
‘Muricans Knew They Had Defied God Back In 1861

todayOctober 12, 2015 4



Bruce FEin was on our Article V Convention panelMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“How do we know this?  Is it just me speaking this, blabbering on in 2015, or were there others that have spoken prior to me?  As a matter of fact, can we go back in history?  Hop in the King Dude’s wayback machine and can we find instances, written instances in history long ago where exactly what I am talking about was considered?  The answer to the question is not yes but heck yes, numerous instances.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Ms. Khimm goes into the details of some of the interviews she conducted while attending a Values Voter conference.  This is not a forum for me to bash the Values Voter forum or to talk about anyone that attended it.  I wish not to do so.  However, I do wish to use the event of the Values Voter forum and some of the interviews that were conducted to continue this argument here and to demonstrate to you why universal truths must be returned to.  You’ve got to surrender this sinful, despicable tendency to pounce, judge, scream, holler, yell, maim, defame, etc.  We have to get control of our errors in thinking and stop making them, to the best of our ability, if we’re able to.  If we’re not able to, we’re in big, big trouble.  She begins:


It’s been a rough stretch lately for Christian social conservatives, whose nightmare came to life this past summer with the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage in Obergefell vs. Hodges. But the annual Values Voter Summit kicked off this past weekend in Washington with shouts of jubilation, as activists celebrated the unexpected news that House Speaker John Boehner would be resigning amid the fight over social conservatives’ effort to defund Planned Parenthood or force a government shutdown. “Yes!” one man shouted above the deafening cheers and applause on Friday morning after Senator Marco Rubio interrupted his address to announce Boehner’s exit from the podium. “Amen!” shouted another.

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

Later, on Friday evening, another packed room at the Omni Shoreham would erupt once again when Kim Davis, the defiant country clerk from Kentucky, took the stage to accept an award for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. “I am only one,” Davis told the crowd in her brief remarks, her voice rising to a shout. “But we are many!”

It was a pent-up primal scream that these Christian culture-warriors have long been waiting to unleash. While these triumphal moments may have been fleeting . . . the urge to cheer for something was easy to understand; right about now, evangelicals will take whatever victories they can get. Ever since the religious right’s political power arguably peaked in 2004, when President George W. Bush and Karl Rove made gay-marriage bans a centerpiece of their re-election strategy, social conservatives have watched helplessly as their “family values” agenda fizzled, as the tide increasingly swam against them on gay marriage, and as Tea Partiers replaced them as the most coveted constituency . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  I’m going to fast forward to a place in here — this is Suzy Khimm at New Republic.  About two-thirds of the way in:


On Friday, in between speeches by the presidential candidates, I asked several activists about their strategy for preserving religious liberties. These folks expressed plenty of sympathy and respect for Davis, but had only the faintest idea of what to demand from Congress, state legislatures, or the presidential candidates to solve the problem.

[end reading]

Mike:  By the way, folks, the problem is solvable.  If you wish to solve it because they won’t surrender their individual, as we talked about last week, won’t surrender their individual papacies, but it is solvable.  More on that in a moment.

white house in gay rainbow[reading]

These folks expressed plenty of sympathy and respect for Davis, but had only the faintest idea of what to demand from Congress, state legislatures, or the presidential candidates to solve the problem. Like many, Ron Goss, a 69-year-old activist from Virginia, said he wanted the next president to obey the principles of a “Judeo-Christian nation.” Asked exactly what that would look like, Goss replied: “I would hope that people like Kim Davis wouldn’t be put in jail. We have the First Amendment.”

“You have to adhere to the Constitution—they’re not doing that,” said Marty Moore, a 73-year-old activist from North Carolina. “They just need to protect the Constitution at all costs,” agreed Judith Neal, an activist from San Dimas, California. “They need to leave the first Amendment alone.”

[end reading]

Mike:  The point is, if you read the rest of this essay, and it is listed and posted and linked to in today’s Pile of Prep.  You’ll find more about this idea here that the Constitution is the Ark of the Covenant in which all of human salvation and ‘Murican salvation is to be entrusted.  There’s a problem with that.  That is not going to work because we’ve already and we are in the Ark.  [mocking] “No, Mike, this is a perverted version.  This ain’t the way it’s supposed to be.”  Well, if we take Madison’s word for it, you’re right.  If we take Patrick Henry and the anti-federalists word for it, we’re not right.  This is exactly the way it was supposed to turn out.  And it’s turned out not in spite of the Constitution but because of it and because of the obvious flaws.

Please go to my website,  Some of you may have heard of it.  It still exists.  We still update it 10, 12, 15 times a day.  You can still sign up for the Founders Pass and all the great stuff that we produce on the side here when we’re not doing this.  The Founders Tradin’ Post is there and you can sign up for the Daily Republican email newsletter.  We’ll update you on the newest and latest.

Also to be found there, if you type in Pendleton, you’ll find the essay written in 1801, “Danger Not Yet Over.”  Pendleton wrote this to his protégé, if you will, Thomas Jefferson, who had just been elected president.  Pendleton was trying to tell Jefferson: Look, dude, just because you were elected president, the danger is not over.  This Constitution thing has got to be fixed.  It’s got to be amended or we’re all doomed.  That’s what Pendleton basically told Jefferson.  He proposed eight amendments.  None of them were seriously considered, none of them.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Were there defenders of the constitutional order as Madison explained?  Madison was one of them, yes.  Unfortunately they weren’t immortal.  They couldn’t live forever.  They weren’t around to stop the abuses, the abuses that would ultimately happened because the document was not rooted in the eternal truth that could have secured it.  It didn’t.


How do we know this?  Is it just me speaking this, blabbering on in 2015, or were there others that have spoken prior to me?  As a matter of fact, can we go back in history?  Hop in the King Dude’s wayback machine and can we find instances, written instances in history long ago where exactly what I am talking about was considered?  The answer to the question is not yes but heck yes, numerous instances.  We can begin these around the time of the “founding.”  See: anti-federalist papers or essays.  After the Constitution was ratified, did the anti-federalists stop writing?  No.  They kept on writing.  You can still read them.  There are lots of guys that then became, ironically, federalists, and rallied to the idea: If we’re going to be stuck under this Constitution system — please don’t get me wrong.  The Constitution is a profound political achievement, but it’s not perfect.  The amendatory process has not been utilized correctly to fix it.  That’s one of the problems.

FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – Mike

Let me take you to 26 September 154 years ago on Saturday.  The most popular, most read newspaper in all of New York City was The Independent newspaper.  The editors of The Independent newspaper wrote an essay and published it on 26 September 1861.  It was on the front page of the paper.  You can look at it on microfiche today or take my word for it, or later on today I will upload to the site at as a PDF file.  Download it, print it out, look at it for yourself, or forward it along to friends and family.

Here’s the title of the essay.  This is in the New York independent.  This is not a religious publication.  This is a newspaper of high repute at the time.  Here’s the headline of the essay “The Lord’s Indictment Against the Nation.”  Here’s the editorial:


The President calls upon us to-day, in sorrowful remembrance of our own faults and crimes as a nation, and as individuals, to humble ourselves before God, and to pray for His mercy. What, then, are the faults and crimes which stand more immediately connected with our public calamities—the sins which as a people we are called upon to confess and forsake?

[end reading]

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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