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Todd on December 10, 2014 You’re right on king dude. We should rid america of the evil wicked CIA and FBI. We should release all prisoners whether held only on suspicion or proof of terrorism. We should allow recompense to said prisoners and their families because of the harsh and severe punishment metted out by the horrible evil government that we live under. In fact I think we should pull all of our military home since all talk of terrorism has to be a fraudulent scheme perpetrated on us the sheeple of the united states. The word terrorism should be abolished from the american dialect. 911 couldn’t have been pupretrated by people wanting to terrorize the ameican people. It had to be a scheme by our horrible government. No way 20,ooo thousand ISIS people could be a danger to america. Only in biblical times could fewer people chosen by God take out a great powerful nation like Isreal to teach Isreal a lesson. Besides ISIS must be fictitious also cause terrorism is fake. Long live king dude!!!!!! Log in to Reply
TheKingDude on December 11, 2014 Very funny Todd and so original, no one has tried to retort to what I have said on the matter and deal with the actual substance. I have a simple response: please continue to believe as you do, encourage and support all the deceitful and sinful things you can imagine and by all means reject any proposal that comes cloaked in the teachings of Our Lord and His Holy Church. I will continue praying for the political class and my fellow citizens that they perform an examination of their conscience through solemn prayer and seek conversion. Until then, write and direct all the calumny you can muster toward me, I deserve it for a life spent promoting the evil that is this Empire. Please, carry on, et pax Domini tecum Log in to Reply
Wil Shrader Jr. on December 11, 2014 Mike, The malicious comments made here against you honsetly frighten me. How can we have rational and honest discussions with irrational and dishonest people? I fear that upon seeing the video of the tortures, they would have similar reactions to those of the objectors of publicly showing the murder of the unborn. Would they be horrified by seeing it or sickened at the reality of what they see? I must say, I think the former. Log in to Reply
Doug Lombardo on December 10, 2014 Mike, I have listened to you often, and enjoy your refreshing take on the abduction of liberty by the political and bureaucratic elite, but on the subject of the “Torture Report”, I am dismayed. There is no question that a thorough, objective and deeply analyzing study of tactics used post 9/11 to capture, imprison and interrogate suspected terrorists to assess what was and was not morale and justified is of value. An honest self examination of this sort is essential to proper accountability and the framing of current and future policy. However, the report released yesterday, a one-sided, terribly flawed, purely politically motivated prosecution, is not such a study. Its complete lack of input from the minority party, the absence of any interviews of those persons directly involved in the policy and directives surrounding the matter and the selective use of antidotes to drive home a pre-determined outcome render this report devoid of any shred of integrity. To hold it up as a “See, I told you so” moment is beneath you. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757