
Nobody Has A Problem When Eric Holder Wants To Nullify

todayMarch 7, 2013 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If anyone would have stood up at the Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, or South Carolina ratification hearings and said a future attorney general of the United States would be having press conferences about whether or not he was going to choose to strike down a legal statute passed by the legislature or ballot initiative of any state that did not contravene any of the enumerated powers granted to the general government under the Constitution, we would not have a Constitution today.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Here’s a story: “Holder punts on pot, urges Congress to act on guns.”


Attorney General Eric Holder said today that the federal government’s response to laws legalizing marijuana for recreational use in Washington state and Colorado remains forthcoming but will arrive soon.

“We are, in the administration at this point, considering what the federal government’s response to those new statutes will be,” Holder said during an oversight hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

[end reading]

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Mike:  If anyone would have stood up at the Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, or South Carolina ratification hearings and said a future attorney general of the United States would be having press conferences about whether or not he was going to choose to strike down a legal statute passed by the legislature or ballot initiative of any state that did not contravene any of the enumerated powers granted to the general government under the Constitution, we would not have a Constitution today.  Therefore, this government is unconstitutional, illegitimate, and ought to be dissolved immediately.  We should start over again.  There, I said it.  That’s the only thing I have from Eric Holder on that.

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailAs a matter of fact, the arrogance of “we haven’t decided whether or not we’re going to do anything about Washington and Colorado,” like what?  What are you going to do?  Are you going to sic a federal judge on them?  [mocking] “Hey, you need to get in there and make a ruling.”  The attorney general of the United States doesn’t have some plenary power.  He can’t just write a note or letter or send it to someone and say: I’m cracking down on you and your stupid law that your imbecilic citizens decided to pass.  It’s null and void now because me and Barry don’t like it.  Our pharmaceutical drug companies really don’t like it, Colorado.  Are you getting the message here?  You can’t allow the citizens to grow something that they can use in place of the pharmaceuticals that the pharmaceutical company pays us to promote and market.  Come on, you know how the game is played.

I’m serious about that, though.  That question was asked.  As a matter of fact, Patrick Henry actually said to James Madison: You will strike our laws down by implication, meaning they would use some clause in the Constitution and imply that clause gives us the power to do it.  No, it doesn’t.  He doesn’t know whether or not they’re going to nullify.  Did you know also, folks, that eight former heads of the Drug Enforcement Agency, eight DEA chiefs, are lobbying the federal government to do something about Washington and Colorado?  If I knew people in Washington and Colorado, you know what I’m doing?  I’m saying give me Kentucky Bluegrass Sensimilla or give me death.  In Washington State I’m saying give me Humboldt County’s finest redbud or give me death.  We’ll take our marijuana, our ski slopes, our elk, our logging industry, our wines, and we’ll go on without you.  We’re not going on without our dope.

republican-shirt-ifyouhavetoask1Folks, I don’t mean that to be dismissive.  If those people want those laws, that’s their business.  The general government and the State of Louisiana, in which I live, have nothing to say about it and I don’t want to have anything to say about it.  If I’m you people in Colorado and Washington, I’d like to know why you aren’t right now preparing the groundwork — this is probably going to happen, once they strike your ballot initiatives down legalizing marijuana — for your new round of secession petitions.  That’s right, secession.  I would tell Eric Holder: Under whose authority are you going to come in here and tell the good people of this state that they may not do and may not partake of, by ballot initiative, that of which they chose to partake of?  How are you going to enforce that?  Let me explain it to you, Mr. Holder.  We’re not going to let you enforce it.  If Rand Paul can stand on the floor of the United States Senate and bring the national legislature to a halt over the nomination of John Brennan, the State of Colorado and State of Washington can bring the rest of it to a halt by saying they have tuned in, turned on and dropped out, that they are not going to honor any requests to take their own laws off their own books.  That’s the way federalism is supposed to work.

The audacity of Holder to basically be considering the idea of performing a nullification on Washington and Colorado, I’d like to know where’s Chris Matthews on this?  He accused anyone in the South that talked about nullifying Obamacare of overt racism.  There have been members of the Florida legislature and other legislatures that have said if you bring up nullification in my presence, you’re bringing up slavery.  Well, Eric Holder is bringing up nullification.  He’s talking about nullifying a duly-passed statute in the State of Colorado and ditto that for the State of Washington.  Isn’t he a racist?  Where are the clan members?  Where are the Matthewses?  Where are the protests?  This is an outrage, isn’t it?

End Mike Church Show Transcript


Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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