Founders Television

New Christendom Committees of Correspondence Newsletter Vol I, Issue IX

todayFebruary 26, 2021 16


CRUSADER Patriots,

NOTICE: PLEASE CONSIDER APRIL 9-10 AND 11 AS DATES FOR THE 1ST New Christendom Continental Congress meeting here in Mandeville, LA!

Let’s begin this issue with a quote from Patrick Henry’s “Liberty or Death” Speech, 23 April, 1774.

“Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love?”

Consider 2 actions the Biden Regime is pleading with the Senate to take, both which signal a declaration of war on us and on the soon to be born.

1. Xavier Baccerra’s nomination to be Secretary of HHS.

2. The re-introduction of the egregiously misnamed “Equality Act”.

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In testimony to the Senate, Baccerra made no attempt to hide his Nuremberg Defense fidelity to any “law” passed to kill the soon to be born [abortion]. Watch Baccerra’s testimony with Senator Daines of MT to get an idea of what kind of monster, Biden has nominated to bark out orders and edicts to hospitals, insurance companies and all employees AND decision makers.

This means Biden’s EO’s, SCOTUS’s treachery and anything Congress might tack on to CoronaHoax™ bills re: abortion, contraception, “trans” mutilation etc. will be “the law” that Baccerra will ask AG Merrick Garland to “enforce”. Baccerra’s “explanation” (in the Daines clip and others) was basically The Nuremberg Defense except he is playing the “I was ordered to do it” BEFORE the sanctioned killing begins. As Senator Daines pleaded “is there just ONE THING you can agree with the pro-life position on…?” and Baccerra’s demurred, it is obvious that there can be no cooperation with this evil and we had better start preparing for the attempt to compel our cooperation.

2. The “Equality Amendment” which was crushed by the GOP Senate in 2018 is back and its more dangerous than it was then because of the enforcement mechanism now present and the fact that overwhelming majorities of all moderate to monopoly sized businesses, continue to throw in with all CoronaHoax™ tyrannies AND LGBTQrstlnex demands. Christopher Bedford has an excellent piece on this here.

“The act, which the House is expected to pass for the second time in nine months on Thursday before sending it to a now-Democratic Senate, opens up swinging on Christian (as well as most religions’) concepts of morality in marriage, sex, and identity. It would strike biological sex from the 1964 Civil Rights Act, replacing it with “sexual orientation and gender identity.” Belief in traditional marriage, the act would legislate, is a specific example of illegal discrimination.

If the bill passes the Senate, our church parishes will become soft targets. While weak-kneed men like David French confidently celebrated the migration of drag queens from rowdy, seedy city bars to children’s library story hours as “blessings of liberty,” it will be curious to see what he thinks when parish halls are subjected to those same blessings.

It’s all made possible by massively expanding the government’s definition of bigotry, as well as the definition of public gathering places to include any place that “provides exhibition, entertainment, recreation, exercise, amusement, public gathering or public display.” When you add the above to “any establishment that provides a good, service, or program,” you’ve put nearly the entirety of American civic life under the thumb of radical activists.

And they’re not remotely done. Unhappy with the restrictions on eligibility that Catholic and other religious adoption agencies put on families looking to take children into their homes, the act seeks to nationalize Massachusetts, New York, and California’s outright bans on religious adoption agencies’ right to operate according to conscience. Never mind that there are any number of secular adoption agencies with no traditional marriage guidelines; shutting down the organizations that invented adoption, the bill states, will “increase the number of homes available to foster children.” [emphasis-mine]

The act will also completely eliminate existing legal protections for protecting “religious liberty”, Mr. Bedford again…

“The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993,” the act reads, “shall not provide a claim concerning, or a defense to a claim under, a covered title, or provide a basis for challenging the application or enforcement of a covered title. Under the Equality Act, after all, American law is a tool to attack our rights of conscience, our religious freedom, our businesses, our schools, our families, our neighbors, our priests, and our churches. How dare anyone expect to use the law to defend against it?”

Gentlemen, these and other developing stories place all Men and Women of Good Will in the crosshairs of a regime that wished to completely eliminate all dissent by criminalizing it, finding new David Daleiden’s to persecute as “examples” of what resistance gets you and then rule by fiat for their pleasure.

I believe that the time window to act is closing, any actions that can be taken to escape this menace’s “authority” and “rule” need to be taken BEFORE they exert that authority and even that is a dangerous proposition. Acting AFTER the tyranny will be considered an “insurrection” or whatever they wish to term it. Note that there is ample 10th Amendment legal protection and indeed recent historical, or as the commies like to call it, precedent, for these actions in the dozens of state protected riots, occupations and complete dismissal of all “federal” law.

We should be prepared to answer all charges of “sedition” etc on 10th Amendment grounds AND cite that the gist of the 10th Amendment is also present in the spirit of [r]epublicanism, English Common Law (imagine that, is quoting the pre-independence English as liberty defenders!).

God bless and The Holy Family Keep You!

Mike “The KingDude” Church

Written by: TheKingDude

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