Pile Of Prep

Obama’s “Shutdown” Stonewall Might Require Us To Go Stonewall Jackson

todayOctober 8, 2013 8


Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILMandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the why we’ll need StoneWall Jackson types to lead us toward where we want our culture & community to be with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.  “What is really happening is that Washington’s machinery of national governance is literally melting down. It is the victim of 80 years of Keynesian error—much of it nurtured in the environs of Harvard Yard—- about the nature of the business cycle and the capacity of the state—especially its central banking branch— to ameliorate the alleged imperfections of free market capitalism. As to the proof, we need look no further than last week’s unaccountable decision by the Fed to keep Wall Street on its monetary heroin addiction by continuing to purchase $85 billion per month of government and GSE debt.” – David Stockman, Sundown in America

Government Shutdown blame game falls on –surprise surprise– Republican heads! Gee, who EVER wouldda guessed, meanwhile the unprincipled “conservatives” who are principled on bombing brown people, begin to chant “compromise” (again)

Government Shutdown Factoid # 35 – The normally rock-solid Daniel Larison has this one backwards, so, let’s go over this one more time: As long as the federal gubbmint is receiving revenues that exceed their debt payments they cannot be in “default”. A failure to extend borrowing authority does not directly impact current obligations, either.

This site is solely supported by your Founders Tradin’ Post purchases and memberships to the Founders Pass. Won’t you shop the store or take the membership tour today?

Government Shutdown Factoid #61The creator of McAfee virus protection software wants to know what “idiot” created the insecure, bound to lose millions of identities ObamaCare website “Little old ladies will have the $75k life savings and identities robbed [if they apply there]”

Take the Franklin’s Opus Real History Quiz #2 and see if you can rank in the top ten among your fellow history loving [r]epublican friends

Order your Produce[r] Shirt today
Order your Produce[r] Shirt today
VIDEO: Senator Tom Coburn along with Senator Rand Paul makes this point on not defaulting just because the debt ceiling isn’t raised

Happy Holy Rosary Day as we recall the history of how the Turkish invasion of Europe was thwarted by prayer to the Blessed Mother

If you are enjoying the repos of Forrest McDonald’s “Was the 14th Amendment Constitutionally Adopted” along comes the latest biography of the famed historian who has MUCH MORE work for us to enjoy and learn from

(N.B. The Washington Times has PULLED this story & I cannot verify its authenticity) The AntiCult strikes again: Lesbian “parents” in CA put 11 year old boy through sex change procedure because “he is ok with it” do you think two heterosexual men could turn a 16 year old boy into a girl without the State and Fable Tv News Shows claiming they were perverts on the prowl?

TIC: Happy 60th birthday to Russell Kirk’s “The Conservative Mind” and here’s to another 60 years of defending the enduring, the beautiful and the transcendent

Order your, "America Secede or Die" embroidered baseball cap today!
Order your, “America Secede or Die” embroidered baseball cap today!

Bring On Stonewall Jackson I – Former Reagan WH Budget Director David Stockman’s magnum opus on the coming Sundown in America an age of dystopian travails no American could ever have imagined but has indeed been homespun. To read this you will need: Valium, Bourbon and an unloaded gun

Bring on Stonewall Jackson II – THIS is why deficits matter. The Federal Treasury sells $8.3 TRILLION in NEW debt to pay off $7.5 TRILLION in old debt meaning WE took a $777 BILLION interest hit

Big Apple with worms. “Experts” insist that school must ban all balls, games, ropes, slides anything a child can injure himself on or else…well or else they wouldn’t be “experts” and these wouldn’t be “public schools”


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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