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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to’s Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show, 2015 Edition. Is it time to jettison the Constitution of Men and return to Aristocratic Monarchy? Michael Brendan Dougherty thinks the question is worth exploring if Prince Charles is the King; plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.“No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency. And in the important revolution just accomplished in the system of their United Government, the tranquil deliberations and voluntary consent of so many distinct communities, from which the event has resulted, cannot be compared with the means by which most Governments have been established, without some return of pious gratitude along with an humble anticipation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage. These reflections, arising out of the present crisis, have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed. You will join with me I trust in thinking, that there are none under the influence of which, the proceedings of a new and free Government can more auspiciously commence.” – George Washington at his 1st Inaugural
Bring back the Divine Right of Kings? Michael Brendan Dougherty pens the biggest political shocker of this decade in a brief review of the “Black Spider Letters” written by soon to become King, Prince Charles. In this review, MBD marvels at the über conservatism of Charles including his insistence that the glistening towers of progress and big box centers of processed gluttony that dot the urban and suburban landscapes have come at the price of the natural, traditional and the beautiful
DeceptiCONNED: The new, new Iraq war bravado and revision misses the point what really is to blame for the atrocities of 2003-2009: the lies and cunning deceit employed by Pres. Bush and all his Men.
Has the era of the documentary film arrived!? Even though Road To Independence and Spirit of 76 are not mentioned, this is a pretty fair listing of documentaries worthy of your rental dollars that also won’t insult your intellect
Messianic Rabbi CONDEMNS the American people for their willful perversions and obsession with the material over the spiritual in all affairs including the spiritual. Johnathan Cahn holds nothing back in predicting a Great Purge if course is not shifted.
Bom bom bo du dom BOM, bom bom bo du BOM bom, (hmm it and you’ll know the melody) The Empire has now reclaimed every penny that was allegedly “sequestered” from the “defense budget” AND is on course to begin increases so the lustful cries of war, emanating from the GOP controlled House & Senate, can proceed. Heaven help us
Ross Douthat corrects the misguided notion that it is the CHURCH that fails to deliver when it should be more precisely put that it is the people OF the Church who fail and that failure is lame compared to the trillion dollar disaster that is the secular welfare/slavery state
Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge, that secular lurch of faux charity? This piece from G.K. Chesterton is a good starting place to discuss genuine charity as opposed to its secular, prideful counterpart.
DeceptioCONNED II: The Wall Street Journal tries to blame Patrick J Buchanan for the demise of the GOP, the demise of the middle-class and just about everything else the diabolical “conservative” alliance with Progressives known as neoconservatism has produced. Buchanan is having none of it…
The problem with asking Republicans if “they would have invaded Iraq (in 2003)” is contained in the false premise that preventitive war is an appropriate foreign policy tool, it is not. If we glean anything from the study and contemplation of Just Wars it must be that intervention and lethal military force is always the wrong choice because the campaign is guaranteed to cause the murder of innocents
Are the “rise of the nones” really a sign that the current apostasy has reached its zenith and the dawn of a new Christendom is upon us!? Some people think that is what is afoot but I would counter that the intellectual basis for this revival has NOT yet been laid as I point out here
The Saudi war against Yemen has restarted with the blessing of the United States, yet another war action not declared and unjust
Meanwhile, illegitimate Candidate for President Senator Marco Rubio lectures on the “moral clarity” of doing much more to help the Saudis continue their war crimes in Yemen
Michael Brendan Dougherty wonders why Jebediah Bush didn’t anticipate the question about re-invading Iraq
Buchanan: Why in God’s name would the U.S. want to start ANOTHER WAR with the Syrians!?
Big Brother Is Here – It would be to our individual advantage to give google the heave-ho and free ourselves from selling our identities in exchange for GMail
The piece written by Orestes Brownson on Catholicity Necessary To Sustain Popular Liberty in 1845 features this quote, Chris Ferrara cited today. “The reign of great men, of distinguished statesmen and firm patriots, is over, and that of the demagogues has begun. Your most important offices are hereafter to be filled by third and fourth-rate men, — men too insignificant to excite strong opposition, and too flexible in their principles not to be willing to take any direction the caprices of the mob — or the interests of the wire-pullers of the mob — may demand. Evil or no evil, such is the fact, and we must conform to it.”
Taunting Muslims via “cartoon contests” is not a proper way to convert Muslims to anything other than…wait for it…Jihad. This is not a new POV from me but now others are pointing out this self inflicted wound upon “conservatism”, making Pamela Gellar’s stunt in Garland TX a lethal charade
DeceptiCONNED: Why is it a prequisite to “support our troops” or suffer the claim of “disservice…treason…traito….pacifist….isolationist” etc when they have been dispatched to fight UnJust wars of aggression? Must we also support abortion doctors because abortions were “legal”? Jeb Bush takes this position and continues to dig the Iraq war was a blessing hole deeper.
NEW Founding Fathers? Of COURSE the manner in which the Congress now allows the Executive to implement a regulation is not consistent with what the framers of the Constitution intended. Pointing this out is all fine and dandy but believing that Congress is going to reel in its own extension of power when it has no incentive to do so is just fantasy. Charles Murray has proposed massive civil disobedience to instigate this reform and establish the legal defense funds necessary to protect the new founding father movement.
The story begins at Amtrak Historical Society here, you may be surprised to learn that the Congress has been unconstitutionally funding railroad operations since the 1840’s.
Pakistanis confirm part of Seymour Hersh’s investigation into the REAL events that led to the shooting of bin Laden while the propagandists at Obama’s White House maintain their version as the unvarnished truth
The Myth of perpetual war and perpetual enemies is demolished by the events of history such as: “At the start of the Civil War, heavy-handed U.S. actions against Confederate envoys on the high seas almost brought the British into the struggle. The U.S. owes an immense debt to Prince Albert, who drafted the diplomatic documents that kept the British out of war, and presumably saved the American Union.”
Here is the backstory behind the “Trent Affair” cited above as the civil-war action undermining “perpetual war”
Jeb Bush: Iraq was a tremendous success and I have retained my brother, George W Bush as a foreign policy advisor. “What you need to know is that who I listen to when I need advice on the Middle East is George W. Bush.”
Of course, he MAY have just “misheard the question” and never really intended to telegraph the Bush Monarchy’s decades old effort to promote their Saudi buddies, the intervention, war and death that requires at the expense of the CHANCE of non-intervention and thus peace
The Christian population in the United States continues to DECLINE, as post-Christian America is besot with its own lack of Faith but instead places more faith (caps intended) in media, sports and the civil religion of war and government
Rod Dreher comments on the above and continues calling for the “Benedict Option” which basically says that like St Benedict, Catholics must form themselves into isolated groups where they can practice their faith and live among others who do as well. This may have some applicability but it is just as likely that a “Dominic Option”, which renounces the heresies of our day while elevating The Faith.
SECEDE! Charles Murray proposes civil disobedience to curb regulatory perversions that are “pointless, stupid or tyrannical”. His new book is “By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission”. I hope to have Dr Murray on soon to talk about this and propose to “see” his civil disobedience on technical regs ( I concur) and raise him with the same prospect on attempts at moral regulations that are “pointless, stupid and tyrannical” and prevent us from doing our jobs as fathers, mothers and good neighbors.
Re-read the original, American proponent of civil-disobedience, Henry David Thoreau, here is Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience” essay which begins famously. ” ‘That government is best which governs least’; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe- ‘That government is best which governs not at all’; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have.”
Obama Bin Lyin’ – Investigative journalist Seymour Hersch proposes that Seal Team Six did NOT kill OBL as the legend has it but instead raided an unguarded “safe house” run by the Pakistanis since 2006. “The most blatant lie was that Pakistan’s two most senior military leaders – General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, chief of the army staff, and General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, director general of the ISI – were never informed of the US mission.” – WOW
Charles Murray writes of the coming civil disobedience to the tyranny of the regulatory state and as I mentioned, there is a more important tyranny that must be civilly disobeyed: that of the moral order. As if on cue, this piece appears to flesh out what that might entail.
Thou shalt have no Idols before me (paraphrased) – The cultural religion that pop music has become can be easily seen and its catechism known by watching American Idol and its spinoffs. With the news that Idol has been cancelled, where will future Justin Beibers come from is nows the lament of the Idol laity.
Grahmnesty: Lindsay Graham says he will run for President and veto any bill that “reforms” immigration, that doesn’t have a “pathway to citizenship” in it. I wonder if the Swiss can pass a “pathway to citizenship” bill so disgruntled Americans, seeking work and sanity, can have a place to flee to? DeceptiCONNED: Jeb Bush says invading Iraq and deposing Saddam was a great idea that he would repeat and so would his 2016 opponent, Mrs Clinton.
If you had any doubt as to the lack of difference between the political “parties”, let this story free you from those delusions Do the Brits want to compete with us for military rulership of the universe? Not according to those surveyed by yougov; someone might want to ask Mrs Clinton and company why the British are not so gung-ho for our war-policy
12 year old students in Boston school were given an exam on their sexual habits that the Kardashians would blush over. For example:
How old were you when you had sexual intercourse (oral, anal, vaginal) for the first time?
A. I have never had sexual intercourse
B. 11 years old or younger
C. 12 years old
D. 13 years old
E. 14 years old F. 15 years old
G. 16 years old
H. 17 years old or older
But don’t worry too much about the Jihadi John living next door because the Jehovah John may be just as likely to be the recipient of a drone strike if Obama’s kill-lists aren’t halted
Laurence Vance wonders why Rand Paul and Justin Amash were EVER “proud to be Republicans”. As Vance points out, the Republicans are the party of Lincoln… and it just gets more bloody tyrannical from there
8 Years ago, I lamented the rise of “Huckabisms” during the ascendant Huckabee for President campaign and today I had a flashback or was it a time warp? But age has not been kind to the “Christian” minister who sounded like he had completed masters courses in bellicosity and American Exceptionalism, lived through never ending war and bombing Iran. Huck even promised to do something Christ hasn’t hasn’t even tackled: “conquering Jihadism!”
Michael Brendan Dougherty: The CIRCUS that is the GOP field for President. Is it good for their party OR the nation? NOT REALLY
Britain’s “Green Party” rolls out the red carpet for polyamory “marriages” saying they are “open” to “exploring” the possibilities of polyamory. I have to ask, under what moral pretense does anyone of the secular elites oppose ANY “marriage” regardless of who it involves provided the subjects “love each other”.
FLASHBACK: I predicted this 3 years ago when Masha Gessen gave her speech on the real agenda of the promoters of homosexual “marriage”- the END of marriage; a goal so diabolical Uncle Screwtape himself couldn’t concoct “What the world needs now, are Saints, sweet Saints…”.
What did Lewis Mumford know in 1961 that too many people still do not know today? In his History of The City, Mumford demolished the idea that locomotion via car to far away jobs so one can live in suburbia which necessitates the long commute to begin with. I’ve been probing this paradigm for the past few years before I had ever read Mumford but am now inspired to read more and continue the inquiry. You know the whole school of thought that says that contraception and abortion are no big deals and are just “choices” that free people must be allowed to make? Those issues are what informs our yewts that homosexual marriage and the sex that goes with it are cool because they are practicing the same genitalia arousal with no intention to create and cherish the life it is supposed to produce.
SCOTUS to balk at Same Sex Marriage endorsement? Reading the highlights of the oral arguments could produce the prospect that the Justices are loathe to side with those who wish to alter “marriage” to conform to the new, asexual definition which is the same as abolishing the current definition.
The history of the “Fairness Doctrine” shows that even IF the FCC is successful in ignoring the courts and defying Congress there will always be room for the hope of a future appeal succeeding
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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