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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “Of course, Andrew Bieszad is our resident Islamic scholar here on the Crusade Channel, part of the Veritas Radio Network. He’s referencing Father Nicholas Gruner, who was the proprietor of the Fatima Center and, I believe. Of course, Chris Ferrara knew him very well as well. I guess Ferrara is kind of trying to carry on some of the work. The subject you and I are going to discuss today, why don’t you give the folks a brief overview and then we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of what it is that you told me is happening out there with some of these actions that we see that are actually a preface for what is to come.” Check out today’s transcript for the rest….
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: We’re going to go now to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to our old friend Andrew Bieszad, who is here and live. I can’t wait to hear this topic. Mr. Bieszad, how are you?
Andrew Bieszad: I am doing good. I just had a good night at work. I got back here. I’m actually taking a walk around the yard. I was just picking some of my hops.
Mike: Are you making beer?
Bieszad: Yeah. One thing about me most people don’t know, I’ve been making beer and wine since I was in college. I actually have my own hop vine. I was picking some hops.
Mike: How do you have a hop vine?
Bieszad: It grows [unintelligible]. It’s sort of like a potato. You just kind of put it in the ground –
Mike: Does it really?
Bieszad: When I moved South, I drove down from New England. I just stuck it in the ground – there’s a cow pasture behind me. I just put it on the fence at the cow pastures and let things go. It just grows. This year actually got – this was a bad year for hops anyway, all around. The vine just gets huge. I have all kind of rhizomes coming out of it. I can plant. I can dig them out, cut them, put them wherever. It’s real nice.
Mike: You told me in our email correspondence that you have actually been here to the St. Benedict Center, right?
Bieszad: A while ago, yes. I left when I was in New Hampshire before I moved here, a few years ago. I wanted to swing by the St. Benedict Center. I was going to Father Gruner one of his last talks.
Mike: Really?
Bieszad: Yeah. I got to meet with Father Gruner. It was really nice. I had followed his things for years, and it took me some time to come to see his views. What really sold me on him was my experience dealing with Islam. Islam [unintelligible] mesh too well, all too well. Whenever I see things mesh too well, that’s a sign to me that okay, this is something here.
Mike: Of course, Andrew Bieszad is our resident Islamic scholar here on the Crusade Channel, part of the Veritas Radio Network. He’s referencing Father Nicholas Gruner, who was the proprietor of the Fatima Center and, I believe. Of course, Chris Ferrara knew him very well as well. I guess Ferrara is kind of trying to carry on some of the work. The subject you and I are going to discuss today, why don’t you give the folks a brief overview and then we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of what it is that you told me is happening out there with some of these actions that we see that are actually a preface for what is to come.
Bieszad: Some of the brand-new Muslim arrivals, all these little children coming over that are aged 45 and up [laughing] . . .
Mike: Muslim children age 45 and up, yes.
Bieszad: It’s very interesting. I’m going to tell a story here that I’ve never actually told on a show. I actually did a video about it. I spoke about it for the first time on, which is where I blog regularly with Walid Shoebat and Theodore. This happened about seven years ago. I was invited to a talk in New York City. You can actually see the talk online. There was a bunch of people there whose faces were blocked out. They requested it. I gave [unintelligible] at about it.
Basically, I did not realize at the time, but I found out because one of the main sponsors of the organization got extremely drunk and started spouting off things. This organization was actually neo-Nazi funded. When I say neo-Nazi, I’m not talking little skinhead punks that listen to hard-core music and shout, “Oy! Oy! Oy!” I’m talking about people who are well-dressed, who you would never guess. There’s nothing that you would ever think to indicate that these people were into this. A lot of these people were actually of Jewish background. Most of them were actually Jews, believe it or not; you would think it’s crazy. We went
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through this. I was talking with Theodore because Theodore had a lot of experiences dealing with what we hear about the alt-right. [unintelligible].
All these refugees that are being brought in, these Muslim refugees and so forth, this is all part of a much greater plan. This isn’t just government being stupid, which we figured out a while ago. The point here is it seems as though – this is what it seems. It’s actually to cause a backlash. In other words, you’re bringing in all these people. You’re bringing them into areas of countries that are traditionally very order-oriented. They have a very strong culture, a very strong history, and a very long history of fighting with their neighbors, people who are essentially culturally almost the exact same as they are: the Polish, the Dutch, the French, even the Danes. You bring these people [unintelligible]. You leave them there. You don’t enforce the laws, because the laws are not being enforced. They’re openly being – I can show you case after case where you have Muslim men raping small children, going to court, and then bragging about it. The court gives them no punishment, lets them walk completely – I had one case that I wrote about of a Muslim man who took a little boy, three, four years old, I think. He raped him. Then when he was brought to court about it, he started bragging how he was a superstar for doing it. They let him off. They didn’t punish him. They gave him, I think, three months in jail and some probation. That was it.
Mike: Really?
Bieszad: Really. I can show you case after case of just gang rape. You hear about the sexual violence happening on New Year’s Eve. I can show you cases of Muslims gang raping children, German children, their own children, getting caught bragging about it in court. There was one case of – in German law, when you are arrested, they hide your face because it’s considered anonymity laws, unless you choose to release it. There was a case of five Muslim men, all in their early 20s, who raped a 20-year-old, I think. They actually went to the – when they were in court, they said, “Take off the – I want people to see my face. My name is so and so. Yeah, I raped her. Yeah, I’d do it again. She’s a whore.” You cannot make this up. You can actually see the video online. I have put it up on the website.
Mike: You know what, Andrew? People can’t perceive the reality of what Islam is and what it does to the men that practice it, should I say, what it allows the men who practice it to do; can they?
Bieszad: It’s absolutely horrible what it does. It lets them go from – basically Islam allows, in the words of Alphonsus Liguori, it allows men to release their passions unbridled. That is what it does. Wherever Islam goes it will do this. It doesn’t matter what culture it is. What we’re seeing has happened is, and we’re concerned about, is these people have been released into these European societies, specifically ones that are traditionally [unintelligible] order. What’s happened is – if anybody disbelieves me, go to and just read the politically incorrect board. You can see what I’m talking about. You see a huge push in Europe. Much of this is written in German and Swedish. You can use Google Translate to read it, but there’s a lot in English. We have to stop the Muslim problem. We have to do something about it. We have to return to the old ways in Germany. We have to exterminate these people, round them up and exterminate them en masse.
Mike: Now, who do they want to exterminate?
Bieszad: The Muslim people. What I’m saying this is being used for is there seems to be something greater here. Given what we’re seeing with the rise of what’s called the alt-right movement – I’ve been in this media doing stuff with Islam for many years. What we’re seeing is a trend towards using – let me tell you something about Islam. I’ve said this on your show before and I’ll say it again. Islam, when it comes [unintelligible] is very dumb. If you have a bunch of Muslims en masse, they just follow what Islam says. They can be very easily manipulated by a person with an outside interest. The problem is, that interest only works to a certain point until they turn on their host and attack their host. What we’re suspecting is there are certain persons who are, given the rise of this, we’ll call it the new Fourth Reich, it looks like. These people are pushing to have actually – they’re bringing Muslims in, destabilize these nations, inciting a backlash, and using that backlash to essentially wipe out, or try to wipe out a lot of these Muslim persons, and then use it to cause some [unintelligible] power, ally with their traditional countries, and then go back to war. Isn’t this interesting that it all happens around the time of Fatima in 2017? Very interesting.
Mike: It is very interesting.
Bieszad: That is exactly where I’m going with it. I did an article on and you can find it. There was a general, a native general who said: World War III may start in May – and he said this exact month – May of 2017 over a conflict regarding these refugees and territory possessions between Germany and Russia. He actually said that. You can go find that at, my article. The article was published, I think, on Russia Today and a few other major news sources. Why is May 17th so significant? May 17th is the exact 100th anniversary of Fatima. As you remember, Our Blessed Lady said to Lucia, if Fatima is not consecrated within the allotted time period, then we will follow the errors of the King of France, which is 100 years from Sacred Heart. On the exact day, June 17th of the first apparitions of the sacred heart, June 17th, 1789, that was when the French National Assembly met in secret and they had – they wrote was called the Tennis Court Oath, which was a declaration that all historians use to mark the beginning of the French Revolution. It said the king had no power except that which the national assembly granted.
What I’m saying is we’re living through very dangerous times. This Muslim refugee situation, the destabilization it has caused, the other political power players that we’re starting to see emerge in the background, and the fact that not only do you have the 100th anniversary of Fatima but this is the year of mercy. As the Bible teaches –
Mike: The so-called year of mercy.
Bieszad: The so-called year of mercy, but if one thinks through it like that, what always follows mercy in the Bible? Justice.
Mike: You also spoke of anti-clericalism. Do you mean anti-clericalism, if we’re talking about Germany, that the ruse or the movement is to rid Germany of the few remaining Catholic clerics that are there?
Bieszad: Yes. That’s actually a part of this. If you look, it’s very hard to find this unless you watch it carefully. You’ll find that there’s a lot of anti-Catholic and anti-clerical talk going on. The head of the AFD, one of the more famous comments she made that we’ve actually written about – Theodore wrote a piece about her recently. It’s something like this. There’s nothing worse than a Senegalese altar server who comes to Germany who just won’t leave. What do you mean a Senegalese altar server? Most people who come from Senegal are Muslim. Senegal is about 95 percent Muslim; five percent are Catholic. Why a Senegalese altar server? There’s more anti-clerical talk. This is ultimately a continuation of anti-clerical policies.
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Again, here’s another thing you’ll notice. If you’ll notice the anti-Islam movement in Eastern Europe versus Western Europe. In Eastern Europe, it’s all Catholic. Catholic, some orthodox who’re not being led by Catholics, a strong Catholic presence. Poland, Slovakia, even Hungary and parts of the Czech Republic. Go to Western Europe, Germany, France. Look at the protestors for [unintelligible] are for AFD, Alternative for Deutschland. They’re all carrying the German Nationalist flag. You’ll see a flag that looks like it has a wheel on it, a wheel with spokes in it. That’s called the sun disk. That’s not just German paganism, that’s connected to Odinism and Wotanism, which was essentially the German equivalent of Wicca that was brought back by Heinrich Himmler in the 1930s. Look through the sun disk, I tell people. You will see it on the flag. You’ll see people wearing it on them. Even the defense groups that have appeared in Eastern versus Western Europe, in Eastern Europe it’s all about the Catholic and the Crusaders. We have to return to our rots that way. In Sweden and Germany, even in France, you’re seeing a lot of – France not so much but especially Sweden and Germany still [unintelligible] Odin . . .
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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