
Please Consider an Investment In Exposing The Mythology of Lincoln With a “What Lincoln Killed” CD Set

todaySeptember 7, 2012 13


Mandeville LA  – Was it something I said? I am convinced that “What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I” is the most entertaining, funny AND historically relevant movie I ever produced. Pray tell what I can do to convince fans that it is a worthy investment in both your History & Entertainment collections? Founding Father Films makes these features at great expense because we remain convinced there is a market for them. Please consider a much needed investment in exposing this story to help undo the damage the Lincoln mythology has done to the [r]epublic, to enjoy hours of entertaining listening and to boost our little company toward even greater future projects,Mike Church

Here are our first promo shots of the Collector’s Sets after Mike has signed them.

Mike wishes to thank the latest $100 purchase/donation efforts from our base of wonderful fans, Clifford Smith, James Battarbee, Carl Guile. We have set a goal of  attracting another 100 donors/fans/customers to the $100 “What Lincoln Killed” Executive Producer status. You’ll receive one of only 300, signed and numbered Collector’s Edition copies of the Audio Documentary in special casing and the autographed, marquee sized movie poster. Plus you’ll help insure that Founding father Films survives the Obama economy to bring “What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE II” to life and much, much more.


We wish to thank the following über fans of Mike Church’s documentary work and have purchased the $100 version of “What lincoln Killed-EPISODE I”. Thank you! Please consider adding your name to this list of extraordinary supporters of an accurate telling of American history through Founding Father Films.

Clifford Smith

James Battarbee

Carl Guile

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. jimb282 on September 23, 2012

    As I am still creating the foundation of a lifestyle with my wife, both of us have little time between work and sleep. This is 7 days a week. I get “windshield time” to hear and call Mike, one of the few treats I can presently afford. This is why I have yet to get back into Jeffersons letters, to back up my position that he was becomming more of an atheist than a theist in his declining years. We know that he new reason to be an absolute, and that means to hold a contradiction means you have made an error. The rightfull question here is do you know you are holding a contrdiction? Theist teasing questions like “how many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?” presuppose the existance of Angels. We know of almost 3000 gods of record, so todays christian has a big advantage with only 1 God. It seems that every advancement of man’s knowledge, kicks God further behind the clouds. Remember the Cassandras? They “knew” that mans lungs would expload if he went faster than about 35 mph! Their numbers included “scientists” and religious folks, all with thier motives to hold mankind stupid, starving and below the self ordained Leaders. In every known war, their are people that “know” God and or Jesus will be here soon, and he will be on our side. Today, we have a real shortage of burning bushes that talk, or women that turn into pillars of salt, yet the faithfull go to the church to learn how the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains, as they pass the plate to pay me to plow the snow from the parkinglot. When and if you can point to the 1st actual evidence that supports the existance of this God, I will then be glad to give you my undivided attention on this matter. For now, you have earned my respect in the topics of politics and economics, until they are shaddowed by your religious dogma. With respect, Jim Battarbee

    • TheKingDude on September 24, 2012

      When and if you can point to the 1st actual evidence that supports the existance of this God, I will then be glad to give you my undivided attention on this matter.

      THIS site is proof of His existence as much as you will claim it is proof of nothing other than “matter”. There is no point arguing with the dedicated atheist such as yourself. Instead I will recall what my friend Stephen Heiner remarked to me the day that Christopher Hitchens died “Well, Hitchens will finally get to see if the God he ridiculed and swore didn’t exist, does and what temperature hell is burning at right now.”
