insert_link Lives Of The Saints Babe Ruth Catholic Philanthropist & Baseball Legend todayMay 25, 2023 9
Jim Battarbee on October 29, 2014 I have been a founder for a number of years, I am also a walking billboard with yours and Andrews T-shirts and my truck is plastered with your bumper stickers. The standards you use to sort fact from fiction on political and economic topic’s is fantastic, why do you not use the same for the topic of religion? As an atheist, you offend me when you smugly claim religion is the only foundation of morality. Rational self interest is the foundation of my morality. In simple terms, if I steal from you, what right do I have to complain when I get home to find my house was broken into? I said stealing was OK. This example can be expanded up to the highest abstraction, need you ask if I could cheat on my wife? I must deal with my fellow man as a fellow trader, offering value for value. When a mutual benefit can be had, we trade, if not, not. When you claim your invisible sky Pixie has some power, or did something, it is up to you to prove it. It is not my job to disprove what I have no evidence of. With my limited knowledge of the Universe, I have yet to see evidence of a wet nurse! To me the Universe is prime, what we call matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. So, existence exists and we are conscious to perceive what exists. When you offer up the concept of a creator, you offer no evidence of this creator, or who created your creator…? As we are here and here is somewhere, I have nothing to prove beyond what you prove, by exchanging with me. As to the chances of this world forming exactly as required…. THERE IS NO CHANCE, IT ALREADY HAPPENED! You claim morality comes from religion, why is there more blood spilled on the “Holy Land” than any other place on earth? I deal with you as reasonable people, not confusing you with the Westborough Babtist type, please do not confuse me with Stalin Marx… In closing, if you ever question the dogma that comes down from your tribal witchdoctor, you will notice that there is no morality required to follow commandments. Thank you! Log in to Reply
embalsmeier on November 2, 2014 Jim – Beautifully stated! Living a moral and ethical life because it is the right thing to do rather than doing it because of some God induced reward/punishment system is the taking of a higher road. Living a moral and ethical life because of a God induced reward/punishment system is no better than the pavolovian response created in animals through a conditioning system. Religion attempts to do this same type conditioning but fails because there is no “real” reward/punishment system. From wiser people than myself comes a few tidbits: The problem with beliefs is the tendency for people to confuse them with truth. Truth threatens what you believe. Defense makes the facts unrecognizable. Beliefs are born or adopted. Truth exists independent of belief. Truth does not require belief. If it were true, you would not need to believe it. And finally: Religion is like a penis, it’s fine to have one and be proud of it, but when you take it out and wave it in my face, that’s when we have a problem. I like you sent Mr. Church an email this very morning letting him know that the religious nature of his radio show has caused me to leave it behind. As with most people of religion they too ignore its teachings when it becomes inconvenient to live them as evidenced by Mr. Church having been married previously. It highlights the mental and religious gymnastics that have to be performed to continue with the belief system and then to push it others around them. Best Regards Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on November 5, 2014 Jim, You just repeated the litany of nearly every heresy since the apostles watched Christ Ascendetorum de Caelum. Re-read what you wrote and insert “the Catholic Church says” in front of your pronouncements of naturally occurring meekness and love and tell us, does THAT not sound like a religion? BTW, I never said morals come from religion, I said and say they are commandments carried out by us from Almighty God. Log in to Reply
RedStateLady on October 28, 2014 Just thought I would say that one of the reasons I love to listen to you is the way you bring your Catholicism into the conversation. I am 63 years old and currently in RCIA. One of the influences on my decision to become a Catholic is listening to you, Mike. Log in to Reply
Wynotme307 on October 27, 2014 From my perspective; Morality comes only through the spirit. There is something that today’s society calls ‘morality’ but it is, for lack of a better term, a secular morality. Secular morality is more akin to the principles of a person. We all know what we should do to be an upright citizen in society. True morality is not a ‘should do’ but instead, a ‘must do’ in order to win the prize of a heavenly home with our saviours. Furthermore, the morality of man can not yield anything more than social acceptance. Godly morality always yields the rewards of the spirit. Jesus, the Christ, attempted to explain this throughout His teachings; the separation from this world and the spiritual world. Morality was and is given by the Father, and then man accepts most of those morals into it’s society. But, as stated afore, society can only borrow those morals, where as the Christian owns them as given by God. Dallon Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on October 27, 2014 Dallon, Secular morality is an oxymoron or a non-sequitir. The basic code of conduct we weakly follow is based on the Christian Catholic model of the Saints. Log in to Reply
Todd Hickman on October 27, 2014 Mike, I wholeheartedly agree with your position regarding morality being inseparable from theology, specifically Christianity. God bless and Thank you for what you do! Best regards, Todd Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1655
The CRUSADE Channel & Mike Church Show Achieve Milestone of Episode 2,000! Celebrate “Y2K-D” With Us!
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