Pile Of Prep

Obama “Invests” in Health Care Solyndras Making Fraulein Sebelius the Investment Czar

todayJune 5, 2012 8


Wisconsin is either going to send the plundering “public employee union” class back to Mordor from whence they crawled out or will live under their parasitic rule until they are forced to leave

Unenumerated Madness: Obama’s HHS henchwoman- Herr Sebilius is now INVESTING BILLIONS in the health care e1quivalent of Solyndra. Q: WIll repeal & replace Republicans repeal THAT?

If Dear Leader can’t earn your vote by upholding the Constitution maybe he can shake down your employer to pay you what you haven’t earned in a “paycheck fairness act”-sounds right out of Atlas Shrugged don’t it!?

Shockuh: Romney taps DeceptiCON tree hugger who can’t wait to get his hands around “repeal & replace” with those juicy “exchanges” in place, as transition team leader (if he needs one)

VIDEO: Scott Walker realizes what the stakes are tomorrow-does everyone else?
To Jonah Goldberg: Maybe the voting age should be jettisoned altogether in favor of a property requirement or at least a last 5 years property requirement as universal suffrage is only universal for those who vote a share of someone else’s wealth

Do Parents helping out with field trips and funding for activities in ADDITION to their taxes REALLY help their kids schools?

Gubbmint parasites drastically outnumber their private sector counterparts after 3 years of [fake] “austerity” and skyrocketing debts

Why is Sen. Mike Lee one of the good guys? Because he understands what tyranny is and calls it out when he sees it in Dear Leader

Robert Murphy nails the relationship between the State and the “culture war” just as Pat Buchanan said on yesterday’s show

So the debt ceiling increase and the spending is all the fault of “liberals” yet the solution can only be won by Republicans clinging to the 13th Amendment? Nice contradictions if you can get paid to write them

Richard Dawson didn’t have to suffer any chemo treatments for his throat cancer before dying – a relief- say his children

Written by: TheKingDude

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