
NYC You’ll Do Transgender And Like It

todayJanuary 11, 2016 4


Wrong Gender Identification Will Cost You

Spirit_of_76_COMPLEAT_FEATURE-670x600Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“Folks, if I had told you this story, you wouldn’t believe it.  If you were subjected to it, you would say: No, no, this can’t happen here.  For all those that say this can’t happen here, it’s happening here.  This one is especially ridiculous, though, and is probably coming to a town near you very soon.  But keep denying that.  By all means, continue the denial.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  “New York City initiates the most severe ‘transgender rights’ enforcement in America.”  Folks, if I had told you this story, you wouldn’t believe it.  If you were subjected to it, you would say: No, no, this can’t happen here.  For all those that say this can’t happen here, it’s happening here.  This one is especially ridiculous, though, and is probably coming to a town near you very soon.  But keep denying that.  By all means, continue the denial.  “New ‘rights’ leveraged from NYC’s transgender ‘non-discrimination’ law. Similar to laws being passed across the US. This is where it’s headed,” begins the story.


This is where the radical “non-discrimination” laws are taking us, unless we stop them.

On Dec. 21, New York City’s Commission on Human Rights announced that it has re-interpreted the city’s transgender anti-discrimination law. The result is more radical and oppressive than we’ve seen so far in the U.S. It covers all people in the areas of employment, public accommodations (i.e., restaurants, theaters, stores, health clubs, etc), and housing. Included are fines of up to $250,000 for each violation.

Watch what you say. Man dressed as woman shows up in high-end lounge in Salt Lake City, apparently to test the reaction by patrons and staff. Utah recently passed a “gender identity non-discrimination” law. Now, New York City has raised the bar considerably. [Mike: That’s the description of a photograph that has a crossdresser there. Is crossdresser now off the list? Is that on George Carlin’s list of 70 bad words?]

The New York City Commission has released a 10-page manual stating specifically what it intends to enforce. [Mike: You can read the manual in the story that I link to at in today’s Pile of Prep.]

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

Violations of the law in the City of New York now include:

Failing to use an individual’s preferred name or pronoun, such as calling a biological male “she” when requested. [Mike: So if you’ve got a Stan working in your office that wishes to be a Stella and wants you to call it Stella, then you have to call him her, or Susan or Cheryl or whatever.] It’s also illegal to require proof of a legal name change or of “sex-change” medical procedures.

Restricting same-sex facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, and showers, to the persons of the biological sex.

[end reading]

Mike:  Again, if Stan who wishes to be called Stella, if he demands that he be called she wants to go take a shower in the women’s locker room, you’ve got to let him.  If he wants to go hang out in the locker room and change clothes or powder his nose or whatever, you’ve got to let him.  What if he just wants to get in on the gossip of the ladies cackling over the picket fence?  You’ve got to let him.  If you don’t, you’ve discriminated.  Again, you’ll do radical sex accommodation and like it or you’ll be white martyred.  Pray it doesn’t turn red.  Wait a minute, there’s more.  You can’t restrict the bathrooms or showers using “gender identity or expression” as a determinant.  In other words, they now all have to be co-ed or whatever ed.

Is there even a co in there anymore?  Why don’t we just say human.  What if I’m transhuman?  What if I go [mocking] “I am Fido born in a man’s body.  I am a dog and I demand that you treat me – I am transspecies.  The doctors are gonna fix me up.  They’re gonna turn me into Rin Tin Tin.  While they do, you have to call me Spot.”  How’s that going to look on a paycheck, Spot?  What, are you going to go to a bank, pay to the order of Spot.  How is the teller going to ID you, a rabies tag?  You see how preposterous this is, folks.  This isn’t even hard to make fun of.  More restrictions:


Limiting a person’s options to only “male” and “female” . . . [Mike: You have to have more boxes on the form. You can’t just say male or female now. I don’t know what other boxes there are other than male or female.]

Sex stereotyping. If a company allows women to wear wigs, makeup, skirts, and jewelry – it must also allow men to do so. [Mike: If Stan wants to come dressed as Stella, even though he’s still Stan, you’ve got to let Stan come dressed as Stella, even if they’re waiting on your customers all dolled and tricked out as a crossdresser. I’m sorry, we’re not allowed to say that. As an optional dresser, right?] Any conversation about a person’s non-conformity to gender norms is also prohibited.

Imposing different dress codes based on sex. Similar to sex stereotyping. For example, if a restaurant requires waitresses to wear skirts and high heels, it must also require male waiters do so. Or, it may not require only male patrons to wear ties. The Commission’s manual is very emphatic about this:

“Holding individuals to different grooming or uniform standards based on gender serves no legitimate non-discriminatory purpose and reinforces a culture of sex stereotypes and accepted cultural norms based on gender expression and identity.”

[end reading]

Mike:  Yes it does.  It totally serves a purpose.  It allows someone to identify the sex of the person they’re having a conversation with so they don’t offend them with the wrong joke.  That’s just one purpose.  Doesn’t this then say that is now going to be illegal in New York City?  It would seem to me that people that would sign up for would be pretty adamant about listing and then living by their preferred gender.  Are they allowed to date someone or seek dates with people that reside in New York?  What are they going to do about online sites?  What about people that just do business with people in New York?  How’s that going to work?


The Commission’s manual is very emphatic about this:

“Holding individuals to different grooming or uniform standards based on gender serves no legitimate non-discriminatory purpose and reinforces a culture of sex stereotypes and accepted cultural norms based on gender expression and identity.” [Mike: Okay. What exactly is wrong with that? What’s wrong with having a gender norm? Folks, if you thought 2015 was the wildest year ever, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait till 2016.]

Transgender-inclusive health insurance. All employers must cover medical procedures for “transitioning” to the opposite sex and include other special “transgender” health care. The manual elaborates:

“To be non-discriminatory with respect to gender, health benefit plans must cover transgender care . . . [Mike: Now you’ve got to pay. You’ve got to buy insurance for Stan to become Stella or for Stella to become Stan. Is this insanity or what? What’s next? Do I have to buy them a wardrobe, too?] Transgender care includes a range of treatments, including, for example, hormone replacement therapy, voice training, or surgery.”

[end reading]

Mike:  I read something.  Where did I read this at?  I’m trying to remember now.  The difference between the male and female voice is by distinction and by origin biological, in the same manner in which the female pelvis is constructed differently than the male.  No amount of surgeries can change that.  You can’t alter that.  Female DNA is constructed differently from male, or chromosomes are constructed differently.  No amount of therapy can change that.  You can’t alter that.  In the same way, the female voice is constructed differently from male.  You can monkey around with the so-called vocal cords, but they’re still going to be female cords.  You can’t alter that.  You can’t change them.  Isn’t that amazing?  God was not going to allow medical and scientific tampering with his design.


Treating cross-dressers differently in the workplace or at a public accommodation, even in a minor way, is strictly illegal. Also, reacting negatively to a person’s demands that their “transgender rights” be enforced is also illegal.

[end reading]

Mike:  In other words, if they tell you that you’ve got to pay for Stan to become Stella and you object on financial grounds, you’re in violation of the law.  The law would then protect them, I guess, if Stan wants to remain Stan.  Why wouldn’t it apply that way?  This is insane.  I almost believe – if I hadn’t gotten it from Brother Andre Marie and browsed around the site and clicked some of the links – I would have thought this was a story from The Onion, that this was something they did on Saturday Night Live or an episode of South Park.  This is actually happening.



The manual includes legal definitions of terms, such as: Cisgender, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Gender, Gender non-conforming, Intersex, Sex, Transgender.  For example, “Gender Identity” is legally defined as:

“. . . one’s internal deeply-held sense of one’s gender with may be the same or different from one’s sex assigned at birth. One’s gender identity may be male, female, neither or both, e.g., non-binary. Everyone has a gender identity. Gender identity is distinct from sexual orientation.”

Tom Mullen Conservatives and LiberalsViolators can be fined up to $250,000 per violation. This can include employers, employees, and even members of the public at a public accommodation. In addition, the “victims” can be awarded “back and front pay, along with other compensatory and punitive damages.” Potential victims have one year to file a complaint with the Commission and three years to file with the court system.

Have you tried the all new Veritas Radio Network yet? You can listen to the Mike Church Show LIVE weekdays 8-11 CST. The show is easier to access than ever before.  But Veritas Radio isn’t JUST Mike Church, try the exclusives shows by ReConquest with Brother Andre, David Simpson’s True Money, The Mark Kreslins Show, My Story of America with Michael T George, Reverse Deception with Gregory Carpenter and The Constitution Hour with Kevin Gutzman.

[end reading]

Mike:  In other words, they could sit on it for a couple years, and if they decide they don’t like you anymore, they can file a complaint.  [mocking] “He called me Stan.  My name is Stella now.”  Were you Stella back then?  “Well, I was working on it.”  The authors of the piece say:


Why is all this necessary? In order to justify the imposition of such a ridiculous set of laws, they employ a tactic known as “inversion of reality.”

[end reading]

Mike:  That’s exactly what it is.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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