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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from Armistice Day 2014! Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “And whereas, by a law of the United States entitled “An act to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions,” it is enacted that whenever the laws of the United States shall be opposed or the execution thereof obstructed in any state by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings or by the powers vested in the marshals by that act, the same being notified by an associate justice or the district judge, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to call forth the militia of such state to suppress such combinations and to cause the laws to be duly executed. And if the militia of a state, when such combinations may happen, shall refuse or be insufficient to suppress the same, it shall be lawful for the President, if the legislature of the United States shall not be in session, to call forth and employ such numbers of the militia of any other state or states most convenient thereto as may be necessary; and the use of the militia so to be called forth may be continued, if necessary, until the expiration of thirty days after the commencement of the of the ensuing session; Provided always, that, whenever it may be necessary in the judgment of the President to use the military force hereby directed to be called forth, the President shall forthwith, and previous thereto, by proclamation, command such insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within a limited time;” – George Washington’s shocking proclamation on the “Whiskey rebellion”
Senator Rand Paul has done what needed doing by pointing out that the current war against ISIS is NOT legal, the President AND thE Congress are both in breach of their oaths. Congress MUST act as the check on this abuse of power. “The war against the Islamic State is now illegal. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 gave President Obama 60 days to gain consent from Congress and required him to end ‘hostilities’ within 30 days if he failed to do so. This 90-day clock expired this week.”
Ask your friendly neighborhood war-monger if they really think “striking ISIS” will end Middle East terrorism or even put a dent in it. It will do nothing of the sort as is explained in this accurate assessment of the DEGRADING cauldron that is the Mid-East. “Nothing can be done by the West that will solve this crisis in our generation. We must withdraw, and observe this tragedy with pity — and repentance for what we have so arrogantly and casually done.”
The first of a 3 part Imaginative Conservative essay on Homosexual Marriage beginning with the complete history of this heresy of civilizational proportions
Eileen Finnigan reviews and explains the wonderful anti-war and and anti-Leviathan message contained in the Hunger Games series of books and now movies
Obama and his NeoCON allies drew red-lines in the sand over Syria’s chemical weapons and Iran “going nuclear”, pray-tell Mr. Krauthammer what are you and the Kristol/Goldberg boys going to declare be done with Russian selling Iran 7 Nuclear Power plants!?
On Veterans Day, a better understanding of “Just War Theory” is in order. The Catholic Scout, tackles the question of just what Augustine and others (St Ambrose et al) meant by “Just War”. The result of the exploration is my position seems positively like that of a war-monger
The history of Veterans (Armistice Day) Day as told by the U.S. VA. Note that the STATE legislatures enacted their own Vets related holidays, not having conceded that power to the then, proto-Leviathan
George Washington voluntarily resigned his commission in 1783, a model for any veteran to follow
Congratulations war-hawks, the OLD Soviet, Gorbachev, tells the New NOT Soviet, Putin (and the rest of the planet) that arrogant U.S. “triumphalism” has ignited a new “cold war” where one did not exist and did not need to exist
Finally, some [r]epublican sense on the “AUMF” Obama has asked Congress for to continue illicit operation in Syria and Iraq. Doug Bandow says congress Congress should say no, St Augustine says “no” and I say “no” agreeing with St Augustine and Cicero
The Sixth Circut Court of Appeals reveres lower court decision and upholds six state’s bans on homosexual “marriage”. It is invthe DISSENTING opinion thought that Chris Ferrara says we find the real wisdon behind “judicial review: “If we in the judiciary do not have the authority, and indeed the responsibility, to right fundamental wrongs left excused by a majority of the electorate, our whole intricate, constitutional system of checks and balances, as well as the oaths to which we swore, prove to be nothing but shams.” [Chris Ferrara responds] “She happens to be right. Judicial review, guided by the objective requirements of the moral law and natural justice (cf. Hadley Arkes, “Beyond the Constitution”) would require not merely upholding a majority’s ban on same-sex marriage, but overturning a majority’s legalization of it. Today’s judicial conservatives are merely positivists, while the liberals are moralists advancing the wrong morality.”
Google continues to grow into the role of the Terminator’s “SkyNet”, developing a 330 lb, humanoid robot that looks ready to crush puny humans that get in its way (or take jobs that American won’t do, saving the importation of illegals to do the job)
So the Presidential candidates from the GOP may be concentrated in TX, FL and WI (Walker & Ryan) with the wild cards coming from KY, PA and maybe VA
AZ tries to act all “federally” again by passing a ballot initiative that will give the state recourse (they don’t need this but it won’t hurt) against unconstitutional and ill-conceived federal legislative acts…like ObamaCare. The big news here is that AZ voters have figured out the great deception at play here, from the bill’s description. “Politicians in Washington are fond of passing far-reaching laws, but more often than not they depend on state and local governments – and state and local taxpayers – to implement them.”
Dave Weigel: “So GOP, you’ve won all this power, now what will you do with it?” On the campaign trail, election night with GOP media activists reveals what I like to call the “Usual Suspects at Work”, meaning when one party grabs power” from the other the first casualty are promises made to “stop spending” which dissipates when the debate over $3.9 TRILLION in free money gets brought up
Sound investment: “Outside groups” spent $127 MILLION on 10 winning Senate campaigns, a pittance fro corrupt oligarchs when compared to the $3.9 TRILLION booty they will now scam a sizable portion of. “The victors will take their seats likely feeling grateful to interests that are hidden from their constituents and the public,” the report said.”
Stephen Klugewicz at the Imaginative Conservative writes what dare not be said of the GOP and the elite frauds that run it as an alleged “conservative” outfit: The GOP is so desperate to not be heckled by Dems & the “media” for their “racism…sexism….homophobism” et cetera that they promote the most ridiculous assortment of popular candidates like Herman Cain and now Ben Carson
Christians in Lebanon form militias to repel ISIS and their Godless, Muslim hordes
Remember the promise: There will not be any “boots on the ground” in our latest unjust war in Iraq, promise?
VIDEO FLASHBACK: President Obama promises troops that there will not be an “combat operations” in Iraq involving American troops, a promise of a distinction that is not a distinction
Race riots are expected if the Ferguson MO cop, under grand jury investigation, is NOT indicted in the death of Michael Brown. The Watts riots were nearly 50 years ago, Rodney King 22 years and the tension and tendency toward them has only grown, maybe it’s time for a course correction in human relations (note I didn’t say race relations). The Ferguson local businesses though, want nothing other than a return to normalcy.
The stock market is overvalued by a factor of 100% or more as a result of the cash casino it has become for the Fed’s money laundering operation
Are you ready for your endorsement of homosexual marriage? KS and now MS have been informed that since the Pilgrims “marriage has been a fundamental right of ALL citizens”. This brings the tally now to 30 states (28 of which) that have been judicially steamrolled into granting homosexual, and very soon, incestuous “marriages”, then polyamorous, then polygamous then, cross species then… you get the picture. Those that foolishly say “marriage should be left up to the states, now have their anti-federalist cakes to munch on while the remainder of modern Rome burns
Speaking of sacramental marriage, there are hundreds of millions of souls at stake in the perversion of this most holy and sacramental institution becoming but a secular, civil “agreement” between consenting parties. NO ONE in the modern Church and its clergy explains the reasons why this must NOT happen than Bishop Athanasius Schneider. “In fact a Divine commandment, in our case the sixth commandment, the absolute indissolubility of the sacramental marriage, a Divinely established rule, means those in a state of grave sin cannot be admitted to Holy Communion. This is taught by Saint Paul in his letter inspired by the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians 11, 27-30, this cannot be put to the vote, just as the Divinity of Christ would never be put to a vote.”
It is legal to steal now thanks to the ballot box. 4 ballot initiatives that increased “minimum wage” were ok’d by “voters” on Tuesday pointing out the logical fallacy that one can OWN private property, capital and revenue being in that specie, when significant portions of it can be taken by a 50% of the population plus 1 vote
The complete rundown of 2014 election results chronicles the GOP rout of the Democrat Party in nearly every state, every office and every initiative
Well “Thcott Brown’s NOT gonn do it”, as the GOP pinup hero of 2010 MA Senate runoff (after Ted Kennedy died) is defeated in New Hampshire by Shaheen
Walter McDougall’s “Promised Land” is a full-length, detailed explanation of the American Civil Religion from inception to it’s current lethal apostolate
WARNING SIGNS OF THE BIG GLOAT ALREADY: Tea Party groups are supposed to be NON partisan I thought yet the largest national group is publicly boasting that “conservatives have taken the Senate”. This is almost identical to the euphoria and misplaced partisanship seen after the 2010 elections that swept Boehner into power.
Obama admin turns over 64k pages of “Fast & Furious” documents it previously denied existence of
Rod Dreher blames Rob Maness for Mary Landrieu’s survival, wondering why Rob didn’t drop out “when polls showed he didn’t have a chance”. Well, Rod, he didn’t QUIT because he isn’t a quitter and had a responsibility to execute the wishes of the 202,313 folks who voted for him, the thousands of volunteers and the thousands who donated their scant wealth to his effort, in other words, his HONOR would not let him retire, that’s admirable, Rod, and rare. And in case you’re wondering, Rob is as humble a gentleman as you will meet, read his concession speech, he said what I just said to his supporters.
Patrick J Buchanan: U.S. Voters will vote today but WHAT are they voting for? “But are the American people really voting to send arms to Kiev, to confront Russia in Ukraine, to commit to a forever-war to “degrade and ultimately defeat” the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria? Does the country really want a clash with Iran over its nuclear enrichment program? If so, the GOP should return to Washington and in the lame-duck session authorize Obama to take us to war with the Islamic State.”
TIC: The Soul of Madness has nearly overtaken the American body politic. The pagan hordes puff and snort their hatred of Our Lord, Our Lady and the moral order of Western Civilization under Christendom while demanding we stop public exhortations or more properly referred to as public ejaculations on this order and our commitment to defend it, eyes on eternity, to death.
Libs, seeing their impending demise, looming in front of them tomorrow conclude (correctly) that voting is not all it’s cracked up to be, proving the fallacy of false God elections yet again. 2 years ago the same libs paraded Obama’s re-election as the second coming of Hobbes, 4 years ago it was the first coming of Hobbes. Note the dystopian air running through the NY Times pieces quoted by the writer
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
When the price of bacon goes parabolic, brought on by conditions the Federal Leviathan says cannot exist so long as they are on the job, it may get the attention of the apathetic hoi polloi
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now – Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Deus in adjutorium meum intende, Domine ad adjuvandum me festina“. Incline unto my aid O God, O Lord make haste to help me.
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 124 1
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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