
Obama Supporters and the Pro-Death Mentality

todayAugust 5, 2014 11


The Hypocrisy of Pro-Death Penalty Supporters

Jeff Wallace's In God We Trusted Book-Signed by the author
Jeff Wallace’s In God We Trusted Book-Signed by the author

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We had another execution last night in Arizona.  We had another instance where the drugs that used to be on the market for lethal injections, now that they no longer are on the market — and that is because the manufacturers of said compounds did not wish for their compounds to be used in the taking of innocent human life via the death penalty, so they stopped selling them in the U.S.  This has caused states that do lethal injection as a method of execution to scramble for a new “cocktail of drugs,” in other words, a new way to execute people.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  We had another execution last night in Arizona.  We had another instance where the drugs that used to be on the market for lethal injections, now that they no longer are on the market — and that is because the manufacturers of said compounds did not wish for their compounds to be used in the taking of innocent human life via the death penalty, so they stopped selling them in the U.S.  This has caused states that do lethal injection as a method of execution to scramble for a new “cocktail of drugs,” in other words, a new way to execute people.  In at least two instances now, we have stories that are emerging of the horror, [mocking] “The cruelty, these men are suffering horribly.  These executions are terrible to watch.  They’re ghastly.”  So now we have all these protestors who can usually be found, when they’re not protesting the death penalty for adult humans, they can usually be found protesting for the death penalty for infant humans via the ghastly process called abortion.

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I’m not moved by the caterwauling and wailing and gnashing of teeth of those that are so upset with all this human misery and suffering that these convicted murderers are allegedly enduring.  They seem to have no compassion, no remorse, no sorrow, no sadness, they seem to not fret about, not car about, they seem to not be motivated by how it is that abortion doctors perform their horrific murder of the soon-to-be-among-us.  They don’t care about that.  You don’t think there’s cruel and inhuman suffering going on in wombs?  Have you ever seen how one of these things is done?

I did post a video once upon a time.  If you’d like to watch one, I strongly recommend that you don’t, but if you’d like to see one, they’re out there.  They take them off YouTube as soon as they’re discovered, but people keep reposting them.  Just think of the macabre nature of someone that films this.  Trust me when I tell you that you don’t want to watch it.  The only reason I watched it was so that I can relay it to listeners so you won’t have to.  You want to talk about suffering, you want to talk about enduring pain, what about the late-term abortions that Kermit Gosnell was performing in Philadelphia?  There were stories in his trial where some of those infants that were killed by that monster, that the procedure would take hours and he could not effectually kill the fetus — Latin for baby — couldn’t do Michigan_abortion_center_dead_babies_discovered_in_dumpsterit on the first try.  So kind of like Mary Queen of Scots, he had to go in there and cut the head off again.

Also remember that it was the senator from Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama, when he was a state senator, when Obama was in the state senate there was a bill that came before the senate.  It was called the BAIPA, Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.  Okay, Mike, what was that?  Why do I care?  Get back to bashing Obama.  This is a bash of Obama.  The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act was created by and offered by legislators that had been encouraged to do it by nurses who had witnessed botched late-term abortions.  What would happen in some of these instances is the inconvenience, big wild night of partying eight months ago resulting in an inconvenience being aborted eight months later, that the inconvenience refused to die.  The nurses were charged with doing something with the body.  I realize this is horrible stuff here at 5:00 in the morning.  Bear with me for just a moment.

Jill Stanek was one of the nurses.  Ms. Stanek has been on this show a couple times.  She testified in front of the Illinois House and in front of the Illinois Senate of the necessity of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which eliminated most of those late-term abortions in the State of Illinois so that those babies — what the nurses were instructed to do was to take the infants that survived the process and do something with them.  What they would do is take them into surgical supply closets, wrap them up in towels, and sit them in there and lock the door and the infant, who wouldn’t be fed, who would not be cared for, whose lungs wouldn’t be properly expanded and what have you, would somehow be mercifully taken by our Lord and die.


After this happened enough times and after these nurses witnessed it, they went to the Illinois State Legislature and begged them to do something about it and they did.  There was only one no vote against the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.  Guess who cast it?  Did you guess Obama?  You’re prescient.  Yes, Obama cast the no vote.

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For all those that are Obama partisans and are demanding that Eric Holder intervene and that Obama do something and intervene on all these executions, I don’t think Obama has a problem with the loss of human life.  He has a kill list.  He drones people in wedding parties in Yemen.  He drones innocent people in Pakistan, drone bombs them, I should say, in Pakistan and Afghanistan and every other hell forsaken place on the planet.  He has his own personal kill list.  I don’t think there’s an issue here.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. Samuel on August 6, 2014

    Praying for the Fathers mercy on those who have and continue to perform these atrocities. May God have mercy on those who consent and give thier support to this murder of innocence. Just as Abels blood cried out to God, so do these innocents. The wrath of the Lord is coming upon this union of States, now just an Amalgamation. Praying for you also Mike, remain steadfast sir. God Bless
