
Obama Is Fighting A War – But Its Against US

todayJune 24, 2010 13


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Oh, so predictable.  More Red Sox vs. Yankees.  More red vs. blue.  More liberal vs. conservative.  More Democrat vs. Republican.  At the end of the day, it doesn’t freakin matter.  Both parties are in on this.  There are differences, slight differences, in philosophy now since the libtard wing of the Dumbocrat Party is basically running it now.  This will now, let me just explain something to you, or give you my theory on this, which is actually has a very good pedigree here of being proven.  When the Democrat Party abdicates the conservative and there was such a thing at one point in time.  When the Democrat Party is conscripted by the new communist, the new Marxist, the new anti-constitutionalist, the new America haters, and they abdicate territory that they once held it was the Dumbocrat Party that actually held the states rights territory it is then occupied by the Republican Party.  But and states rights is one of the good examples of this.


     But the other bad examples are, as the Dumbocrat Party moves further and further into Castro, Chavez, Mao Tse-tung, Stalin, Kim Jong-il, command-and-control style government running the economy, where everything runs through the central authority, and everything is planned by the central authority, the ground that they once occupied with just very stringent regulation and coziness with big corporations, and writing regulations and laws to benefit those corporations, is then occupied by Republicans.  There is no party that stands with the Constitution.  And I’m sorry to tell you, don’t even call me and argue with me, that it is not the Republican Party that stands with the Constitution.  See SCHIP.  See No Child Gets an Education.  See undeclared war by Congress in Iraq.  See Patriot Act.  And I could go on and on and on.  No party stands with the Constitution anymore.  And that’s because the American public doesn’t want to live under the Constitution.

     So all of this is an exercise in futility if if the power of the people is not restored in their respective sovereign states and if the structure of the separation of powers is not restored.  And what I mean by that is, if the state governments don’t take over all the ground or take back over the ground that they have conceded to the feds, kick the federal judges out, return the jurisdictions back to the state courts, back to the state legislatures, back to the governors, and back to the city councilmen and the mayor, well, then, none of this is going to change, and you’ll just be bitching and moaning about it to the day you die, and then you’ll watch your children live under it.

So as long as you’re happy with long-term unemployment benefits, Social Security ad nauseam for grannies or the continuation of Medicare, Medicaid, and all the other entitlement programs, then this will always be.  Its not going to go away.  Its not going to take itself away.  That’s not the way the game is played.  Governments don’t give ground back that they have taken.  It is only taken back by revolution.  Now, there can be a peaceful revolution in the states.  Or ultimately, after bankruptcy, worthless currency and what have you, you make room for dictators and violent revolutions.  I know that cant happen here.  Mike, you’re a demagogue.  All right.  Right.  Could never happen here.  Sure it could.  Keep telling yourself that.

     road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailAs a matter of fact, ladies and gentlemen, I heard a very well-known, very famous, alleged conservative commentator who in my opinion is a DeceptiCon, meaning hes a fake, phony conservative, I heard this particular gentleman droning on for about an hour yesterday about a need for no, it wasn’t an hour.  I watched it, rather, droning on about the need for a national energy policy.  Hey, there is a national energy policy.  Its called the free market.  If you get the government regulations and subsidies and laws out of the way from the central authority, you watch and see all of the innovations in energy and energy creation and energy distribution that will pop up like little green shoots across the amber waves of fuel.  They cant pop up now because they’re illegal, and the deck is stacked against them.  They cant compete with subsidies.  They cant compete with tax breaks.  They cant compete with regulatory agencies that are going to write rules and laws that are going to make it impossible for them to get a foothold.

     So if you want a national energy policy, well, then, the fastest way to get one is to eliminate all the restrictions on one.  Meaning no energy department of non-energy.  The federal government doesn’t have a say-so in how you and your community or your estate produces energy.  It doesn’t.  Unless in the very, very few cases where it is produced in international or federal territorial waters like in the Gulf of Mexico, out in the middle of it, that’s the exception to the rule.  1-866-95-PATRIOT.  People don’t like to hear that, though.  Why, that requires awful lot, awful lot of work on your behalf, of work you would actually have to do.

     Economic news.  Its awful.  Its horrible.  Lets see here.  Where do we start?  USA Today.  Here you go.  Have you heard that the Obama mortgage plan have you heard about this?  Remember we [mimicking President Obama] Were going to help eight to ten million homeowners stay in their homes with mortgage adjustments.  Howd that work out?  It didn’t work.  People are dropping out of the program even after their mortgages have been adjusted, their loans have the principle on their loans has been illegally and unconstitutionally because you cant go ex post facto and change contracts have been altered and have been reduced.  People still wont or cant stay in their homes.  They don’t want to make the damn payments.

     They only bought this is the important thing to know.  The only reason many of the people that bought homes in the subprime mortgage market was not to live in them.  I repeat, was not to live in them, to have a roof over their head to protect they and their children, their chirruns, from snow, wind, sleet, hurricanes, tornadoes and what have you, the sun and all that, and bugs.  The purpose of purchasing a home was because the lie was so that, oh, all you’ve got to do is sign right here on the dotted line, Mr. and Mrs. Dumbass American, and stay in there for three years, and your investment will increase by 25 percent.  Then you sell it and buy a bigger house.  And ultimately you’ll live in a McMansion, and you wont own anything on it.  Just watch this infomercial here on TV.  They’ll show you how to do it.  People bought it because the home is the biggest investment they’ll ever

A home is a depreciating asset.  It is where you live.  It costs to maintain a home.  There are heavy property taxes on a home.  If that’s an asset, its one of the worst ones that you can have.  Now, everyone needs one.  So in an ideal world you would save, save, save, build one for cash, and pay as little interest as you possibly could to move into it.  Does it sound like a great investment deal, that you purchase something for $250,000?  At the end of the period, if there is no inflation, its worth $225,000, but you have racked up $175,000 in interest payments?  Does that sound like a good investment?  Doesn’t sound like a good investment to me.  Now, if you want to own a home because you want to own the home, and because you’re going to live in it, and this is where you’re going to raise your kids, then have at it.  But please stop with the investment crap.  And this is why these mortgage adjustments aren’t going to work.

What should happen is the federal government should pull the plug on all these programs, should pull the plug on Fannie and Freddie, let this damn thing bottom out, let all the foreclosures take place.  People will have to take their losses, yes, sad but true, its going to happen anyways.  And then, when the market bottoms out, then you actually have a free market for houses.  And you wont have all the unsold inventory you had because prices will precipitously drop.  Right now, reading yesterdays news, home prices actually rose slightly between July of last year and May of this year.  That’s not good news, that’s awful news.  Especially if you”re a young person starting a family, just getting married, and you want to buy a home.  Do you want to pay more for it or less for it?  Do you want to pay what its actually worth or what its inflated to be worth today?  One of the dumbest things you could do today, unless its a repo, and you’re absolutely sure that the price is not going to go down and is not going to depreciate, is to purchase a new home.  Sorry, builders.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: TheKingDude

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