Pile Of Prep

One Man One Vote Gets Unless Your Vote Is For Ron Paul-LA GOP Refuses To Send Paul Delegates to RNC

todayJuly 30, 2012 6


LA GOP refuses to send Ron paul delegates-duly ELECTED delegates-to National Convention. This will set off a massive nationwide revolt against the Romney campaign that it can ill afford

Ron Paul 2012 campaign to challenge the results but what they should do is encourage the RP delegates to pull a 1964 Democrat Party manuever

Steyn: The President of Chick Fil-A has the same position on gay marriage that President Obama had when Rahm Emmanuel works at the White House

Scalia talks to Chris Wallace on Fox New Sunday -says “originalism” isn’t hard to understand, fails to explain why he doesn’t understand

WaPo Columnist claims Obamanomics and ObamCare are “mainstream” now

What the last 100 days of the Presidential campaign is SCHEDULED to be like

2/3 of voters say they have made up their minds 100 days before the Presidential Election is held

Defying all logic, reason and common sense the DOW spiked upwards 600 points at weeks end as “investors” anticipate more free money from the Fed will be dealt to the bank families (sounds like a GodFather plot doesn’t it?)

Judge allows Stockton CA debt restructure plan, including cutting HEALTH BENEFITS to stand pending a full ruling. Avalanche of municipal bankruptcies are on their way as Last Train to Brokjesville pulls into every town in america’s rail yard

The LA Times goes rogue on Obama with editorial: When Government Kills

Is Bobby Jindal being quietly groomed to be Romney’s VP?

Written by: TheKingDude

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