
No, Rod, Error Does NOT Have Rights and Islam Is The Greatest Error-Heresy-EVER 

todayJune 16, 2016 2


Mandeville, LA – At we find the ever eponymous Rod Dreher promoting Dr Russell Moore and the ‘Murican-Christian dogma that ALL religions must be tolerated and protected.

Southern Baptist leader Russell Moore knocks it out of the park when a fellow pastor asks him why on earth Christians should not oppose letting Muslims build mosques. It’s only a 2 1/2 minute clip, but it’s astonishing. The reader who sent that to me, a Catholic, writes:

This is amazing!. Why don’t more Christians—including Catholic bishops—learn how to speak this way?

Are Dreher and his CINO (catholic in name only) reader correct? No, they are not and contained in this article are the seeds planted long ago that have produced the fruit of the confusion berry. Dreher and most other Christian apologists today cannot conceive that The Truth has but One version, One teaching and thus a monopoly on public practice. The error of modern Christianity rejects the very univocal Kingship of Christ and His Church and replaces it with man, naming and creating “denominations” of His Church. Once you accept that than the Dreherites HAVE to accommodate Islam and Black Masses and Santeria and Mayanism et cetera, otherwise their doctrine of plurality is demolished.  Roberto de Mattei answered this very question as it applies to Islam in 2012:

“Hence, we do not renounce the doctrine of the Social Kingship of Christ: let us speak of the rights of Jesus Christ to reign over entire societies as the only solution to modern evils. So, instead of fighting for religious liberty, which is the equalizing of the true religion with the false ones, let us fight in defense of liberty for Christians, today persecuted by Islam in the East and by the dictatorship of relativism in the West.”

Pope Pius XII makes the same conclusion in advising statesmen on how to deal with public displays of error.

“Public worship of false religions may be, in cases, tolerated by the civil authorities, with the view of obtaining a greater good or avoiding a greater evil, but, in essence, it may be repressed even by force if necessary. But the right to tolerance is a contradiction, because, as is evident even from the term, whatever is tolerated is never a good thing, rather, it is always a purely bad thing. In the social life of nations, error may be tolerated as a reality, but never allowed as a right. Error “has no right to exist objectively nor to propaganda, nor action” (Pius XII Speech Ci Riesce 1953)

Pius holds out that there can be an accommodation of error in religion but only if a greater moral good is served. What possible moral good can be served by the expression of Islamic “faith” in public and the civil defense of it? Pius XII reserves judgement on these matters to the Chair of St Peter, an exhortation that has been and will surely be rejected by American Christians en masse, thus if you wish to be free from the direct influence of the evil that is Islam-the formation of the Republic of St Tammany becomes a necessity:

“Before all else the Catholic statesman must judge if this condition is verified in the concrete—this is the “question of fact.” In his decision he will permit himself to be guided by weighing the dangerous consequences that stem from toleration against those from which the community of nations will be spared, if the formula of toleration be accepted. Moreover, he will be guided by the good which, according to a wise prognosis, can be derived from toleration for the international community as such, and indirectly for the member state. In that which concerns religion and morality he will also ask for the judgment of the Church. For her, only He to whom Christ has entrusted the guidance of His whole Church is competent to speak in the last instance on such vital questions, touching international life; that is, the Roman Pontiff.”

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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