New Hampshire’s New Slogan: Live Marginally Tyrannized But Healthy
todayApril 12, 2013
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You can live free, but you’re not going to be able to die with a weapon in your hand according to Senator Ayotte. You can have a slingshot. You can have a peashooter, a .22 personal revolver that will fit in the watch pocket of your front pants, but we’re not giving you anything that you can defend against a government out of control or against the forces of an invading government out of control, which was the purpose of the Second Amendment to start with. She refused to side with the filibuster to stop the latest round of attacks to be visited upon Amendment Two in the United States Senate. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: Let me try Eric in New Hampshire. Hello, Eric, how you doing?
Caller Eric: Good morning, Mike. This is Eric from northern New Hampshire. How are you, buddy?
Mike: I’m well, sir, thank you.
Caller Eric:I’m a longtime listener. We’ve met before.
Mike: Yes, we have, at the Red Arrow Diner.
Caller Eric: Yes, sir. A lot has changed since talking to you back in January. I became the county chairman to the Coös County Republican Committee since then. We’re moving and shaking up here in New Hampshire.
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Mike: Congratulations, I think.
Caller Eric: It depends on, well, we won’t go there. As far as Kelly is concerned — we were talking about that in the first hour. She’s not well-liked anymore in New Hampshire, I can tell you that, sir. If you go to her Facebook page, she was blasted on Facebook yesterday, comment after comment after comment. She definitely does not represent the interests of us in New Hampshire for sure, especially for northern New Hampshire.
Mike: You can live free, but you’re not going to be able to die with a weapon in your hand according to Senator Ayotte. You can have a slingshot. You can have a peashooter, a .22 personal revolver that will fit in the watch pocket of your front pants, but we’re not giving you anything that you can defend against a government out of control or against the forces of an invading government out of control, which was the purpose of the Second Amendment to start with. She refused to side with the filibuster to stop the latest round of attacks to be visited upon Amendment Two in the United States Senate. She was one of 16 Republicans that said: How about no? So you’re telling me that her popularity in New Hampshire is on the wane?
Caller Eric:Very much so. If you looked at her Facebook page yesterday, almost every person on there was saying: We’re not voting for you again in the next election. Now, I didn’t vote for her in the original election anyway. As you say all the time, we’re not surprised at these people. Of course, I wasn’t surprised. I met Kelly Ayotte when she was just starting out campaigning. I asked her pointblank what her position was on the Second Amendment. She used to be the attorney general for the State of New Hampshire. I wanted to know. She looked me in the eye and said: I strongly believe in the Second Amendment. I didn’t trust her.
Mike: You know what, Eric? I think when someone says they strongly believe in the Second Amendment, in 2013 what that means and what it meant in 1970 or 1980 or 1990 or 2000 pretty much meant the same thing. It has little or nothing to do with the actual purpose of Amendment Two. We are free to alter the Constitution and say: We’re not going to have any more militias ever again. If you’re going to be a state in the union, you’re going to have to ratify Amendment 29. Amendment 29 is going to eliminate the militia in this silly idea that citizens can actually band together and defend themselves against an invasion force until an army can be raised. So we’re going to eliminate the militia and eliminate the citizen’s right to have and to hold any weapon of military consequence. These are the weapons that the military uses and therefore no other weapon can be made, manufactured or imported into the United States for sale or possession thereof. Be done with it then.
Be honest and say: We no longer believe, because we’re evolved now, and of course there will never be a tyrant in North America, there will never be an out-of-control government in the United States, that could happen here, so we’ve evolved to the point that we don’t need your silly, stupid little 1776 Concord and Lexington militias anymore. We don’t need the Green Mountain Men of Vermont. We don’t need Joseph Starks and the New Hampshire Regulars. We don’t need any of you clowns. We’re going to eliminate any reenactors. If you’re going to reenact, you have to have cardboard guns. You can’t have anything of that sort. Why don’t we just be honest and do away with the entire concept and idea — it’s a beautiful one. It comes from the Romans and the Greeks — behind the militia and just say the only thing you are allowed to have is a weapon that you can sight and shoot a deer with, or a weapon that you can fire at a very close range if someone has broken into your house, has already raped your mother and your wife, and has designs on your daughter. If you can get close enough, you can use the damn thing.
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Just be honest about it. These games we’re playing [mocking] “What about this kind of clip? What about that kind of clip?” All that does is empower the State and empower the politicians and then empower the people that fund and finance them and benefit from what it is that they do to continue to pretend as though they have the ultimate outcome in all this. If this effort is successful, it will be another undermining and another sad chapter in the elimination of the concept of republicanism and of self-government and of the people choosing their form of government.
Now, if you say that 90 percent of these clowns want this handgun ban, let’s just say that the Feinstein bill is the one they get out and they actually sign it, somehow miraculously Boehner, which is not too far of a stretch, allows it to come to a vote in the House and it passes the House, goes to the Senate, they have a conference bill, send it to Obama and they’re actually going to do what I just said, they’re going to take what I just said in the last eight minutes and act upon that and then do that. What happens then when there is now no chance of any armed resistance to the kind of tyranny that the Second Amendment is designed to protect. What do those 90 percent of imbeciles that went along with this, who do they appeal to, the Canadians? Who’s going to come and save New Hampshire this time? When the 2014 version of Major Pitcairn decides to march on Concord, who’s going to rally a militia to stop them? What are you going to use, slingshots, spit balls?
Caller Eric: Speaking of that, Mike, we talk about secession, too. Coös County, if anybody looks at the State of New Hampshire, if you look at the tip of the state, that’s Coös County. We have the biggest land mass in the whole state as far as counties are concerned. We also have the least amount of population. We have only about 30,000 people who live here in Coös County. I travel this county every day. The word secession is spoken of here like you wouldn’t believe. I’m talking just regular laypeople who may or may not follow politics as much as I do. Of course, I start the conversation by driving around. My license plate, I have a vanity tag and it says “Secede” on my license plate. It’s hilarious because people look at it and say: Success? Succeed? What is that word?
Mike:Success? Are you successful?
Caller Eric: It’s funny, when you read the State of New Hampshire license plate, it says “Live Free or Die.” Then my license plate number is “Secede” and then New Hampshire. It’s a good conversation piece but there’s a lot of people talking about it up here. I think it’s picking up steam more than we probably know.
Mike: Again, you live free or die or you live kind of free and not really willing to get sick for my freedom. How about liver marginally tyrannized and healthy?
Caller Eric: No.
Mike: Eric, thank you very much for your input and phone call.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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