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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, Welcome to’s Pile of Prep, all the materials used to prepare the Mike Church show, 2015 Edition. Obama’s “prayer breakfast” cooments on the ISIS like violence of the Crusades continues to simmer. Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.“Those who talk of complex problems, requiring more government planning and more control, in reality are taking us back in time to the acceptance of rule of the many by the few. Time to look to the future. We’ve had enough talk—disruptive talk—in America of left and right, dividing us down the center. There is really no such choice facing us. The only choice we have is up or down—up, to the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order, or down, to the deadly dullness of totalitarianism.” – Ronald Reagan, The Creative Society
Gal Queda now pruning males from the population via abortion, congratulations to the Enlightenment, the “liberty” to do what you want now includes selective birth of sexes
The moral train wreck that is the Grammy Awards does not fail to deliver and revel in the obscene featuring a partially clothed “Madonna”, Tony Bennet singing with a hip pumping “Lady” GaGa and the “academy” awarding Beyonce best song for her work in pornography “Drunk in Love”
DeceptiCONNED: Really!? Jeb Bush leads poll among GOP hopefuls in “conservative” New Hampshire? This is just the beginning of the “inevitability” of Bush as the chosen one
WaPo columnist E.J. Dionne throws hissy fit over our reaction to Obama’s “Christian humility” over his Prayer Breakfast trashing of the Catholic Church and The Crusades as being the equal of ISIS
And what about the President’s plea to stand for “religious liberty” an act he has fallen on the wrong side of with his administrations torment of Christians who refuse assent to the contraceptive and abortive madness of ObamaCare
Not only does the Military Industrial Complex continue to thrive it has now produced a “for-profit” war industry that features mercenary armies as its public face, think Blackwater, but the disease has spread well beyond McCain/Graham’s military corporatism because the rest of the world now wants in on “the game”. “On the darker side, many of the multinationals once on the U.S. dole as PMCs in places like Iraq have since started their own enterprises and taken their skills to clients no matter the mission. They are hard to track, and impossible to rein in.”
TIC: There was a lot more to Ronald Reagan than the caricature of him served up by both spiteful porgressives and opportunist “conservatives” as Bradley J Birzer explains
Ron Paul explains why the vaccination “debate” shows that we need markets not mandate
Prayer Breakfast or Christian Inquisition? Obama throws up the Crusades as evidence that Christians are as capable of genocidal violence as Muslims are (he threw the Inquisition in for good measure). If you want the REAL history of the Crusades, many Catholic scholars have researched and presented paper and lectures on them to counteract the Protestant inspired demagoguery. You can find over 1 days worth of lectures on the subject here
Where The Jobs Aren’t–The number of people working as a per cent of working population is the lowest it has EVER been
Scott Walker’s claim to fame could be that “he killed Latin” in the WI university system, a development I’m certain no one in a GOP primary would find the least bit objectionable and therein lies the problem: education is not about learning how to learn or how to think philosophically or how to channel the greatest minds of the past and their works by learning the tongue they learned…nahhhh, it’s about DEGREES with fancy acronyms on them, written in that funny language that Scott Walker just allowed to be whacked at WI… et tu Scott?
The Constitution says that Congress has the power to “coin money and regulate the value thereof”. The Federal Reserve now tells Senator Rand Paul “Constitution? We don’t need no stinking Constitution”
PRAY: Soooo, people bailed on Christ to avoid being affiliated with the Republican Party? The libs that fantasize over this being true cannot possibly stand in front of a life-sized, sculpture of Our Lord, crucified, IN a Catholic Cathedral and really believe that is true and if it IS then not lament it being true
Jeb Bush shows that he does not understand what it means to be a member of a community by calling for more foreigners to invade current communities and in exchange for a job… “You come, you work hard, you embrace these values, and you’re as American as anyone who came on the Mayflower”. First off, those on the Mayflower weren’t Americans they were British
If you are wondering whether there is a morally valid, Pro-Life reason to oppose vaccinations in some cases there most certainly is. As then Holy Father Benedict XVI instructed a woman back in 2005 on the evil that surrounds the MMR vaccine and what to do about it.
Reason # 1,776 why I am NOT a Libertarian. Witness the futility of secular “conservatism” (Kevin Williamson) trying to comment meaningfully on this secular society’s shocking rejection of modesty and humility via the “career” of “Belle Knox”. If I were to try and provide some fraternal correction for either of the parties embroiled in this literary debacle it would be to consider that the steep slide to mortal sin [death of the soul] is greased with Pride and immodesty while the rarely traveled, grown over path to Humility is fertilized with the waters of modesty.
What exactly does the Magisterium say about vaccines and when you can and cannot or might and must use them? Pope Bendict explained this back in 2005
DeceptiCONNED Comrade: Has the War-Hawk Caucus considered what horrors of global proportion might occur IF Putin turns out to be the madman, megalomaniac war monger they make him out to be?
I continue to be fascinated by the emerging trend of the turn away from our automobile culture and others are catching on too as the Atlantic’s CityLab picks up on the story: The age of the automobile comes to smartphone induced close
The latest “crisis” the Leviathan State is being implored to act upon (by “conservative” Rod Dreher) is the curious rise of the “anti-vaxxers”, parents who do not immunize their kids against disease like Measles and Polio. The misunderstanding on theology at work here, like most of the falsities brought on by the continuing revolt against The Faith. A Christian is obliged to avoid vaccines that have been made with the cells of aborted babies or other unethical procedures. Does Mr. Dreher know that ALL the Measles and Rubella vaccines are made from the carcasses of aborted babies? The fact that drug companies are making millions on these vaccines adds to the sickness of the culture of death: death pays.
DeceptiCONNED: All Ukraine is saying – to U.S. war-hawks, is Give Peace a Chance. What Ukraine needs is more peace and less John McCain, and the usual DeceptiCON suspects. Buchanan “America has never had a vital interest in Crimea or the Donbass worth risking a military clash with Russia. And we do not have the military ability to intervene and drive out the Russian army, unless we are prepared for a larger war and the potential devastation of the Ukraine.”
Nationwide Insurance fields thousands of armchair AdMen via “social media” over their “Dead Kid” ad that aired during the SuperBowl. Nationwide says it wants to start a conversation about childhood accidents leading to death. I agree, so why don’t we have a conversation about how to better prevent all those “unwanted pregnancies” that lead to the death of soon to be born children?
Are you ready for 3 Parent Babies? That’s right, the mad scientists from the UK NIH have concocted a process where unwanted DNA can be removed from a woman’s egg and replaced by preferable DNA from another mother.
How bad were the Super Bowl ads that regaled a now reported 114 MILLION who consumed yet another celebration of all the rot we have become
Can conservatism be relayed to the masses by an allegory involving forest creatures? Well, read this Imaginative Conservative essay and decide for yourself
President Obama proposes $478 BILLION in road/bridges etc. “public works projects” which will be “opposed” by Republicans, not because it is just another in a 140 year continuation of unconstitutional abuse of power by Congress as was explained eloquently by President Madison in his veto of Henry Clay’s “Bonus Bill”
DeceptiCONNED: Now that Mitt Romney is out of 2016 “race” Jeb Bush emerges as the coronated “front runner” for GOP nomination
The Superbowl is in the record books and there will be another bone next year, unfortunately there will also be another State of the Union
Mike Huckabee affirms what should be obvious to all but apparently requires ad campaigns: Christians should have the “right” to oppose “gay marriage”
NEWSFLASH: There actually IS a group called “Democrats for Life” (as in pro-LIFE), who knew!?
Since when have the Measles become the equivalent of ebola?
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem,” Good judges seek to increase (amplify) their jurisdiction
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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