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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to’s Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show, 2015 Edition. The SCOTUS hears “gay marriage” arguments and is asked to discover this “right” in the 14th Amendment; plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.“It is easy to be blind to the significance of a change because it is remote in time and abstract in character. Those who have not discovered that world view is the most important thing about a man, as about the men composing a culture, should consider the train of circumstances which have with perfect logic proceeded from this. The denial of universals carries with it the denial of everything transcending experience. The denial of everything transcending experience means inevitably—though ways are found to hedge on this—the denial of truth.” – Richard Weaver
The SCOTUS oral arguments on “Same Sex Marriage” in audio and written form are presented on this page from the NY Times. Note justice Kagan’s ridiculous assertion that “biological bonds” are to be found in the Constitution of in the 14th Amendment
Secular “scholars” and even “think tanks” have ratcheted up their “defense of marriage” of late says a Boston Globe review of the subject. Missing from this report is even a shred of the historical fact that Marriage is sacramental not secular and is one of the 7 Gifts (sacramentum is Latin for “divine gift”) Our Lord gave to Man to be practiced and defended in His Church
Buchanan: Who’s running the GOP, Israel via proxy Sheldon Adelson and Sin City’s illicit profits or the embattle Christians of Iowa and Iraq?
We can lament the unraveling of the common good or we can go about the business of figuring out what we can do about it. Richard Weaver, Rod Dreher reminds us, was about as accurate in predicting today’s descent into hedonism and what to do to stop it. Save for the fact that no one appears capable
Want more Richard Weaver’s “Ideas”? This condensation is a brief compilation of that work
The never-ending war on terror has become just that, never-ending, and those promoting it need no justification for that outside of the useless, hackneyed term “national defense”.
VIDEO APOSTASY: Mrs Clinton’s brutally honest broadside at Christianity via her “deep seated religious beliefs must be changed” speech. Watch it, watch the diabolical rigidity of her argument and know that Mrs Clinton is seriouslyy proposing an assault on the public presence of Christianity
If you had any doubt as to the purpose of the Progressive agenda, consider Mrs Clinton’s arrogant admission that “deep seated religious beliefs” must be changed so that more babies can be murdered more efficiently in more places. This is not surprising yet cannot be dismissed as just political jabber. The project is and has been diabolical and thus remains an ecclesiastical battle though few will admit it and fewer are willing to fight it as such.
A pair of Idaho pastors are told by the city of Cour’de alene that they will either “marry” homosexuals or will be fined and possibly imprisoned for 180 days and so the “nation’s” first “gay rights” penitentiary is set to open it’s steel and concrete gates over an issue and now “law” that is based on a foundation of sand
Someone should ask Mrs Clinton to comment on the born alive triplets at the ripe age of 22 weeks. Their parents were told by doctors to abort one of them then all 3 of them but the parents refused. These stories of life cherished have all the ingredients needed to stop the ghastly practice of abortion in its tracks.
What would a “conservative” reaction to the rioting in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray look and sound like? It would begin with an acknowledgement that the “war on drugs” has been lost and the police efforts to continue it and all the legal firepower needed to effect that are not productive.
There’s at least one Republican left in Congress, Rep. John Duncan (besides Amash, Massey and Jones) that believes never-ending war is a rotten, ill-conceeived policy. “We are told that if we don’t support an interventionist foreign policy, that this means we don’t believe in American exceptionalism. But this nation did not become exceptional because we got involved in every little war around the globe. It became exceptional because of our great system of free enterprise and because we gave our people more individual freedom than any other country.”
Different Day, same story: Iran Hawks can always find something to complain over if Iran is not on the eve of being blown back to Xerxes II
Drones are now magical devices that solve all the world’s and the U.S’s confrontations and they are not “precision”. What they are is a weapon that de-sensitizes the acts of war.
The political argument Senator Rand Paul makes when it comes to drones strikes in foreign lands on American targets is sound as far as politics goes but again, if we’re going to reverse our perverted course, politics has to be brought back into alignment BELOW The Eternal Law. These arguments slow dow the perdition train but do little to construct a new more peaceful age of reason.
Congratulations War-Hawk “pro-lifers”, the 40 day long bombing campaign in Yemen, sanctioned and partially sponsored by the U.S. weapons and funding continues unabated and as most things hawk go, more deadly than anyone predicted.
The War on Drugs is digging in after legalization in two states and shows no signs of slowing. This is because, as I try and explain often, the government acts like a organic entity when it is threatened and defends it self and its way of life as such
Americans are addicted to what writer Hans Fiene calls “Judgement Porn” which is similar to another “porn” addiction we’ve discussed “war porn”. There is a common factor involved and that is these “porns” do not require your PHYSICAL participation.
St Bernadette Soubirous said [paraphrased herein] she didn’t fear being martyred by Protestants in 19th century France she feared bad Catholics, St Bernadette’s fears would become never-ending nightmares if she were to view the crumbling remains of The Magisterium inside America’s “Catholic Universities”. Just this week, the Jesuits of Loyola in Chicago have provided a platform for radical “Transgender” speaker Laverne Cox. What do you do for an encore, invite “dialogue” with the promoters of the Oklahoma City “Black Mass” of last September? Sacrifice a non-juring priest and his apostolate in a mock martyr ceremony? Smash some statues of the Blessed virgin Mary and distribute the pieces into the Chicago river?
Fred Kaplan at Slate (an unlikely source for wisdom) sees the folly of the U.S. backed bombing of Yemen to solve its civil disagreements with the marauding Saudis. “There may be no messier spot on the planet than Yemen, and too many nations—Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Gulf states, Iran, and the United States, too—are making it still messier by cramming it into the framework of the most divisive regional politics and then hoping, against all reason and history, that bombing its cities will settle its problems.”
Why is the war in Yemen the business of busybody Americans anyway? Good question Patrick J Buchanan that is unfortunately answered by “well, because it must be, Pat”, meaning there cannot be a war anywhere on planet earth or in the known universe that isn’t our business to escalate, especially during the upcoming “May sweeps” for TV ratings…we like war!
What happens when the “gay tolerance” agenda comes to a private, Catholic high school in San Francisco? Well, obviously, the Dominican nuns that teach and assist teachers there need to get on a bus and leave, giving way to the radicals who promote public expressions of sexual perversion as “normal”
The “foreign policy” logical fallacy of our day, represented in one “story”. So FoxNews wants you to know that “voters” “think” Obama’s talks with Iran over developing nuclear weapons were “too soft”. OK, that says nothing about those “talks” because the poll respondents A. did not have to acknowledge if they had read them or not; B. Whether they had read the entirety of the agreement reached; C. If they had personally surveyed the OTHER group impacted by the talks, namely the People of Iran et al. Thus, all we can conclude from this story is: People that respond to polls are uninformed (A); and arrogant where the rest of the planet’s people and their opinions are concerned (C) and have no knowledge of American Foreign policy, made in their names and under their alleged authority (B). Why not just ask the same people what they “think” tomorrow night’s Pick Six Lotto numbers will be and publish it as news? At least that “poll” holds out the prospect of chance and cooperation paying off in dollars and cents.
The War on Drugs begat the War on Terror, when combined they begat the Police State War on Americans.
Maybe we SHOULD ask the other Bolton, Michael, what he thinks we should “do with Iran” because any non-hawk listening to John Bolton cannot avoid the farcical conclusions he asserts on how “we…can bring about regime change” in a country we know little about and with Bolton’s chosen “regime change[ers]” the “former” terrorists members of the Mojahedeen-e Khalq (MEK)
Frederica Mathewes Green acknowledges that Christians cannot count her as all in on the fight against homosexual “marriage” precisely because, as I have said hundreds of times, the Christian hypocrites of our day will not rebuke HETEROSEXUAL mortal sin in the same manner…including divorce. Folks, THIS is the moral path we must beat BEFORE confronting the secular humanist GayStapo that occupies mid-level apartments in the high rises of the Progressive-atheist promoters and enforcers of the Culture of Death
DeceptiCONNED: Finally, someone takes the issue of the GOP as a threat to the planet seriously as Jacob Heilbrunn pens “The GOP vs. The World”. A portrayal of the Republican Party leading a campaign of invasion, coercion and extortion by the strength of our military hardware and the resolve of “patriots” motivated by the prospect of flags flying over the corpses of defeated “enemies”. [emphasis mine]
The Pride of Woman: Hear her refuse to have the children who would someday Hear Her Roar. The Atlantic’s Entertainment Editor reviews a book featuring prideful stories of barren women and concludes that cooperating with Almighty God to bring forth the next generation is yet another “choice” that modern women can make. Apply this reasoning to the creatures in our food chain and see how apocalyptic it is
Recognizing the PEOPLE of Iran as the losers in our decades long sanction war against them is a necessary first step in negotiating an agreement that places democracy above theocracy, as Peter Beinart explains
When Cops Go Progressive: If I told you a story of “jack-booted” thug cops kicking single, terrified women’s doors down to confiscate here laptop and smartphone you would be properly outraged. When I tell the same story and it does not involve cops enforcing the State’s spyfare state against “conservative” targets the universal get out jail-free card for LEO’s goes up in smoke. Ponder that while reading 0f said Progressive tyranny in WI.
Would you rather be Guillotined, boiled in oil, drawn and quartered or “sacked” (thrown into a burlap sack filled with venous snakes and stones, then dumped in a river). More and more Christians are aroused to the possibility (I say probability) that this is going to come to pass “in America” sooner than anyone expected.
The history of the “Fairness Doctrine” shows that even IF the FCC is successful in ignoring the courts and defying Congress there will always be room for the hope of a future appeal succeeding
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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