
On The Eve of Lent & The Rise of Bernie The Red, Remember This Is All OUR Fault

todayFebruary 24, 2020 5


by Mike Church

I’ve said it a couple thousand times the past 3 years “were it not for Don John of Manhattan, the 4th Don John, guillotines would be going up outside city halls in every large city in ‘Muricah, and the blood of non-juring Christians would run like rain.” This is not an idol worship or praise for Trump, its just true, the same maniacs who are making it legal then assisting in the chemical and physical mutilation of the children who survive their parents lust to abort them, have similar mutilations if not death in mind for the rest of us who refuse our assent to their evil; and they don’t care if we know that’s what they’re thinking.

Let me be clear (with a lot of respect & admiration for John Daniel Davidson): all this is NOT Barrack Hussein Obama’s fault.

This is not Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders’ fault.

This is not Bush or Clinton’s fault.

This is not Reagan or Nixon or Johnson’s fault.

This MAY BE, at least partially, JFK and his family’s fault because they knew better and yet set us on this course at light speed where it had been sailing along at 5 knots.

This is the fault of Western Man and his unrepentant rejection of The Social Kingship of Christ.

Hurry! head for the back button now, another duped, “Jesus freak”, weirdo is preaching “are you saved!?”! No, you’re probably not, and I am finding my path difficult too, here’s why.

On 11 December 1925, Pope Pius XI promulgated his encyclical letter Quas primas, on the Kingship of Christ. The encyclical dealt with what the Pope described correctly as “the chief cause of the difficulties under which mankind was laboring.” He explained that the manifold evils in the world are due to the fact that the majority of men have thrust Jesus Christ and His holy law out of their lives; that Our Lord and His holy law have no place either in private life or in politics; and, as long as individuals and states refuse to submit to the rule of our Saviour, there will be no hope of lasting peace among nations. Men must look for the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of ChristPax Christi in Regno Christi. – Michael Davies, 1992

That sums up our current pickle better than any campaign as or slogan or any amount of political analysis no matter how sincere. Address the problem above cited 95 years ago and we can heal this breach twixt rivaling clans and demonically possessed hordes who think the next “salvation” is coming from the pseudo emancipation of X’s from chromosome pairs.

No. Lent starts on Wednesday. Read Quas primas, start corporal works of mercy and work in your own kingdom, your home, for the Reign of Christ The King. The CRUSADER Knights of the Most Holy Rosary exist for this purpose, please consider joining us.


Written by: TheKingDude

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