The Mike Church Show

Our Lady Burned In Paris The Question Rises: Who From The Modernist, Sodomite Sacristan Gang Can Rebuild Her!? – The Mike Church Show

todayApril 16, 2019 7


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11:08am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

Recap of yesterdays show –
6m Bernie Sanders News –

  • Since the 1980’s he wanted a single payer health care system.
  • This isn’t anything new here.
Carrie Gress Tweeted out this morning: “The burned roof of Notre Dame is a great symbol of the Church today/ The top- Bishops and cardinals are living lives of decadence and faithlessness. But there is hope – like Notre Dame, the body of the Church, the stones, are still strong and standing.”


Video Of Bell Tower – 

  • There is a video being passed around of a “worker”  in the bell tower.
  • It would make sense you would want to have eyes on the tower that had not yet caught fire.
12m HEADLINE: Christianity Burns by Mark Mallett

  • 354 years before Luther they were building the most admired Cathedral and probably the entire world.








HEADLINE: The history of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris by Catholic New Agency

  • “Pope Alexander III laid the foundation stone for the cathedral in 1163, and the high altar was consecrated 26 years later.”
  • The renovation was controversial b/c there was no spire at that time.
  • The tallest points were the 2 bell towers.
  • That spire reached 315 ft in the air, making it the highest man-made point in all of Paris! It was only eclipsed when the Eiffel Tower was built.
  • Saint Pope Pius X beatified Joan of Arc, perhaps France’s most famous Catholic martyr, in Notre-Dame cathedral in 1909.
  • Every time you hear University of Notre Dame you should say University of Our Lady.
  • QUESTION: Why was it built in the center?
  • ANSWER: It is an attention grabber. The Church is supposed to be the FOCAL point of every city.












Special Guest Carrie Gress

Author of The Marian Option and The Anti-Mary Exposed

Follow Carrie Gress here: @CarrieGress

  • There are people that aren’t Catholic and have no faith whatsoever that are devastated by this.
  • This shows you just how powerful the Catholic Faith and its historical places are to the world.
  • If you look at motherhood, people take their mothers for granted until their mother is no longer here.
  • That is the experience so many of us had yesterday and if you have lost your mother.
  • Built by men that new they would never see this to its completion.
  • These people would work in shifts by months.
  • The Faith transcends generations.
  • Your life for mine is the new view of things. Back then it was my life for yours.
  • We wanted the best for our children even if it cost us our lives.
  • Now we abort children b/c we want to live our lives to the ‘fullest’.
  • You can get lost in Notre Dame it is so massive.
  • My husband and I got engaged in Notre Dame!
  • There is so much there, it is hard get it all in one trip.
  • Calvary has started.

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12:12pm cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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  • There was a fire alarm that was set off. The area was inspected and it was determined no fire.
  • There was a second fire alarm that was set off. The area was inspected and the fire was well underway.

HEADLINE: Alarm Was Raised 23 Minutes Before the Notre Dame Blaze Was Detected by Erin Zaleski, Linda Hervieux, Barbie Later Nadeau





















Special Guest Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute

  • I find everything about this whole mess very suspicious.
  • The last fire of this magnitude was when it was set intentionally.
  • So you are telling me a cigarette started this whole thing?
  • Camino de Santiago –
  • Cathedral at the end of the Camino pilgrimage – Santiago de Compostela Cathedral
  • Doing renovation at the Cathedral and he couldn’t get to it b/c they rerouted traffic. He got so angry he couldn’t blow up the Cathedral so he decided to plow over innocent people on the street.
  • The message of Fatima has something to do with Fatima.
  • The message of Fatima points to this. What it is, I don’t know.
  • France is the eldest daughter of the Church.
  • Mike reads prophecy –
  • Revolution, France will burn etc
  • Today Tuesday in Holy Week –
  • “The truth about Gothic architecture is, first, that it is alive, and second, that it is on the march. It is the Church Militant; it is the only fighting architecture. All its spires are spears at rest; and all its stones are stones asleep in a catapult.” – G.K. Chesterton
  • Napoleon story from Michael Hichborn –

Back to Headline: Christianity Burns by Mark Mallett

  • Global Revolution – this transgender is almost like a pandemic now. They are taking state flags and POW flags down and replacing them with the ‘transgender’ flag.
  • Conspiracy Theory stuff here –
  • the movie with Ronald Reagan and Notre Dame
  • Fully under the influence of the Free Masons.
  • She is suffering and France is a symbol of that suffering.
  • St. Joan of Arc is a symbol the Church too.
  • Emmanuel promises to rebuild the Cathedral w/in 5 years.
  • In the entire Cathedral there were only 30 people in Mass. The rest of the people were tourists.
  • This is an external sign on an interior problem.
  • It will have to erupt in order for it to heal.
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FLASH SALES – you will get an email again this afternoon. Flash Sales are FLASH! They don’t last all weekend or all day. They are super discounted for a ‘brief’ period of time only.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to

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1:33pm cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at



LIVE update from Richard Barrett host of the Barrett Brief –

  • AP News the only piece of architecture that was damaged was the ugly altar added in the 80’s.
  • So the hideous modern altar was crushed by the spire!
  • Those things on the side looks like ugly humanoids if you look closely at it.
  • Notre Dame University has offered $100 Million toward renovations and rebuilding.
  • There were 2 alarms that went off signifying there was a fire in the Cathedral as mentioned previously in the show.











HEADLINE: The World Sinks to Ruin by Anthony Esolen

Sidebar – discussion on the copper statues that were removed days before from the spire. They were set to be cleaned and returned to the spire in 2022.

  • “I mourn the empty cathedral. We have been evacuating cathedrals for a long time now.  Burning them, too, and a lot of other things. We have been burning libraries, as Ray Bradbury tried to teach us. We burn them by our scorn for quiet, and for the good rich books of our heritage. We have been burning churches.” “People are saying that we cannot build such a thing now. That is true. We lack the artisans. We do not have the techne: we likely could not fashion a single many-colored jewel in the 16-rayed north window, with the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child in the center of all. We cannot make the glass. We cannot mix the colors. We would have to guess and do our best.” – Anthony Esolen
  • Try to imagine it. Carpenters, glazers, masons, sculptors, smiths in lead, iron, copper, silver, and gold; with shovels, pulleys, winches, sledges, hammers; scaffolding everywhere; men like high-wire artists hundreds of feet in the air; decades of work, under the direction of bishop and master builder, one after another; and stories, hundreds of stories, of Christ and Mary and the apostles, of patriarchs and prophets, of teachers and martyrs, men and women, kings and common laborers; culture bearing a hundredfold in the very beings of the people who raised the towers high…..Try to imagine it, and WEEP.”
ABC News covering the LIVE footage of the people of Paris doing a procession with Our Lady down the streets of Paris!
AUDIO: Mike Plays Machaut- Messe de Notre Dame (Ensemble Organum)

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

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Meta-tags for show

 Anthony Esolen, Richard Barrett, Notre Dame Cathedral, Notre Dame University, Our Lady, Mark Mallett, G.K. Chesterton, Bernie Sanders, Carrie Gress, Michael Hichborn, Eiffel Tower, Marian Option, The Anti-Mary Exposed, Apostles, martyrs, Lepanto Institute, Holy Week

Written by: TheKingDude

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