Party Politics Get Stronger And Stronger, Leaving The U.S. Vulnerable To Warring Factions And Separation
todayNovember 5, 2013
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What has party affiliation and partisanship gained us? It has gained us what James Madison would call factions. What are factions? They are anathema to self-government and republicanism. Now that we have factions, this is why it’s almost impossible to get anything done that you or I would think is positive, politically speaking. You’re not going to be able to win in this hyper-charged environment here. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: I actually had this in yesterday’s Pile of Prep. It is a graph that you will find at Business Week. It’s by Joshua Green, “An Amazing Chart Explains Washington’s Dysfunction.” What it shows is that in 1982, the most liberal member of the Republican Caucus, and the most conservative member of the Democrat Caucus, if you took the two and put them at extremes and then cross referenced or put all the members that would be in between those two in voting, you would have had a coalition of 344 members. Using the same metrics, if we did 1994, you’d have 252 members. Using the same metrics in 2002, you’d have 137 members. Using the same metrics in 2011, it gets dire, you’d only have 16. If you use the same metrics today, in 2012, you would only have 11 members.
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What has party affiliation and partisanship gained us? It has gained us what James Madison would call factions. What are factions? They are anathema to self-government and republicanism. Now that we have factions, this is why it’s almost impossible to get anything done that you or I would think is positive, politically speaking. You’re not going to be able to win in this hyper-charged environment here. You’re not going to be able to win anyone over to your argument. Why? Because people are subscribing to this silliness and this dangerous idea that there are these things called ideologies, especially when they are political or philosophical ideologies and we have to adhere to them until death do us part. That’s what’s being played out right now.
I would say that these conditions, if you look at this graph, these are the conditions — don’t infer anything from what I’m about to say. Do not infer. I’m not implying. I’m not suggesting anything. I’m simply pointing out, historically speaking, that the factions that exist and the way this has occurred over the last 30 years point to a future where there is a very good chance that events could lead to separations, and then could lead to hostilities. The reason is because there is such obstinance on the part of either party.
What we can draw and infer by this, what we can conclude is, one, people just assume the Union is always going to be here because Lincoln said so. A couple of Union soldiers allegedly consecrated that with a victory at Gettysburg and a surrender at Appomattox. Two, that should this lead to such drastic measures, the way it will be presented is there will again be a side that will be good and pure and carry with it the righteousness of the day, which will probably come in the form of women being able to continue the ghastly practice that free people and people that call themselves a good civilization [mocking] “the greatest country in the history of the world” should not be participating in, that the battle line may be drawn over something like that.
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We have another story here today that drives this point home. The State of Texas recently passed some of the most sweeping and complete anti-abortion laws and legislative initiatives in recent memory. A federal judge in Texas comes along and says: How about no? You guys are contravening the 14th Amendment, contravening this part of Roe v. Wade, blah, blah, and I’m not going to let you enforce that. The Texas Attorney General appeals to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals here in New Orleans and that court says: We think Texas is in the right here and the other court has overreached. We’re going to say you all can continue. Then the opponents of this, that probably don’t even live in Texas, are now going to say: Let’s take this case to the highest court.
Then you’re going to have Texas dragged into a court to determine whether or not the citizens therein have the sovereign and thus legislative right to determine when they wish for women that choose to be residents of that state can terminate their own children’s lives. Texas has spoken through its legislature in vast majorities, very loud and clear. If you want a referendum on this, this would be interesting. The abortion Barbie, as Andrew Wilkow calls her — what’s that woman’s name that’s going to run for governor? Her name always escapes me. Wendy Davis? Do you remember her name? It’ll come to me in a moment.
AG: Wendy.
Mike:Is it Davis or Adams?
AG:Wendy Davis.
Mike: Wendy Davis, as Wilkow affectionately refers to her as abortion Barbie, is going to run for governor soon. You’ll have the chance, Texas, to tell the legislature that they erred, won’t you? I bet abortion Barbie doesn’t win, especially if she makes that the centerpiece of her campaign. The sides are becoming more ideologically opposed. Again, this is dangerous stuff here, folks. Remember, the conservative is supposed to be the guy or gal that says we need to conserve certain things, but is always open to listening to the other side. It doesn’t mean that you agree with it, but if you do think there needs to be progress on a certain issue, then you have to weigh what it is that the liberator is suggesting and counter that with: No, the past tells us we shouldn’t do that. We may be able to do this, but we shouldn’t do that. That’s what the conservator does.
That’s not what conservatives today are doing. If they do do that, then they’re called RINOs and then you get an email, like I forwarded to Andrew yesterday afternoon, where some Tea Party proclaims that it’s open hunting season on RINO Republicans. I thought that Tea Parties were supposed to be nonpartisan. If that’s the case, then why is that particular national Tea Party group out there proclaiming they’re going to declare a war against, I think it’s 92 members of the Republican Caucus. They voted against their wishes. I thought your group was nonpartisan.
Our loudness, our shrillness, and our devotion to ideological pursuits continues to grow. The intellectual reasons and reasoning, and I think spiritual inspirations and transcendent reasons for doing these things are falling by the wayside. Instead, what we now have is a very loud, obnoxious, boisterous, and in many terms ugly set of people on either side of most issues. Not a pretty picture to paint, ladies and gentlemen.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
BrianBridges on November 5, 2013
Federalists vs. anti Federalists