The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
Sapientia et Veritas – “Now the more we really read in a realistic spirit of those two transitions the sharper we shall find them to be. It is because the critics are not detached that they do not see this detachment; it is because they are not looking at things in a dry light that they cannot see the difference between black and white. It is because they are in a particular mood of reaction and revolt that they have a motive for making out that all the white is dirty grey and the black not so black as it is painted. I do not say there are not human excuses for their revolt; I do not say it is not in some ways sympathetic; what I say is that it is not in any way scientific. An iconoclast may be indignant; an iconoclast may be justly indignant; but an iconoclast is not impartial.” – Gilbert Keith Chesterton, The Everlasting Man
RUN Like Father NOT Like Son, The Ballad of Ron and Rand – WHY did Senator Rand Paul choose to endorse Mitch McConnell, Endorse Mitt [for brains] Romney, haul water for AIPAC, recite ideologue pledges “‘Muricah is greatest country in the world”? Because he wanted to score a POLITICAL victory and didn’t fret about the educational value of running on principles, tried and true (Paul tried to outCruz the huckster Cruz). Daniel McCarthy sums it up: “Ron Paul didn’t have illusions about any of this. His campaigns were educational rather than directly political; winning the nomination—let alone the White House—wasn’t the point. That’s not to say his efforts and those of his campaign staff (I was one of them in 2008) weren’t sincere: pushing as hard as possible for the nomination was the best way to advance the educational effort as well. But knowing what the odds against his winning were, Ron Paul fought on because there was always something else to be achieved.”
PUBLIUS-Ted Cruz is STILL Not a Natural Born Citizen & No Massaging Of “Precedent” Will Change It – No matter the facts of the case, no matter tghe clear, unambiguous historical record, no matter the PURPOSE the Founders put the “Natural Born Citizen” clause into Article II of The Constitution, the rabid, vulgar and downright despicable tactics being employed to defend Cruz and distort if not outright deny “The Founders Original Intent” reveals what I have been telling you for years: The Constitution is D-E-D, Dead, and it is precisely her alleged advocates who have brandished their long knives and stabbed the old gal to death.
The Candle In The Wind, “Conservative” Punditocracy, Likes Tradewind Rubio…Today – In another piece of evidence proving that “conservatism” is D E D Dead, watch the “conservative media” fall over itself to change horses, mid-stream, and float downstream with Cuban born citizen, Marco Rubio. Somewhere, Charlie Sheen is laughing at this saying: “winning!”
The Great Escape Cannot Escape The Magisterium – The life of actor Steve McQueen presents a sad tale riddled with worldly successes that most would mistakenly conclude would lead to happiness. Alas, McQueen never found happiness and ended his life asking the Reverend Billy Graham to counsel him on Christianity. As hopeful as this story is, devout Catholic readers will be torn by the concluding paragraphs and therein lies the essential problem of our modern American/Western world: There is nothing ambiguous about what’s at stake here, the only thing murky is why so many have allowed the imperative clarity of the singular teaching authority to be questioned.
Seattle To God: Drop Dead! (If You REALLY Existed, That Is) – The scientific mysteries of Creation seem to keep scientists buzzing and TV producers working. They also keep atheists plying their eternally excruciating craft, destined to be experienced by more Northwestern ‘Muricans than garden variety Southern heretics. While the Atheist believes there is nothing to believe in and the agnostic believes that there is no such thing as belief. By contrast the Northwestern ‘Murican cannot use the term “believe” because outside of the Seahawks and Trailblazers, “Faith” is what you name your bastard, hippy, sorta-love child.
Illinois Election Panel To The Founders: “Drop Dead!” – An IL Board of elections has sanctified the “natural born citizenship” of Theodore Rafael Cruz because “he was born of an American citizen mother and had to take no steps to achieve naturalization”. The board further ordered the history quoting and ratified intent abiding citizenry, all 18 of us, that “Further discussion on this issue is unnecessary.” Got that citizen!? If the Miracle Amendment (14) says what it doesn’t say because we need to validate current opinions and aspirations, then the Founders be damned. You people cheering this Constitution slander will get the “make it up as we go along” “constitutional government they deserve, unfortunately, so will the rest of us. S E C E D E. I am bringing back the “If At First You Don’t Secede, Try, Try Again.”
Trumpzilla Roars Into NH, Tedly Cruz Right “Is a Man of Insults” – One day after allegedly having his “nose bloodied” while suffering “blows to the body” that revealed the “weakness of his ground game”. Haha. Trump, in typical Trumpian fashion, roared with confidence at a rally in NH, all the points he previously hammered icnluding building walls and repealing and replacing ObamaCare but that’s just the warm-up….
Trumpzilla Roars II VIDEO – “They are going to sue his a** off… the Democrats… sue his a** off, you know why!? Because he was born in Canada and that’s a big problem.” Trump knows that there is no “conservative” answer to the charge that he is NOT a Natural Born Citizen as defined by the ratifiers of the Constitution and though he runs the risk of sounding “old hat”, the “Barry Obama, born in Kenya” crowd will follow this LEGITIMATE beef to its legal conclusion despite the dubious protestations of “conservative” Republicans. Cruz is NOT eligible and neither is Rubio, see here and here.
Paging Mark Levin: The Most Droolworthy Puff Piece You Will Ever Read About Ted Cruz – The author cannot disguise her starstruck, true-believer in the benevolent power of the State if placed into the hands of “conservative” Machiavelli’s like Theodore Rafael Cruz (a crush the author self-evidently holds). Note the adulation attached to divining, via A Time for Truth, Cruz’s ingenious “immigration position” as a “Rosetta stone”. This piece is further confirmation that the communist strong-men have won. The “conservative” American media and populace are obsessed with “electing” their own strong-man to e.g. obliterate all signs that Obama ever existed; that all out, carpet bombing war is the first tool in their non-diplomatic “diplomacy”; and that a wall must be built to protect the greatest people in the history of earth from the ostensibly worst, read “loser”, people in the history of earth. At least the Russians and Nazis resisted the urge to blame the Greeks, Europe’s version of poor, enterprising Mexicans, for their self-inflicted suicides. I can imagine Ms. Greider being a part of the infamous American diplomatic trip to Stalin’s Potemkin village, giddily reporting on how awesome this thing called communism is going to be.
Why The Confederate Indefensible Is Defensible To Honest Liberals – When a New Orleans area dad takes his son for a tour of the original grounds at Arlington, Robert E Lee’s home, he is surprised to find that there was a man behind the “racist” statue, a man, whose life’s history remains worthy of defending and preserving, especially from spaghetti spined politicians like NOLA Mayor Mitch Landrieu. “If we don’t demand better, we don’t deserve better. I was ignorant because I didn’t do my job as a citizen to understand the facts. I let myself be taken by a sound bite. It’s not enough to vote. We have to understand what we are voting for. We as citizens must demand that our leaders lead, which shouldn’t be confused with herding voters with incendiary rhetoric and politics as blood sport. Leading in America requires vision, passion, and compromise. And every once in awhile, the courage to defend the unpopular.”
Big Easy Burning While Landrieu Fiddles – Meanwhile, the NOPD’s response time to 911 calls has risen to 73 minutes. That’s rich, from a city that expends energy and $$ it doesn’t have to deliver social media “likes” to its famous citizens by heeding their calls to rip iconic statues from their moorings, but cannot deliver basic services. Maybe Winton Marsalis could suggest taking the bronze from Robert E Lee’s statue and having Spartan like shields fashioned that can be passed out to locals waiting for the cops to arrive? Landrieu will of course have to pass a “Spartan Shield Tax” to be paid by all travelers landing at Louis Armstrong?
The Dr Will See You Now Mr. Non-Establishment Establishment – WHY oh why does nearly every “conservative” pundit feel compelled to provide an explanation for Trumpzilla’s popularity, indeed, his very existence!? That Donald Trump has taken command of media attention is no larger of a story than Obama doing the same thing in 2008. Remember “Obama Girl”? The Obama kids choirs? The ubiquitous HOPE poster and then HOP knockoffs? Obama’s near static popularity in the polls regardless of what he said? Most of all, recall that ‘Muricah had never seen a candidate who was both “post-racial” AND “post-partisan”, ohhhh the wonderous possibilities that Change will bring! Ohhhh, the catastrophic results of that change that will “end ‘America as we knew it…the most important election of our lifetimes!” The reality is that the current “democratic” system and cultural non-cult we labor under produces political mutants every 4-8 years if not more frequently. It only makes sense that like MLB home run records, each iteration is more disfigured and freakish than its predecessor but hey, that record must be broken, right?
Explaining Donald Trump’s Existence–Epic Fail I
Explaining Donald Trump’s Existence – Epic Fail II
Theodore Rafael Cruz: Vote For Me, Iowans, Or Else! – The ineligible Thoedore Rafael Cruz is now spamming Iowans with condemnations that if they don’t “vote” they may be cited for “voting violations” and outed as Republican heretics to their neighbors. Cruz is thus promoting the new-NEW false God of universal suffrage as political salvation, so long as the suffragettes caucus for him.
Cruz Calls on “The Body of Christ” But refuses To Join IT’S Body: The Church Militant – Some things in politics and “culture” are best left to be merely pointed out, resisting the urge to comment when comments cannot add anything that offense hasn’t already generated.
The ‘Murican Imaginative Conservative Apostasy – Bruce Frohnnen sums up in 1 paragraph, the sum total of today’s corruption. “Our political culture, like our culture more generally, is undeniably corrupt. Immigration would not be the issue it is today if Americas were still getting married, staying married, and having a decent number of children. Moreover, our public institutions—and especially the petty tyrants who run our educational system—for decades have been aggressively indoctrinating our young people to hate their traditions and especially those essential codes of honor that once taught our young men to value themselves, young women, and their duty to the public good. But mere populism is the answer to nothing save the will to power. And compassion in the hands of the state remains a dangerous illusion that enslaves the people as it empowers functionaries of the central state.”
Buchanan: Middle America sees Republicans as the CAUSE of today’s malaise, not the elixir that that party devotees fancy themselves as. “And if, after the rise of the Tea Party, the capture of Congress in 2014, the Trump-Cruz-Carson rebellion, the GOP offers the silent majority yet another establishment candidate, will populists and Tea Party types rally to him?”
unJust War Atrocities in Yemen Finally Produce Congressional Opposition – Senator Chris Murphy of CT delivers a speech that decries the lethal and perverted U.S. support for Saudi Arabia and its criminal war against Yemen. Murphy doesn’t see the real problem, the killing of non-combatants-but he does see the instability sewn by funding and supporting “moderate Muslim …allies” in the simmering cauldron of Mohammed
We DO Need Another Hero – The Christian Church and its non-militant, Militant Members DO need heroes because good vs evil never ceases among the fallen [Man] and those heroes prove the existence of God. Michael Walsh makes these and other arguments in his new book “The Devils Pleasure Palace”. A book he could have called “The Westerners Guide to Losing Naziism an d Restoring Christendom”.
‘Muricah, Practicing War, just War Since 1964 – If I published the following paragraph and identified the sovereign entity that was it’s subject as Alaska and Russia as the aggressor, what would our vainglorious war-hawk caucus say about it? How many crocodile tears and exhortations for revenge and carnage would we hear from tonight’s GOP debaters. Read to the end for the actual parties involved. “The panel documented that the coalition had conducted airstrikes targeting civilians and civilian objects, in violation of international humanitarian law, including camps for internally displaced persons and refugees; civilian gatherings, including weddings; civilian vehicles, including buses; civilian residential areas; medical facilities; schools; mosques; markets, factories and food storage warehouses; and other essential civilian infrastructure, such as the airport in Sana’a, the port in Hudaydah and domestic transit routes.” – The United Nations report on humanitarian abuses in the Saudi Arabian war waged against Yemen, with the U.S. and U.K. IN that coalition and responsible for supplying the ordinance. The “coalition” also delivers intelligence and indirect support for these atrocities. Will ANYTHING be said about this tonight as we are regaled by the prospect of future “coalitions in the region”?
The Art of The Deal Trumps The Art of Fable News – If there is any lingering doubt as to Trumpzilla’s longevity brought about by an agility never seen in ‘Murican politics, the Trump vs Faux News should end that once and for all. Trump has now demonstrated, in practice, that the world’s biggest media bully and war booster, Fox, is but a 5th Avenue, holdout tenement owner squatting where Trump Tower Mid-Town is scheduled to go. There is no one and no force in the feckless GOP that can measure up to Trump’s megalomania. If you want a front row seat to a revolution, you now have one, that will ultimately fizzle under the weight of its own pride. Think of it like this: if people think this is finally proof that government “should be run like a business”, the stories of Herman Cain, Mitt Romney and very soon Carly Fiorina demolish that argument. This is the Donald’s “Apprentice-King of The World”.
MBD: Memo To Roger “Golden” Ales: Trump’s Voters USED To Be Your Viewers – The average “Trump voter” is described as someone that does not have a subscription to the National Review and Commentary Magazine (both are good moves) and may be motivated by what MBD describes as a soft bigotry: “They are the real-life versions of your fictive, Obama-loathing, Thanksgiving uncle. They are the citizens of what Charles Murray dubbed “Fishtown” in his book Coming Apart.” I think that MBD’s quest mirrors the media quest in general to arrive at a precise definition of the “Trump voter” because that “voter” is defying “the medias” efforts to turn them into former Trump voters. The exposition of egos at work in this Trump saga are truly breathtaking in puffed up pride and sheer numbers. Wow….
Raising Good Kids Is NOT About Raising Good Owners of McMansions – Sans the woeful reference to aprking her children in front of the History Channel’s “The Sory of Us” as an introduction to “real American history” (puhhhh-frikkin-lease, I hereby offer to donate a FREE set of FFFilms Compleat for the Lu tots], BUT Rachel Lu Does nail the heart of the matter when she questions the motive behind sending ‘Murican kids to 4 year “colleges”. “Sadly, our culture reflexively associates “pursuit of excellence” with “joining the rat race.” If you admit you want your kids to be zealous for the good, people launch into their lecture about how “Not everyone needs to go to Harvard.” Umm, friend? You’re the one who assumed that Harvard equals the good. I would never have drawn such a preposterous equivalence.”
‘Muricans Hate The Government They Created viz “We The People”, More Than Ever – This new survey shows that the ‘Murican people view the Federal leviathan as nothing more than Wal-Mart with the power to kill or jail you. Read the story carefully, and you will conclude the same. Is Trumpzilla NOW starting to make sense?
The Heresy of Capitalism Cannot Be Disproved By an Episode of South Park – Joseph Pearce zeroes in on the “branding” of Mega-lo-marts like McDonald’s as being more analogous to propaganda than to advertising and wonders why so many of us won’t visit the neighbor who is a farmer but will visit and eat stuff prepared by the stranger in a Mickey D’s visor? “I have witnessed at airports long lines of people lining up at McDonald’s for breakfast, while a kiosk selling breakfast items twenty yards away had no line whatsoever. Is this because McDonald’s offers better or healthier food? Of course not. It is because people are creatures of habit, and often bad habit, and have bought into the McDonald’s brand, expressing their loyalty to it by their willingness to line up patiently for ten minutes to be served. They have been brainwashed by the megabucks that McDonald’s spends on advertising, which is really a nice word for propaganda, and have been branded by the brand, much as cattle are branded by their owners. It is not the quest for good food that unites those in the line for McDonald’s but the herd instinct. Is being the member of a herd, branded by our brand loyalty, a mark of freedom? Or do we express our freedom better by ignoring the propaganda and heading for the anonymous kiosk to take a look at its menu.”
Written by: TheKingDude
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