
“The NSA Are Coming! The FDA Are Coming!” What Mortified the Founding Fathers

todayDecember 5, 2013 12

The greatest argument ever made against Congress's sweeping power to tax. Edited by Mike Church
The greatest argument ever made against Congress’s sweeping power to tax. Edited by Mike Church

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Consolidation of government mortified the men that we call founding fathers.  In other words, it scared them to death.  Yet, I share a story like that and I hear crickets chirping.  I looked at Friedersdorf’s post yesterday and I had linked to it and there were crickets chirping on it.  But there’s all sorts of people talking about Paul Walker (who, by all accounts, was a good man).”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  The first step in doing something about all these things is understanding that they actually are happening.  These are not figmentations of imaginations.  This is actual theft.  It is criminal.  It is people that have figured out — folks, this isn’t difficult to describe.  What I’m amazed at is how many people refuse to either learn of it or be agitated enough to demand that it stop.  I know people that are in the employ of the military-industrial complex.  They’ll point the finger and go, [mocking] “Everybody else is working for a corrupt company but not mine.”  Why is yours the exception to the rule?  [mocking] “Well, we have to have armaments.”  You guys are giving life to the argument that was made when the Constitution was being discussed and ratified and shortly thereafter cautioning against a standing army.  We’re not even talking about the loss of life and destruction of property abroad that is engendered and brought about by all this.

Related Material: Mike has talked about the NSA and Conor Friersdorf before

It’s not just the military-industrial complex, but it’s impossible to turn the other way — you know what I’m shocked at?  I’ll tell you what I’m shocked at.  I read yesterday from a piece posted by Conor Friedersdorf at The Atlantic.  The book is called The Puzzle Palace.  It’s about how the NSA was created illegally and unconstitutionally, not by an act of Congress but by an executive order by President Harry Truman.  For almost three decades, no one knew what the NSA’s charter was because Congress hadn’t authorized it.  Few members of Congress even knew where the NSA was.  They didn’t know where they got their funding from.  They didn’t know what they were doing.  Yet there they were, acting as though they were a government inside of a government.

As Friedersdorf kept pointing out throughout the piece, and I tried to point out, and I have been pointing out for years, folks, this is precisely why consolidation was so feared.  Consolidation of government mortified the men that we call founding fathers.  In other words, it scared them to death.  Yet, I share a story like that and I hear crickets chirping.  I looked at Friedersdorf’s post yesterday and I had linked to it and there were crickets chirping on it.  But there’s all sorts of people talking about Paul Walker.  Now you’re talking, buddy.  [mocking] “I tell you what, buddy, that’s something we oughta be talking about, them damn actors out there driving crazy all around in them Porsches.”

Is Davis A Traitor in paperback. get it signed by editor Mike Church. A great Christmas Gift for the Colonial Revolutionary!
Is Davis A Traitor in paperback. get it signed by editor Mike Church. A great Christmas Gift for the Colonial Revolutionary!

Even when confronted with the evils of what it is that our government does — the reason why a government evil is superior in threat to a private sector evil is because the government evil brings with it the threat of legal execution.  That’s right, you can actually lose your life to it legally and there’s nothing anybody can do about it.  Government illegality like this brings with it the threat of government-induced bankruptcy.  That’s right, robbing you of every material thing you own, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it because it was brought about legally.  That’s why this stuff matters.  Yet, to the average sherson out there [Baaa] it matters not.  They’re just baaing about.  To try to ring the Paul Revere alarm “The regulars are coming!  The regulars are coming!” this is the exact same alarm.

We’re Paul Reveres, folks.  We’re ringing the alarm.  The CIA is coming!  The NSA is coming!  That’s exactly what Revere did.  He didn’t say, “The redcoats are coming,” he said, “The regulars are coming.”  Those people were Brits.  That’s the point.  That’s what makes the Revere story so endearing, not the mythological Sarah Palin version of it but the actual version of it.  Those people in those towns were roused and told that their own army was coming to get them to try and disarm them.  This is exactly what’s happening today.  The CIA is coming to do that to you.  The NSA is coming to spy on you.  The EPA is coming to steal your land.  The FDA is coming to steal your right to prepare food the way you want to and grow it.  The agriculture department, same thing.  I could go on and on and on.  For you truck drivers, it’s the FTC and the other hell forsaken federal agencies.

Be a Paul Revere.  Don’t be a sheep baaing in the pasture.  For those that refuse to believe, make them understand.  Like Ronald Reagan said in his farewell address, for those that refuse to revere history and refuse to study it and refuse to learn from it and refuse to know it, nail them on it.  This is important stuff.  I don’t think that the average sherson out there, if apprised of these atrocities, would continue to just baa along and say [mocking] “I don’t have any problem with that.”  Certainly some of them would.  I don’t think that would be a majority opinion.  I think most people would be and are, if informed about this, are repulsed by it, as they should be.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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