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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to mikechurch
.com’s Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show, 2015 Edition. The Alabama Supreme Court asserts what every state with a marriage act on their books should assert to the Leviathan Judiciary: butt out, you have no jurisdiction and we will NOT recognize your legislation…wow. Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.“The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech.” The words sound absolute. As Justice Black was fond of saying, “no law means no law:” there are no exceptions. The Court has expanded “speech” to mean “expression” so that it would appear that government may inhibit no expressive conduct. This, of course, is nonsense, and not even Justice Black ever took such a position. When there was danger that speech might provoke violence, for example. Black would find that the speech could be suppressed on the ground that it was “brigaded” with action.” – Judge Robert Bork
DeceptiCONNED: The rise of WI Governor Scott Walker in GOP primary polling might mean the end of Senator Rand Paul’s “moment” , and libertarians like him are going to be left in the same position they were when Ron Paul failed to capture the GOP base in 2008 and 2012. I have talked about this for 5 years now and this just bears the point out that the Big War machine will not take its defeat without a fight and it has the resources and the con-job intelligence working for it.
Buchanan: Officer Darren Wilson is finally free from Eric Holder’s tyranny but the damage is already done.
DeceptiCONNED II: Senator Rob Johnson tells Fox News Sunday that if Iran Hawks don’t get their wish-list in the treaty negotiations then the “military option” WILL BE USED. Apparently Johnson, Corker, McCain, Graham et al haven’t read the U.N. charter we are signers of nor have they read the NPT treaty that Iran is a signatory to. Then again, these clowns don’t think the U.S. Constitution is binding on them so why would they think the international version is?
The permanent warfare state is the subject of a new book that shows just how profitable war has become for the MIC that has now expanded to include a mercenary class
The history of Chinese dynasties dates back 2600 years BEFORE Christ
Can the State Dept. deny a Visa to an American citizen’s foreign husband if someone in Leviathan thinks he is a “terrorist”? That’s the question a SCOTUS case must answer. My question is what does the Constitution say about this? It seems to me this is another example of the Constitution being incapable of regulating the difference between alien friends and enemies.
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerburg wants you to read some books with him, books you can “learn” from but there’s one huge problem. He wants you to learn all about NEW cultures NEW beliefs and NEW technologies when modern man hasn’t even bothered to “learn” the OLD beliefs, the OLD cultures and can barely function alongside CURRENT technologies without becoming the biggest promoters of Sloth since Dante. Wellllll Mr. “conservative” what’s YOUR solution? How about we start with Chesterton’s Orthodoxy and work our way backwards to Augustine’s Confessions, passing through Twain, Dickens, Shakespeare and Aquinas?
HEROIC: Judge Roy Moore of the Al Supreme Court rightly says that TWO SCOTUS justices must recuse themselves from the “gay marriage” case they are to hear because they have performed “marriage” ceremonies and are therefore biased
DeceptiCONNED: Israel Firsters (our 51st AND most important AND beloved state… they gave us the Constitution you know *sarcasm* ) bombard Rand Paul with “he’s faking it” because Paul wasn’t “clapping hard enough” during and after Bibi’s best Lincoln impersonation. The “it” being his undying, unwavering, jingoistic idolatry for Israel and all it does for our asparagus growers and honey farmers and…uh, you know, “freedoms”, and …blah blah blah. What is really going on here is the Israel Firster’s need to get rid of Paul before the Presidential debates start so the GOP war machine can put forward a unified – for WWIII with CIC Netanyahu – presence. Michael Brendan Dougherty explains
Meanwhile, the Senate is refusing to perform its constitutional function of Advice and Consent WITH the President on treaties, in this case the talks with Iran over its nuclear program.
REMINDER: The U.S. is currently party/signatory to over 400 treaties, so it is not as though we don’t know that this is how diplomacy is recognized and guided officially
Roll Tide! The Alabama Supreme Court rules the SCOTUS is out of order, has no jurisdiction and neither does the Federal Constitution over the State’s marriage laws and orders judges in the state to STOP issuing marriage “licenses”. The judges ruling hints that a return to Subsidiarity is needed and even makes the marital act and creation of children a responsibility of the state to protect. This is not your father’s court ruling folks, witness. ““Marriage has always been between members of the opposite sex,” it said. “The obvious reason for this immutable characteristic is nature. Men and women complement each other biologically and socially. Perhaps even more obvious, the sexual union between men and women (often) produces children. … In short, government has an obvious interest in offspring and the consequences that flow from the creation.”
THIS is a Constitution, it does NOT “marry” people: The written decision of the Alabama Supreme Court, mentioned above, is a crash course in Constitutional separation of powers, ratified intent and the eternal law of God…wow
War War War, Kill, Kill, Kill: 62% of the American shekel lust after a ground war in Asia, against ISIS. I challenge those offering this “opinion”, what are the ENDS of this conflict? Have you thought of it? Have you considered the unintended consequences? Are you willing to sacrifice YOUR income, savings, liberties and even children’s lives in the endeavor?
Today’s Guest Srdja Trifkovic demolishes Bibi Netanyahu’s “end of the world if Iran gets THE bomb”, latest Cassandra fit with history, common sense and cosmopolitanism.
Get ready for the Libs and the DeceptiCONS to start practicing “Populism Control” a political effort to snuff those pesky peasant revolts that threaten the $4 TRILLION annual spending orgy the 2 parties divvy up pretending one is impoverished and the other WANTS to be impoverished
Anna Marie Cox, a “liberal” blogger, “comes out of the closet” in regards to her Christian faith. It is a curiosity that “coming out” has become a public spectacle as opposed to a personal testimony that is publicly evident. That is not a knock on Ms. Cox but an observation on the current sorry state of our affairs of Faith. A snippet: “No, I’m nervous to come out as a Christian because I worry I’m not good enough of one. I’m not scared that non-believers will make me feel an outcast. I’m scared that Christians will. I am not sure if there is anything Obama could do to make someone like Erick Erickson believe he is Christian in a “meaningful way.” For a thousand reasons, mostly bad ones, I presume for me he and his compatriots would set the bar lower. But how low?”
What exactly “are the merits of SSM”? Well, according to “conservative” Jeb Bush and his entourage, they are legion and will help the “conservative party” win elections in 2016 and beyond. Translation? If you are a Catholic/Christian, the GOP is telling you their God is political power and control of that power, God and his teaching and eternal law, can go pound sand….and so can you.
Rand Paul’s winning of the CPAC straw poll practically guarantees he will not be the GOP standard bearer but rather the heretic in the pro-war debates. Recall that Ron Paul won a half dozen CPAC straw polls thanks to his bases’s incredible grass roots activism
Bibi Netanyahu, our minister of foreign policy disguised as Israel’s Minister of Foreign policy, is generating “controversy” over his address to a joint session of Congress tomorrow
DEAD CONSTITUTION GETS COLDER: The FCC does the dirty work, AT&T and the Wall Street monopolizers can’t do: squashing internet/broadband competition via the misnomer “Net Neutrality”. Come to think of it, the FCC can’t do this either but like most things from Mordor, no one cares about the law and the Constitution, only outcomes
MORE DEAD CONSTITUTION: CEI sued the FCC in 2012 and their claim of unConstitutionality is still true today
Recall that the FCC power to micromanage speech content as in radio and TV was ruled unConstitutional during the “fairness Doctrine” days and then upheld when Congressional Libs tried to bring it back
Finally, the DC Court of appeals dealt what should have been the prevailing view on this subject from the “stare decisis” point of view in 1989, yet here we are again
Happy Birthday to a Real Hero: In an age where Hannah Davis and “Kanye” are revered as “heroes” to far too many, I would like to share the birthday of one Fr. Roussel Thomas Byles who sacrificed a place on the Titanic’s lifeboats to instead remain with those stranded, hear their confessions, grant them last rites and pray the Rosary. B. 26 Feb, 1870; D. 15 April, 1912. R.I.P. Fr. Byles.
Guns and Ammo: The Guns are your biceps the Ammo is the Holy Rosary. For those who snickered or got outraged or tuned out when on today’s show “[I] went all Catholic, again”, here is one or thousands of stories on the use of The Rosary against Muslim hordes and in this case, the fleet of the Sultan, repelled at LePanto in the last “great naval battle featuring ships with oarsmen”.
The history of the “Fairness Doctrine” shows that even IF the FCC is successful in ignoring the courts and defying Congress there will always be room for the hope of a future appeal succeeding
The latest Sports Illustrated “Swimsuit Edition” cover (WARNING: NSF@W or KIDS or Catholics) is just the latest sign of the coming public orgies our total lack of modesty mandates, no scratch that, our wholesale REFUSAL to even acknowledge there is such a thing as modesty, will produce if it hasn’t already, public, Nero style orgies. And who will care or object, and on what grounds? You don’t like the animal print on the 1/4″ of bikini fabric covering the model’s …. ahem…. The “conservatives” at The Federalist wish for people like me to “calm down” because publicly showing all the Lord blessed you with at birth is a repudiation of the Puritans and necessary for a free society. Pope Benedict XV summed up our current, moral pickle x 1000 back in 1925 “One cannot sufficiently deplore the blindness of so many women of every age and station. Made foolish by a desire to please, they do not see to what degree the indecency of their clothing shocks every honest man and offends God. Most of them would formerly have blushed for such apparel as for a grave fault against Christian modesty.” Sorry, your Holiness, Hannah Davis HAS NO clothing.
The little “lending libraries” I talked about seeing in Scotland where residents of a community place books in a small enclosure or old phone booth and then borrow them by leaving a book of their own are now under assault by local governments everywhere who don’t want their monopoly on public libraries threatened
Is the current state of Great Britain in as pathetic a moral state as Islam is? Joseph Pearce says yes and that “Great Britain is Dead”
PRAY: Soooo, people bailed on Christ to avoid being affiliated with the Republican Party? The libs that fantasize over this being true cannot possibly stand in front of a life-sized, sculpture of Our Lord, crucified, IN a Catholic Cathedral and really believe that is true and if it IS then not lament it being true
Jeb Bush shows that he does not understand what it means to be a member of a community by calling for more foreigners to invade current communities and in exchange for a job… “You come, you work hard, you embrace these values, and you’re as American as anyone who came on the Mayflower”. First off, those on the Mayflower weren’t Americans they were British
If you are wondering whether there is a morally valid, Pro-Life reason to oppose vaccinations in some cases there most certainly is. As then Holy Father Benedict XVI instructed a woman back in 2005 on the evil that surrounds the MMR vaccine and what to do about it.
Mike Church asks you to support children with pediatric brain cancers through the 7th annual Hogs For The Cause Pork Bar-B-Q festival his Death Chefs team will be competing in. Buy your tickets here or score great Death Chefs merchandise, signed by Mike with proceeds benefitting Hogs
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
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