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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to’s Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show. Galileo Was Wrong sounds like a fascinatin enough title for a movie series and it is! The film’s creator Robert Sungenis jpoins us for a 1 on 1, fully open interview that goes perfect with Chris Ferrara’s “Darwin Was Wrong”. “Every leader-writer who thunders “Galileo”
at us assumes that we know even less about Galileo than he does. Every preacher of popular science who throws a long word at us thinks we shall have to look it up in the dictionary and hopes we shall not study it seriously even in the encyclopaedia. Their use of science is rather like the use made of it by the heroes of certain adventure stories, in which the white men terrify the savages by predicting an eclipse or producing an electric shock. These are in a sense true demonstrations of science. They are in a sense right in saying that they are scientists. Where they are perhaps wrong is in supposing that we are savages.” – G.K.Chesterton, The Thing Is
GALILEO WAS WRONG, BACK TO SCHOOL MUST HEAR RADIO! – Today’s Special Guest, Robert Sungenis, gives us a 90 minute long presentation on WHY Galileo Was Wrong, the ground-breaking film series that finally challenges the “settled science” of Heliocentrism that never was confirmed. “Galileo Was Wrong reveals in spectacular graphics and painstaking research that the true scientific evidence not only puts Earth in a central location in the universe, but shows that it enjoys the unique privilege of being the only motionless body around which everything else revolves.”
TRUMPZILLA – Patrick J Buchanan wonders if Trump has sparked a revival of Nationalism…let us hope not.
“Girls Wear Short Shorts” But Men… To WORK!? I am delighted to see other concerned and writing about our horrific sartorial choices which I say, mirrors the rest of our actions that drive the Septic Tank we call a culture. By the by, the deadline is a satire and girls, my daughters included should NOT be cavorting about in short shorts.
The Miracle Amendment Will Make A Babling Savage Of You Too – WaPo’s Dana Milbank shows what happens when you write/speak/bloviate for a living on Federal Politics but cannot be bothered to pick up a history of the subject you wish to cover. In trying to bring Scott Walker down a peg over “birthright citizenship”, Milbank is in error. “First, asked by NBC’s Kasie Hunt whether he supported ending birthright citizenship — a constitutional principle in place since the Civil War era — Walker said: “I think that’s something we should, yeah, absolutely, going forward.” – Only problem is, this has NOT been a Constitutional principle and is NOT contained in the plain language of the 14th Amendment
Ius ad bellum non decepio est – FINNALY someone other than this page and its author takes Obama, Dumbocrats and DeceptiCONS to the woodshed for a Founders whooping over the illegal and unconstitutional “war” Obama is waging with Congress’s tacit approval against ISIS
Trumpzilla – Like the Romans at the end of their empire, ‘Muricans will now accept any alternative to the “Establishment” to allegedly restore our “greatness”, including Donald Trump. And like the Romans and the Germans this “greatness” is defined by the accomplishments proclaimed as admirable by the state: military, economic and “freedom”, it is the combination of these three that contribute to their hyperbolic expression and exaggeration.
DeceptiCONNED: General Brent Scowcroft makes a good case for why war-hawk, bomb Iran Republicans, are running the risk of jeopardizing the very “exceptionalism” they so love to obsess over. “Let us be clear: There is no credible alternative were Congress to prevent U.S. participation in the nuclear deal. If we walk away, we walk away alone. The world’s leading powers worked together effectively because of U.S. leadership. To turn our back on this accomplishment would be an abdication of the United States’ unique role and responsibility, incurring justified dismay among our allies and friends.”
ObamaCare was never about “health care” unless you are talking about the “health” of the huge insurance companies and their surging profits as a result of compulsory insurance. This is how Mordor works folks and why “reforms” like “WalkerCare” cannot fix the problem because the program is delivering the goods to the parties that matter.
The Planned Parenthood, Baby Butcher Shop can only exist if 1. ‘Murican law allows it and then 2. ‘Murican “businesses” purchase it’s “products” gained by barbarian means. The latest CMP video shows the CEO of the company that purchased completely intact fetuses, yucking it up over wine and lunch like she is talking about the sale screwdrivers.
DeceptiCONNED – War-hawks and ‘Murican Exceptionalists are now fond of complaining about the conspiratorial Muslim invasion to “the Continent”. What they won’t admit is that their (and Mrs. Clinton’s) original sin was the undeclared, illegal war-crime of assassinating Ghaddafi, overthrowing his regime and paving the way for the jihadi chaos that currently bedvils Libya and causes Libyans to launch 2 x 12 wooden planks as boats to brave the Mediterranean Sea and escape ISIS, HYDRA, SHIELD and whatever other villain our Spyfare/Warfare state can help create.
Darwin Was Wrong Pt I – Chris Ferrara reveals the story of a Jesuit monk who was actually making genetic discoveries in the physical world and not using the fallacious “hypothetical” that the sorcerer Charles Darwin used to explain “evolution”.
The Miracle Amendment’s Sorcerers Strike Back -Continuing the dialogue from yesterday’s show on so-called “birthright citizenship”, Ryan Cooper channels the greatest perverter of the miracle 14th amendment to ever live, “historian” Eric Foner and his hatred of all things Antebellum. Foner’s ahistoricism is exceded only by his denial of the reality of the Amendment’s debate and ratified intent, discussed here and here with an actual Constitution Scholar-Kevin Gutzman.
MBD: How the GOP Presidential Field has adopted a fantasy in Iraq and Syria “foreign policy.” What is really troubling about this is Dougherty’s reporting that a research paper, authored by civilians, snuggled up in air-conditioned think tank rooms at the American Enterprise Institute, concluded that an all out ground assault led by American forces, backed up by American air and naval power is “the only solution” to the U.S. inspired problem of ISIS.
The Trump Utility Company: Chesterton saw the rise of Utilitarianism in England in the early days of the 20th century: the philosophy (most call it ideology today) that Man is only as good as his utility to other men. Thus Donald Trump is good for other men and politics because his utility is creating wealth thus creating “jobs” but in creating jobs, you must also create displacement for those who accept the jobs and then the despair of those who lose the jobs. The Utility of Trump politically is that he ” is not part of the Establishment”, therefore, the Establishment being tried and hanged for heresy against populism, Trump must be a “good”. The problem with this is, there is nothing said or even intimated in either of Trump’s utilities of his First Principles, for it those principles that must guide him in the affairs of State that have no utility beyond the pursuit of the Common Good.
Spyin’ Eyes Love The Bush Family – Gee, what a coincidence, the family that partly-began political life as spooks (Bush was head of the CIA once) has demonstrated a careers-long skill to fund and expand and make wealthy the companies who benefit directly from the rise of the spyfare state. Jebediah Bush is an obedient son in this regard, but don’t worry, we NEED THIS! (for our own good against “evildoers”)
The history of the “Fairness Doctrine” shows that even IF the FCC is successful in ignoring the courts and defying Congress there will always be room for the hope of a future appeal succeeding
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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