Pile Of Prep

ObamaBot Zombies Revolt After “Is It Over Yet” Speech in OH Today

todayJune 15, 2012 11


Obama is negotiating a [formerly] secret treaty that trades American law for international law on the internetRep Issa is so alarmed he has leaked the text of the document in question – Ron Wyden is equally hopping mad

Obama speech in Ohio scores at the 7th grade level for comprehension, 10th grade on the comparison scale, this is a slight improvement from his SOU scores so Obama the wordsmith leader is growing in his job!

Indication of the number of years of formal education that a person requires in order to easily understand the text on the first reading
Gunning Fog index : 10.08


Approximate representation of the U.S. grade level needed to comprehend the text :
Coleman Liau index : 9.31
Flesch Kincaid Grade level : 7.93
ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 7.53
SMOG : 10.49

Socialists: Make your money in free enterprise-boatloads of it-THEN claim the only course of salvation is top confiscate everyone ELSE’S money for “redistribution”-nice work if you can find it (that includes those who NEVER made a cent but took the riches of the successful to help the confiscation-bureaucrats & think tankers)

Ron Paul: There is no doubting the cliff ahead that our Acme rocket car is speeding toward, will we hit the brakes or the gas?

Flashback: CBO says cut gubbmint spending and the economy will shrink – they have it exactly BACKWARDS!

Tyranny of “Specks in the City”: $40k will get you dinner NEAR Obama at Sarah Jessica Parker’s pad as the elite, snobbery continue to act exactly as [r]epublicans said they would only they are ACTUALLY spending your confiscated money for THEIR pleasure (political, philanthropical and professional)

In Your Face! The Army transports spy drones on DC area hi-way like they are transporting a golf cart. Apparently only the SURVEILLED have a problem with the Surveillance State

FLOP: Where is that old Barack Magic that made the Zombies walk in search of brains and votes and the milk less soccer moms believe the milkman was Obama?

Imaginative Conservative: Brad Birzer continues to warn of the coming Dark Age but there is one bright spot on the talk radio dial that gives some hope (see if you can guess!)

Beheaded: Game of Thrones commits disrespect and savagery in the face of an opportunity to do otherwise

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Wil Shrader Jr. on October 19, 2012

    I would like to know how the deplorably inadequate comprehension skills the government indoctrination centers provide most people factor into the scores. 7th grade seems sad and pathetic enough but what would the score be if the standard of education used was that before the government ruined it? I think it would be lower, meaning in the 19th century, the level of comprehension at a given age would have been higher than it is now. I have no evidence to back this but my contempt for all things ruined by government control that were not under said control in the past.
