would be TAXED on that….so it is to their benefit to give you health insurance! This is NOT for YOUR benefit!
  • There are only 2 advantages derived from having health insurance tied to employment
  • We are not shopping around for health insurance
  • People need to get used to the idea that there are MANY other options out there. Insurance does NOT have to be tied to your employment.
  • OSCAR health insurance
  • Obamacare Exchanges
  • I would love to have invented a product that could hold congress hostage like the health insurance companies have.
  • Dr. Wacasey doesn’t advocate NOT having insurance!
  • You can buy health insurance online too, just like your car insurance and life insurance.
  • Fasting gets a bad rap! Skip a meal…it’s good for you.
  • America doesn’t have a nutrition problem. WE have a consumption problem.
  • From Chatroom: Regarding the current discussion: My wife is Type 1 diabetic and uses an insulin pump. We calculated that if we paid cash out of pocket for her supplies, it would be around $2300 per month
  • WHY IS THAT? Because it is covered by insurance!
  • How much of that is because of the FDA’s approval process?

HEADLINE: EpiPen pricing controversy reflects larger issues in pharma industry by James R. Baker Jr.

  • This is what happens when government takes control over products
  • They don’t even bother with State lobbyist anymore.
The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.
Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.


Caller Todd McClure from Michigan

  • Ingrain chopping blocks protect the knives. That is why those are so expensive.


COMING SOON: The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Mass by Rev. Fr. Martin von Cochem

  • You buy the book from us, if you don’t like it I will buy it back from you!



  • Free-trade, does it consider the men and women that ultimately may gain a vocation working in that industry?


Catholic Air Raid Warning – FREE digital download available in the On-Demand Store



 Back to Headline:

  • This is not going to last, it simply can’t.
  • There is a revival of the Church Militant and it is taking place right now.





HEADLINE: The World Is Better Than Ever. Why Are We Miserable? by Andrew Sullivan

  • Homosexual writer, stumbles every now and then and doesn’t realize it. His comment about our current struggle is we currently live without
  • What is the point?
  • Why does the squirrel gather acorns?
  • Why does a bear hibernate?
  • Instinct?
  • MAN IS NOT AN ANIMAL! We are blessed with two things animals don’t have.
  • Man was NOT made for just material pursuit.
  • How many sides on a honeycomb? Has the honeycomb improved over time or has it always been 6 sides?
  • The Bee Movie – Barry B. Benson
  • Our intellect can be used in a contemplative and meditative manner.


 Back to Headline: Rod Dreher

  • Stan and Steve is NOT a family
  • the 4th commandment : Honor thy Father and thy Mother….end of story
  • Who is “thou”? YOU, you are the one reading it.
Sign-up for the Daily [r] Newsletter and we will give you $10 to use in our store. Who doesn’t like FREE money?! Shop the Founders Tradin’ Post today for items such as The Marian Option, The Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail, Small is Still Beautiful, Humility of Heart, Dressing with Dignity and much more.
The Veritas Radio Network also has a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to All requests are annoymous unless otherwise specified.
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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