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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to 2015 Edition.Have you never wondered exactly HOW Facebook/social media serves all those juicy headline from only certain friends and sources up to your “newsfeed”? Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “Here’s an exercise: The next time you see someone talking about algorithms, replace the term with “God” and ask yourself if the sense changes any. Our supposedly algorithmic culture is not a material phenomenon so much as a devotional one, a supplication made to the computers we have allowed to replace gods in our minds, even as we simultaneously claim that science has made us impervious to religion. – Ian Bogost, The Atlantic
The daily devotional nearly all of us perform, worshipping at the altar of our keyboards and monitors so we may access our “social media” and our “new feeds” are the equivalent of daily prayers and daily religious devotionals yet we insist we will NOT let “The Church” or “The Pope” force his “religion on me” but when Mark Zuckerberg’s engineers write and algorithm that chooses what you see and digest on the services mentioned above, we off only submission
What would a Tea Party foreign policy look like? How would it define “America’s role in the world”? Angelo Codevilla explains
Dear Leader, Chairman MaObama, was briefed by the CIA BEFORE the agency spied on the United States Senate, bringing yet ANOTHER charge for impeachment to Obama’s colorful resume of impeachable offenses
The age of decadent gluttony is upon us to the point that it’s laughable to even joke of “the haves and have nots” when viewing photos of the “Rich and Famous” showing off their jet-airliners
American “conservatives” ape Gov. Bobby Jindal for NOT raising taxes to fund the LSU system & “higher education” in general but wait a minute. Maybe Jindal could propose cutting daycare or elementary schools or hundreds of thousands of public employees RETIREMENTS or… you see, the welfare state has created so diverse a selection of dependents that it strains the heart strings of most to even consider living within a State’s means and it MUST be said, “college” is the one thing on the list that is only necessary in the minds of those who cannot conceive of University as a self-financed entity because they have no knowledge of its ACTUAL purpose
DeceptiCONNED: Headlines say that GOP votes to defund the DHS and block Obama’s “immigration reforms” but that’s NOT what the bills say and that’s NOT what “moderates” in the Boehner Caucus think they are voting for. Again, if the States want to solve this issue they will take matters into their own hands as Virginians, led by James Madison & John Taylor of Caroline County, attempted to do in 1798
Roræte Cæli: What is it that both Islam and “enlightenment secularists” deny? Christ Crucified. Christ Crucified. The French have been physically and intellectually killing Christianity since The Vendee and Voltaire respectively. Their devotion to moral relativism and belief that arm and arm “marches” proclaiming it will not stop Islam. The only force that has triumphed over Islam is the Church, whose Queen, The Blessed Virgin (see e.g. LaPanto & Vienna) has more than once “crushed the head of the serpent”. Without His help, Islam will repeat the French error and slaughter of Communism it hatched.
DeceptiCONNED II: With war-hawk Republicans taking over every relevant committee in Congress the war drums are beating louder than they have since the Bush/Cheney/Powell buildup to war with Iraq and Patrick J Buchanan says the Russian Bear is a prime target coveted by the McCain/Rogers/Graham axis of war in Congress. The question is, will Vladimir Putin be a willing fighter?
Common Core Revival? Politico magazine tries to re-inflate Louisiana’s Common Core bubble around the efforts of Governor Jindal’s education secretary but what Politico doesn’t appear to know is that Who Dats have drawn a line in the mud and aren’t letting Bill Gates and his goons back across it…EVER
Our Lady at work? The perverted HBO series “Girls” whose perverted, season opening scene I spoke of on Tuesday’s show, actually netted its lowest debut rating since it began. Perhaps the blight to be heaped on some viewers souls was overcome by the shreds of “good soul” that remained?
Daniel Larison has been writing about foreign policy as a non-interventionist for years and of late has been very critical of GOP “reform efforts” which he [correctly] says aren’t “reform at all”. My observation is Larison, like Rand Paul, signs off on the dubious policy that the U.S. SHOULD have allies, provided we are “sworn to defend”. When was the last time the U.S., via treaty, actually “swore to defend” a foreign country, 1960? It would be more prudent for the U.S. to begin formally informing those countries of our sunset of the treaty, humbling ourselves and getting back to “entangling alliances with none.”
Where’s the beef? The Oxford Press has outright BANNED the depiction of pigs and pig products from all its publications for fear of angering Jews and Muslims
Beazelbub has “released the Cracken” upon the peoples of the Western World, who scarcely know what Real Evil is nor do most have a clue what The Truth looks like to summon it in the fight
I have long advocated the abolishment of the IRS, the ENTIRE tax code, yes that means the non-profit sector too because it channels “charitable” resources to entities that are dubious and not “charitable” thus producing a wealth advantage at the expense of true Christian Charity. A Catholic professor at the University of Indiana concurs with my plan albeit for different reasons. This draws the ire of a Catholic writer at Crisis Magazine whose case against this plan do not take into consideration the incidences of remote occasions of sin and direct occasions of Ususry the code creates.
What “values” I: do the French have that the Charlie Hebdo killers “attacked” besides the usual compliment of porn, blaspheny, sodomy and rudeness?
What “values” II: The Islamic hordes KNOW we don’t have any values and they also know the institution that formerly propped up those values-the Catholic Church-is simultaneously under never-ending attack. “A great deal of blather has been expended on ‘the defense of our values.’ This plays right into the fanatics’ hands, for they know we don’t have any.”
If you are looking for an endearing and worthwhile endeavor, pick up a copy of the wonderful little prayer book “Purgatorian Manual” which is available as a digest sized book here (I have the pocket edition and read from it everyday)
If you are like me you wonder just what kind of outrageous terms the loan-sharks are giving at those “Pay Day Loan” joints that seem more ubiquitous now than actual places of employment. The Fact that Usury has become an industry and no one seems to even know how sinful it is I cannot say surprises me. Now up comes some Protestant churches to attempt to provide their parishioners with collateral to make low interest loans, a risky endeavor that doesn’t deal with the deadly, debt causing sin of gluttony
When you think you’ve heard it ALL then someone decides that they are going to poison Speaker Boehner because he “was mean to” him and besides, the perp believes he is Jesus Christ. Wow, murder, theft and Blasphemy all in the same crime, not bad a for a disgruntled bartender at Boehner’s home golf club, Wetherington CC
DeceptiCONNED I: Mitt Romney 3.0 boosters call upon the ghost of Richard Nixon to validate Romney 3.0 but Romney, ever the Machievelli, has more in common with Nixon than just election losses
DeceptiCONNED II: Radio show host Hugh Hewitt gives Catholic League President Bill Dolen a hectoring interview because Donahue refused to talk the line that everything coming from Cahrlie Hebdo is sanctified yet rotting flesh
Useless U.N.: The UN orders Nigeria to fight Muslim extremists in their country and stop the killing apparently not realizing that the Nigerian army IS fighting terrorism and losing these lethal battles that claim the lives of inestimable civilians (estimates and counts vary wildly)
SICK SOCIETY: The civilization that thinks it is a worthy endeavor to write, film and then promote an oral sex scene involving the starring actresses butt has lost its mind, but the same society that has that actresses parents giving “advice” on the practice is generationally doomed.
Will the GOP follow through on rolling abortion “rights” back on a national level? As Kevin Gutzman and I have discussed, dozens of times, the Constitution solution is to forbid federal judges from hearing the cases or the appeals
REMNANT – The never-ending French Revolution is the result of the never-ending secular revolution that continues to this day and will never end. The idea that “free speech” is something to lay the foundation of an entire society on is the deceit of our age and will remain so
Meanwhile Rorate Cæli publishes a 1908 essay written when France through the last vestige of it Catholic tradition into the Danube, begging the French to remember the Cathedrals and the Christianity that went into their design a holiness
Where’s the “solidarity march for the hundreds of Africans massacred in the name of Islam by Boko Haram?
It is possible to deplore the iconoclasm of Islam and the blasphemy of Charlie Hebdo at the same time, but tell that to the libs and neocons who insist there is a secular solution that begins with “free speech rights”
A new book by Professor John Witte, details the very long and very complex history of the institution of marriage, is reviewed at Nomocracy in politics
DECEPTICONNED: If Romney, Bush and Christie all 3 decide to run for GOP nomination in 2016 it could produce two primaries, one “establishment” and one “conservative”
Are we all or better yet were we all Donald Sterling? (free speech is free speech, right?)
AUDIO: Fascinating lecture series challenging Joseph Pearce’s (a guest of the Mike Church Show) view that The Lord of The Rings IS Catholic literature
For years, I have been questioning the Constitutionality of the Keystone XL Pipeline, principally because Congress’s authority should begin and end with “regulating commerce with foreign nations” which to me means making regular, what happens to the commerce before it enters the U.S. and then once it is in, it would be subject to the municipal authority. Rep. Justin Amash share this concern and was one of the few Republicans to vote against the act, voting “present”
The Euro atheists who counseled kicking God out of every possible facet of life and then “honoring” the liberty of those who wish to blaspheme the shreds of remaining Christianity now say that the way forward against the Mohammedan hordes that have peacefully invaded is to finish the secularizing and insure there will NEVER be another Christendom. “There will be those who insist that Europe now has to make a choice between modernity and faith. The choice is false. It is perfectly possible to inhabit both worlds at once and even if they were so strongly opposed, to compel anyone to choose between them is dictatorial.”
Patrick J Buchanan: Europeans cannot fix their Muslim problem by demonizing those who see IT as the problem
Meanwhile some French can actually see that their corrupt, secular, leadership has sold them down and across the river Styx with no chance of religious rescue meaning the secular, who are committed to nothing more than consumerism and vanity will be pitted against the barbaric devout who have but one goal and do not fear death. Who do you think will win that war?
If you read ONE THING today, read this. Aaron D. Wolf echoes the conversation I had with Christopher Ferrara and Andrew Bieszad on Thursday’s show (08-01-2014, Ed.) but with a literary flourish that is mean yet overflowing with Reason.
Now the “Tea Party” is pushing a bill in FL to make it easier to sell your excess solar power to your neighbors which sounds great and “free market” but there’s one problem: Solar panels are NOT affordable for average consumers without massive subsidies from the government as was recently trumpeted by the ultra “conservative” American Thinker website
Remember that “time capsule” from Boston that was “dug up” just 3 days ago to find the items placed there by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere? Turns out that the box and its contents were laid to rest in homage of both men’s Masonic faith, meaning that the cornerstones of: The White House, The Congress and now the MA State House were all consecrated in “religious ceremonies” by Free Masons
In 1944, George Orwell made some “Notes on Salvador Dali” and his “art”. Recall that Dali was very much the Charlie Hebdo of his time. “The point is that you have here a direct, unmistakable assault on sanity and decency; and even–since some of Dali’s pictures would tend to poison the imagination like a pornographic postcard–on life itself. What Dali has done and what he has imagined is debatable, but in his outlook, his character, the bedrock decency of a human being does not exist. He is as anti-social as a flea. Clearly, such people are undesirable, and a society in which they can flourish has something wrong with it.” Was Orwell correct? Was there a sanctified moral code that trumps any Lockean ideals of “liberty” when they clash? This is the point I have been trying to make the 2 years, we should have been able to,. as a civilization, condemn the blasphemous “art” of Charlie and still retain our “liberty”, provided that liberty is grounded in subsidiarity and solidarity.
The Boehner Strikes Back: Cue the Dom Dom Dede Dum Do——m, Dom Dom Dede Dum Do——m (Imperial March). There was celebrating in Mordor last night with the $3.9 TRILLION booty to be divvied up, secured by The Boehner’s re-election as Speaker, Mordor partied like it’s 1999
The Boehner Strikes Back IV: “I am the most anti-establishment Speaker…ever”. Well, if Boehner is NOT the establishment then one might fairly ask the question: what “establishment IS spending the $3.9 TRILLION your Congress has authorized this year?” The McDonald’s Monolpolu Man?
The Boehner Strikes Back II: More details emerge on the punishment The Boehner is visiting on the heads of those Congressman who dared challenge his elite right to power. This abuse, properly viewed, is actually visited on the heads of those teat suckling constituents of the Congressmen in question. Is THAT [r]epublican? Fair!?
I think it is safe to say that Patrick J Buchanan has had it with the GOP war machine and their growing litany of outright lies used to justify the military expansion and muscle flexing across the globe, this time over Russai’s ALLEGED INVASION of George and Ukraine.
The Boehner Strikes Back III: Boehner punishes those who dared oppose his coronation as “Speaker of The House (of Representin’). Of course we have to get this news from British newspapers. One of the caualties was the reliable libertarian Rep. Justin Amash of MI
TIC: Why are there “presidential libraries” and why should one be built nay subsidized for President Herbert Hoover!? Brad Birzer calls these buildings and the men they are dedicated to: Treason to a republic.
The problem of communicating the Incorporation Doctrine and Nomocractic Constitutions is rooted in the U.s.’s collective imbecility, brought on by our obsession with national solutions to all problems which require national acts of The State. To today’s yewts, there is the U.S.A., “America”, today and there is Somalia.
Imaginative Conservative: Absolute comfort corrupts absolutely. The civilization that thinks it has everything has nothing, as Christ told us “He who is exalted will be humbled; he that is humble shall be exalted”, and it all starts in THE HOME.
DeceptiCONNED II: Deposed Congressman Eric Cantor waxes about his prescriptions to “fix the economy” because the lives on 8 million plus children are at stake. Of course the SOULS of 8 million plus children are at stake too, yet there doesn’t seem to be an advocate to assist them
I recently listened to a Priest call, from the pulpit, for men to start being Men again and to call out the deluge of heresy and apostasy we are surrounded by for what they are. Let’s start with the apostasy if not outright blasphemy on display at the Daily Kos via Leslie Salzillo. Ms. Sazillo (I mean the Ms. in the Betty Friedan sense of the word) calls on Pope Francis to abandon the unborn, sanctify “reproductive rights” and then finish this heresy trifecta with an endorsement of homosexuals who by definition cannot procreate (so why would they need reproductive rights?). I pray that the calumny she has heaped on Cardinal Burke inspires his fidelity to the “archaic” teachings of Christ, embodied in the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Fr. John Hardon’s essay on St Augustine being a role model for the recovery of our virtue and modesty is a great place to start reading in 2015
DeceptiCONNED: Get ready for Hucakbee 2.0 as the GOP lines up it’s Usual Suspect lineup of “conservatives” to pontificate on GOP debate stages and fill the hearts of “conservatives” with hopes of Reagan 2.0. This is the WORST thing that can happen to the “conservative movement” perhaps giving us yet another reason to ditch the term in favor of [r]epublican & c.
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 122 1
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Wil Shrader Jr. on January 16, 2015
Mordor viewing seceding States as enemies is what happened during the war of Northern aggression.
The motivation was the deprivation of the Hamiltonian “American system” of the revenue required and “lost” with the seceding States.
Callers in the past have declared a fear or threat or prediction of violence as a reason to avoid or fear or dismiss secession.
I have expected that, to the deceived, violence would be an acceptable means to “preserve the Union” in the 21st century just as it was in the 19th. I see it now as no less a possible result than those hearing General Jackson’s speech which you play often. The question we are to ask ourselves is no different than must have been asked then; what is the truth for which we fight and are we willing suffer martyrdom for it? If the truth is to disconnect ourselves from the perpetration of serious and obvious evils, if our ends and means are just and good in the judgement of God, then we must be willing to suffer that martyrdom. Are we courageous and strong enough to make that proper decision? I do not know. I, like you, struggle with that daily as I have not withdrawn myself completely from our (anti-)culture.
Before we get anywhere near that crucial moment, the sheople must first understand what it means to govern oneself and this truth in historical and spiritual terms.