Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Nullification is real. It was drafted and conceived by John Taylor of Caroline largely, James Madison with an assist and Jefferson with a little bit of an assist, men far wiser than anyone alive today and far closer to the ratification and writing of the Constitution. I would defer to them and not defer to John Roberts and not defer to Darth Vader Ginsberg, not defer to Justice Boatloads of Federal Money, not defer to Harry Reid or anyone else in the federal clownhood. That’s the task at hand. Put pressure on the Boehner Congress. You better remove that dude or you won’t be speaker in 2012. Then go to your state legislatures and demand, don’t take no for an answer. We cannot take no for an answer. We have to lobby, push, organize, but it can be done. That’s how you stop Obamacare. Check out the rest in today’s transcript…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: Nullification — now you’re going to hear from the Dana Milbanks and the Richard Cohens and Harold Meyersons and Anna Quindlens and Paul Krugmans and Chris Matthews and Al Sharptons of the world, and Rachel Maddows, you’re going to hear that nullification is illegal, stupid, never been successfully used (that is not true) and that the states don’t have that power (that is not true). In What Lincoln Killed: Episode I, the entire story of nullification, why it came about, whose idea it was and what is contained in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 is told. I’ll give you the cliffs notes version and I’ll tell you why it’s important.
The cliffs note is that in 1798, the Adams administration and the Congress — just think about this. This is the decade after ratification, after we were told, after the Federalists basically lied and said that the new general government could not seize and claim any powers that weren’t enumerated to it, there was Adams signing this thing called the Sedition Act, which basically said if you spoke ill of any executive or any appointed person in the Adams administration, including Adams himself, you would be guilty of sedition and they could arrest you and imprison you. They actually did. They actually locked some people up. Then the alien part of the Sedition Act was basically the general government telling the states: we’ll determine who it is you can and cannot admit, because there was a fear that there were French spies that were coming over from France. France was in revolution at the time, if you’ll recall. We almost went to war with France over this. The Adams administration and Congress was basically trying to say that you guys in the states can’t admit frenchies in because we say so.
After the Kentucky Resolution and the Virginia Resolution were offered in the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures and then passed, James Madison wrote what is famous today as the Virginia Report of 1800. I’ve read from it voluminously, effusively here on these radio airwaves when talking about Arizona’s right to determine who it is that’s immigrated into their state. The federal government doesn’t have any role, not a solitary thing to say about it. We know this because during the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and during the nullification crisis of 1798, James Madison, the principal author of the Constitution, wrote this Virginia Report of 1800 that lays the whole thing out in legal terms, that the state legislatures and the people of the sovereign states, they’re the ones that get to determine who they can admit into their midst unless there is a war declared. There was no war against France, therefore Congress and the Adams administration didn’t have the power to do this.
Nullification, by the way, was successful largely in securing the election of Jefferson in 1800, so it did work. Nullification also was successful in bringing to the attention of everyone that the Adams administration needed to go, it overstated its powers, and we needed amendments to the Constitution, and that the general government needed to rescind some of the things it did, and it did. It was successful. Nullification in 1832 of the abominable tariff was successful, even though South Carolina did not follow through on secession and actually did not nullify the abominable tariff. The Jackson administration backed off and the tariff was revoked. Don’t let anyone tell you that nullification will not work.
You have to have a legislature and a governor and a judiciary in the state that’s going to go along with this. If you don’t want Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act implemented in your state, let me just warn you, you are also going to have to do without Medicaid. You may have to do without Medicare, but you will regain your medical freedom. Your legislature — and thirteen, to my knowledge, have already done this, at least thirteen — is going to have to, by affirmative act, declare that that state, your state, is a sovereign state, is an entity, a country like any other, and that it has determined that Congress exceeded its authority. Your state is discharging your role in the federal system under the U.S. Constitution and is asserting its authority to nullify or refuse to implement what it believes are unconstitutional acts. Don’t feed me [mocking] “Well, the Supreme Court.” Screw the court. The court doesn’t have the power to implement either. It’s supposed to settle controversies between states. It was supposed to tell the Congress that it could not act. It erred in its judgment anyway.
Nullification is real. It was drafted and conceived by John Taylor of Caroline largely, James Madison with an assist and Jefferson with a little bit of an assist, men far wiser than anyone alive today and far closer to the ratification and writing of the Constitution. I would defer to them and not defer to John Roberts and not defer to Darth Vader Ginsberg, not defer to Justice Boatloads of Federal Money, not defer to Harry Reid or anyone else in the federal clownhood. That’s the task at hand. Put pressure on the Boehner Congress. You better remove that dude or you won’t be speaker in 2012. Then go to your state legislatures and demand, don’t take no for an answer. We cannot take no for an answer. We have to lobby, push, organize, but it can be done. That’s how you stop Obamacare.
End Mike Church Show Transcript

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