The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Fathers goodness and all the stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.
Citizens of Libtardia, one by one, begin celebrating their newfound prominence as defenders of abortion and marriage counseling
What did the media “experts” say about the election BEFORE the vote? Dick Morris et al’s charlatanism is on display for all to see
50 years too late: George McGovern is crowned the winner of election 2012
Got [c]onservatism? Russell Kirk reminds us, from beyond the grave, just what being a [c]onservative means in 10 steps
TAC: Romney was the wrong guy at the wrong time for a party still reeling from George W Bush
The task at hand is to be realists, be thoughtful, be practical, look for what’s worth conserving, restoring and be virtuous…in other words become CONSERVATIVE
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 124 1
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tgumm2k4 on November 7, 2012
I actually got into it last night with an old friend about what the founding fathers would have done about gay marriage and abortion. I figure at best both issues would have been left to the states to decide. But no everything has to be decided at the federal level because we’re all in this together!