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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from the UK where nearly all “Christmas plays” put on by school kids are devoid of Christ, go figure!? Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “Nonetheless, elections, speaking engagements, and even jobs regularly are lost by those—male or female—foolish enough to get on the wrong side of the feminist narrative. What is more, most Catholics are highly aware that those who agree with the official position of the Church on artificial contraception (that it closes a couple morally and spiritually as well as physically to God’s gift of life, robbing sex of its true, full nature, and bringing a separation where there should be full union) are a minority even within their own faith. But this issue is too important to allow Mr. Gardner’s tactic to pass, as it has, as a mark of genius instead of yet another substantial retreat in the very real war against the natural family.“ – Bruce Frohnen – The Imaginative Conservative
You have to read some things to believe them and this is one of those instances Basically, even after it is revealed that the UVA rape story is a total hoax, this writer wants us to know that the FACTS don’t matter because rapes happen all the time. Perhaps some student journalist, if there is such a creature, could write about the “hook-up culture” that is the wellspring of the derange, casual attitude toward pre-marital sex and committing mortal sin?
Rod Dreher comments on the UVA rape story wondering when “facts” will matter to journalists again ESPECIALLY young journalists
Maybe the Feds wouldn’t have to worry about violence and death abroad as a result of a CIA torture report if the CIA weren’t told by Congress to torture in the first place? Maybe?
Do the elderly no longer mingle with the young? Is this what is causing the “wisdom gap”? I say it is more probable that the Millennials have boxed themselves into an online existence and thus cannot HEAR or SEE what everyone who isn’t plugged into their “social media” is doing
It’s Festivus and Ramadan and Kwaaza time again! That’s right, schools in the UK choose Elvis over Jesus in “holiday plays” as Our Lord’s birth become less and less important to Christmas coming every year
The Minnesota High School Athletics League is set to pass rules that totally REMOVE the distinctions between genders in every instance of High School athletics including locker rooms. What is gained by robbing children of the natural ability to distinguish between the genders? Enough confusion to attempt to artificially increase the amount of homosexuals, that’s what. Parents are trying (yes there are some concerned parents in Minnesota) to stop this insanity.
FINALLY someone gets it: It is necessary to renounce the Ferguson protestors BUT that denouncement without mercy, miserere from Latin, that denouncement is an act of Pride without mercy
Patrick J Buchanan: What is wrong with our police forces? Probably the insulated ninnies that write about the police forces, and the morally dubious protest mobs that’s what’s wrong
GIVE PEACE A CHANCE, PT 74,639 – Claes Ryn swings for the parking lot at Perpetual War Stadium and with his LindsayGrahamville Sliugger, knocks the war-party and their arrogant, culture of death, masquerading as life defending “good-guy” sycophants, out-of-the-park
Michael Brendan Dougherty is NOT buying the NY Times malarkey “divorce rates are in decline, progressive liberalism and the sex revolution have figured out to repair the breach they created. In MBD’s succinct response to this ridiculous claim we find the Truth: “Nope.”
Imaginative Conservative: “The Pill” gets the treatment it is due from Bruce Frohnen as the marriage and family killer it is
Read the following story and note three things on it’s graphs: 1. The “industries” where there is little decline in income for “millennials” are government subsidized and government run and 2. The biggest decline is in the group that has the least necessity: retail and leisure and 3. WHERE is Mike Rowe and the graph number for MANUFACTURING?
Remember the Christmas War and the Christmas Truce? WWI was the end result of “Liberty-The God That Failed” and its bloody “Holy War” was just the start of the bloodiest century in mankind’s historyI am elated to learn that Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and 2 “constitutional law professors” I’ve never heard of are “the leaders promoting a Constitutional Convention”
The FBI is using the Judiciary Act of 1789 as an excuse to demand that Apple and Google et al surrender their encryption codes so the Feds can monitor ANYONE’S communication whenever they feel like it.
That is funny, considering that the Judiciary Act spurred the drafting of the 11th Amednment because it was a heresy to theConstitution. What’s even funnier is that in the nullification debate over Alien and Sedition, James Madison & John Taylor PROVED that there was NO police power accorded to the Federal Government to enforce the clauses of the Act that required arrest
I spend a lot of time talking about my daughters and the practice of MODESTY and CHASTITY among other virtues we all hope our children take serious and live by. The comments made online by a Republican congressional staffer about the First Daughters, Sasha and Melia Obama have the right spirit, were they directed at them with Love and a sincere desire to improve the Obama girl’s chances of passing through that Narrow Gate Christ told us of, then what would be the reason to condemn the staffer? Thus the separation of Our religious lives from our political lives claims another victim
TIC: Is history only relevant to this age if it comports with OUR understanding of things or is The Truth, as it occurred in any generation, to be valued as True in EVERY generation? Fr. Dwight Longenecker explains that it is the latter that makes True History and its study possible
No offense to Eminem (he is cited as a cause for the Court’s review) but since when does the SCOTUS get to decide what is “offensive” in Social Media? Where do we find THAT power in the Constitution?
Now that Christendom has perished it must be buried as Christ was buried but that doesn’t mean that A future Christendom is not possible and that we should live everyday as though it is indeed happening among the Church militant
Kevin Gutzman: Do we have a Caesar or a President in our “federal system” and WHY are “conservatives” always so shocked when the former appears?
Men, the only weapon we have to combat the radical, demonic forces that have sexualized our entire culture, turned women into men and made a mockery of men as “king of the castle” is to reform the Holy League that handed the Muslim hordes of Ali Pasha the most thorough and stunning defeat of Muslim history at the Battle of Lepanto. This Holy League will be comprised of Catholic men ready to go into battle against the cultural demons of our time, not worrying over what members of Gal Queda think our efforts
Automation is making Men dumb but this WSJ writer says there IS a solution
If y0u’re not into the whole automation career, hanging out by an office water cooler playing air guitar and updating Facebook, the Feds want you to try your hand at farming (YES< there’s a program for THAT now too)
Professor Claes Ryn deconstructs the modern development of American Idealism that is responsible for killing the intent of the Framers of the Constitution. As I have told you hundreds of times, and Ryn reaches the same conclusion, The Constitution is DEAD. “The old American idea of limited, decentralized government was conceived by people who believed that placing restrictions on self and on government and encouraging strong communities was essential to human well-being.”
TN lawmakers sue Obama over his “executive order” to provide amnesty to millions of illegals, this could be the start of a trend and brings about that Constitutional crisis I’ve been warning about
The legal and moral problems Obama will confront carrying out his Executive Order and one of them is the ill-considered effect that many of the illegal aliens Obama purports to rescue actually came here to ESCAPE tinhorn dictatorsLooking for AUTHENTIC, Trappisy Monk Beers (all their proceeds go to charity-REAL charity), here is a list of the top ten Trappist Ales…enjoy!
Obama’s power grab is so brazen that even the Washington Post has been taken aback and expresses its surprise at the move in a lengthy piece that contains the ominous warning that should have been sounded back in 1789, 1861, 1915, 1933-45, 1971, 1977, 1991, 1993-today. Obama is descending into “murky, unchartered territory”
Flashback, 1787, Federal Convention delegate & [r]epublican Luther Martin spills his guts to the MD House of Delegates after they get their first glimpse of the Constitution. “But when [Mason & Gerry] viewed it charged with such powers as would destroy all state governments, their own as well as the rest, — when they saw a President so constituted as to differ from a monarch scarcely but in name, and having it in his power to become such in reality when he pleased, — they, being republicans and federalists, as far as an attachment to their own states would permit them, warmly and zealously opposed those parts of the system.”
The REAL issue with “GruberGate” is the crony capitalism, which amounts to theft, that it initiated. As previously stated on the show, we all KNOW the U.S. Government and its clients the state governments are prone to decieve. A good example of this tag-tem of lies is when a state “accepts” Medicaid “grant money” it knows it cannot raise by taxes, tthat the Feds haven’t raised it by taxes and that the people the “benefits” are applied to and their heirs will perpetually repay WITH interest. The same pols cannot charge a new care on your VISA card and send you the bill but that is precisely what they do with Medicaid/ObamaCare etcetera
The so-called “news media” in the U.S., is no more a news operation than Spike TV is, they are “infotainment” and their BIG Money BIG War profiteers like war, so the “networks” like war as you can see in this piece
All issues aside, why in Our Lord’s name would Pope Francis invite Patty Smith to perform at a Vatican “Christmas Concert”? Why not just send the Pope Sled to Ireland and pick up Sinead O’Connor on the way?
But Taylor is asking for this condemnation that his world of science trumping faith and that science trumping any faith based sense of humility and modesty. We can conclude from this laughable footnote in our civilizational slide into perdition that the science Taylor thinks is omnipotent is insignificant if it offends the Church of Modernity
The revolutionaries who ran the recent Synod have attempted to change doctrine by chaanging perception, this required deception in what was transmitted to the masses via media. We now know that the Synod actually firmed up the Church’s teaching (and thus re-affirmed Christ’s teaching) on marriage and divorcees as this headline shows: No communion for remarried divorcess who live as though they are married. PERIOD
Want to learn more about the State’s role in regulating quarantine while Congress slumbers? There are TWO .pdf files for you to read in the Prep Better Section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member!? PLEASE support this upkeep and maintenance of this site by joining today and gaining instant access to the Prep Better Section and much, much more
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now – Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Deus in adjutorium meum intende, Domine ad adjuvandum me festina“. Incline unto my aid O God, O Lord make haste to help me.
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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