Pile Of Prep

Prep – Wednesday Independence Week

todayJuly 3, 2019 5


Papillona Ocassio Cortez Frees POW’s (Prisoners of Trump’s Wall) – Today’s Pile of Prep Feature and the theme of Today’s Mike Church Show!

Veritas et Sapientia – “For too long our leaders have failed us, taking us into one regime change war after the next, leading us into a new Cold War and arms race, costing us trillions of our hard-earned tax payer dollars and countless lives. This insanity must end.” – Tulsi Gabbard

Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: all of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, for complete rundowns of the show, visit the Mike Church Show audio blog on The CRUSADE Channel site, here.

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Escape From Portland: The Left Coast’s Anarchist Capitol Needs Trump’s Wall

I would love to hear “The civilized world is going to build a wall around Portland and Portland’s going to pay for it!”.  Journalist Andy Gno was covering the latest “Antifa” mob scene when he was violently assaulted and nearly killed by masked thugs who apparently run the city.

Countdown To Independence Day: Commodore Esek Hopkins Appears!

You may be wondering WHY it matters that Esek Hopkins is the recipient of a letter from The Continental Congress. Well in the FFFilms Cinematic Universe it is Hopkins that helps me prove that there were draft copies of The Declaration of Independence printed and destroyed in my 2015 blockbuster: Pages of Independence.

Sir In Marine Committee Philada. May 31 1776 The Marine Committee have directed Captn. John Bradford their Agent in Massachusets Bay to send to this City from Newberry Port, One hundred & twenty Chaldron of Coal. You are hereby directed to send one of the Armed Vessels under your Command to that port, to take under Convoy and Conduct safe into Delaware Bay the Vessel or Vessels in which the said Coal may be Shipped.

John Hancock Chairman

Hopkins ordered John Paul Jones, commander of the Continental sloop Providence, to escort the coal ships from Massachusetts.

The Chastisement Can’t Come Soon Enough

Don’t ever say “how much worse can it possibly get?” because you’re just giving the demons something to shoot for. Headline: “Sex robot Harmony lectures global conference in world’s first android live chat.” There’s not enough space here to write what needs to be written about this abomination.

Homosexual Men Pretending To Be Women Are “Gay” Enough For Radical Sodomites

On the last day of “pride-month” in the place where the “pride” movement got its violent start, Stonewall, the horrific, sinful error that is homosexuality has been warring against its even more deranged cousin of homosexuality, “transsexuality”.

But there is still lingering resentment born out of the movement’s origins. Two early pioneers of the Stonewall movement from the beginning in 1969 were transgender women of color, Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera. But within four years, “drag queens,” as they were called then, were banned from the annual gay pride parade that Johnson and Rivera helped launch. At the Trans Day of Action, a rally in New York’s Washington Square Park on Friday, people shouted: “Who started this fight?” The crowd responded: “Trans women of color.”

I Second The Nomination! Buchanan Says Replace Bolton With Tulsi Gabbard!

It remains a mystery – outside of the fact that Hawaii and its voters is an island unto its own sinful errors and mistakes and thus filled with deranged libs – why Tulsi Gabbard remains a member of the Demoncrat party and even accepts their diabolical positions on up to the moment of birth infanticide, public displays and endorsements of sodomy and the mutilation of pre-teens who think they need to chemically and physically “transition” their genders (an impossibility). Patrick J. Buchanan watched the Demoncrat Debate – The Talking Dead I – and identified Tulsi Gabbard as the one pol opposed to the rush to remake Persia in Pompeo/Bolton’s image.

FINALLY! A Group of Christians Demand That State’s “Nullify” Obergefell… YES!

The proposition that a “Supreme Court” can basically “nullify” the transcendent law of God is laughable to the faithful, yet it’s happened at least 4 times since Loving vs CT. Now, the proposition that a sovereign state can “nullify” any of the 4 acts mentioned above, is a no brainer yet has yet to happen because to the reprobate, it’s laughable. Mind you that this says nothing about what the state’s rights in the matter are and what the Court’s rights aren’t but is a mere statement of reality. Now, according to LifeSite News, comes a group called Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH) who are actually using the term “nullify” and applying it to one of the “big 4” !

The Complete Imbecility of Demoncrats’ Debate Was No Supprise

What would have been a surprise is if just one of Moloch’s 22 useful idiots might have slipped and said that they are in favor of defending parents rights to parent their 5 year olds who think they are pole dancing harlot members er….. indentifiers of the opposite gender. David Harsanyi has a good rundown of the bi-lingual madness here.

Warren had already dropped “Latinx” on the crowd — the gender-neutral alternative to Latino — promising to “fight” to take away the private health insurance all both sexes. The senator was, however, unable to explain how she was going to come up with approximately 6.5 gazillion dollars needed to fund universal child care, free college, student debt cancellation, free health care, and a deconstruction and rebuild of the entire economy based on windmills and solar panels.

There isn’t enough space here to lampoon all the madness on display last night but tune in to the Mike Church Show and I’ll give you an earful today!

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Today’s Guest David Thomas Roberts’ Latest at Breitbart News!

The GOP is figuratively licking their chops, awaiting the new socialists in the Democratic Party to put their socialist extremism on full display for the entire country in the upcoming Democratic presidential debates. My guest today, David Thomas Roberts isn’t buying the GOP’s lame-oh response, neither am I!

Trump: Yep, Bolton DOES Want To Bomb The Entire Planet

In a candid interview with Chuck Todd, President Trump actually said that Bombin’ John Bolton wants to “take on the entire planet”.

“Conservatives” Know Their Gig Is Up But Will They Turn To The [God]Man Who Can Restore It?

John Horvat of the TFP makes the definitive statement: Christ Vanquishes the Gods

The coming of Christ, the One True God made man, changed everything. Christ could not be added to the pantheon as just another god. His Divinity and infinite moral perfection created an incompatibility with the pagan gods. Indeed, Christ did not want to enter the pantheon, and above all, the gods did not want Him among them.

Horvat comes to a nearly identical conclusion to Chris Ferrara: Liberty [Is] The God That Failed.

Fake Mental Health Professionals Are Stumped At Lack of Lust For Transgenders!

In our discussion about the shocking failure of Catholics to hold their ground in the care of mental illnesses, Doc G.C. Dilsaver and I explored the serious, mental sickness that is Gender Dysphoria and the lethal failure of the secular, Freudian based “mental health system” to deal with the building crisis-watch our 2 videos on the matter here. Now comes a series of new studies by “mental health experts” that has the Desmond/RuPaul infatuated, bizarro world baffled: why don’t heterosexual men want to date “transgender” women [men]!?

If I am a man, why would I be attracted to someone who wants to look like neither a man or a woman? If I am a woman, why would I be suddenly attracted to someone who identifies as a woman yet retains many masculine traits? This is confusing and goes against nature.

BINGO. Men are kinda attracted to…wait for it…WOMEN! So why is this a shock? Because of the race to the end of man via the outright rejection of Man himself.

Pro Aborts Must Use Fake News To Promote Their Fake Sacraments

The CRUSADER Knights of the Holy Rosary completed our Rosary for Life contra the “Boozy Bake Sale” spectacle this Saturday in New Orleans with nearly 50 faithful pilgrims processing through the CBD to the corner of Magazine and Caliope where the Marian fireworks began! Local media outlets were almost non-existent… Read my complete report and listen to the Introduction To Restoring The Queenship of Mary, here!

Trump To DeceptiCONS: I’m The President, Not You!

What we had been praying for has finally happened: Trump stood up to the PompeoBolt and told them “no” bombing the Iranians It would be a “disproportionate response” to the downing of an unmanned drone. 

“An age of wonders,” tweeted Michael Brendan Dougherty. “A moral and spiritual reprobate articulates a classical Augustinian just war argument. And conservative Christians hate it.”

Note that an Augustinian argument against war is patently a Catholic argument against an unjust war. Melania’s rosaries and yours are starting to work!

Why Hollywood Must Wage War Against The Other-Other Georgia

By now most people have heard of Hollywood’s idle threats to not film anymore wishlist fantasies about childless futures like The Walking Dead in Georgia, USA because of its recently enacted near total ban on abortion. Now comes the former Russian republic of Georgia, refusing to acknowledge or host a “Gay Pride” month promotion that includes a parade through the streets of  Tbilisi! 

Faced with massive public opposition – over 97 percent of respondents in a TV poll opposed the march! – Georgian authorities cancelled the parade. Opposition to the Pride event is being spearheaded by businessman and father of eight children Levan Vasadze.

97 per cent!? In ‘Muricah, we can’t get 97% to agree that the sun rises in the east or that boys born with penises should be identified as boys on brith records!


Don’t Go To College, Dude

Michael Warren Davis has another common sense makes sense essay out “Don’t Go To College”. In addition to pursuing Distributist solidarity and common sense, scholastic, philosophy as True education, Davis has some sage advice for parents.

So corporations need to stop mandating that applicants have useless degrees in subjects they don’t care about. That, I think, is only a matter of time.

But why work for a corporation at all? That’s another bubble we need to pop. Only about 10 percent of Americans are employed in manufacturing and agriculture—that is, they actually make stuff. About four out of five Americans just push money around. We’re reaching peak overcapitalization. Hopefully, President Trump’s protectionism and producerism will become mainstays of the American conservative agenda.

Yes, yes and yes! Read the whole thing here.

No, Hamilton Was Not Gay Cruing Aaron Burr

I have heard it all now: Pete Buttigieg says “it’s almost certain” he wouldn’t be first gay president. No, just no, no, no, but here he goes.

“I’ll respond by explaining where I want to lead this country,” the candidate replied. “People will elect the person who will make the best president. And we have had excellent presidents who have been young. We have had excellent presidents who have been liberal. I would imagine we’ve probably had excellent presidents who were gay — we just didn’t know which ones.”

No, we don’t because it didn’t happen. This is akin to a promiscuous & sexually active seminarian saying “we know the Apostle, the first priests, pleasured themselves we just don’t which ones.” These claims are made to buoy failing presidential campaigns and to give pink meat to Progressives not satisfied with last week’s abortion tally.

The X-Women Crashes And Burns

I went and saw Dark Phoenix, the “reboot” of the X-Men franchise and it was not very good. Entire story lines were destroyed as if they never happened and Hugh Jackman has been replaced by a woke-feminist made universally all-powerful, “Jean”. Michael Macevoy’s Xavier has been completed castrated and turned into a sniveling, stupid wimp, exiled by the X-Women and their mutant soy-boy toys. This movie is just a turkey that was only entertaining as long as the effects were taking the show and even then, the ridiculous trumped the exciting. Titus Techera concurs in his review.

False Options: The Answer To “Censorship” Is Not To Regulate Facebook

Peter van Buren makes the claim that enforcing monopoly laws against Pridebook et al is the only way to save “conservative”, “new media” saviors of the universe. Not so. As I explained on Thursday’s Mike Church Show, social media has positioned itself as media gatekeepers, so why don’t “conservatives” just make their own media outlets and avoid Pridebook et al!?

What Abortion Really Is: A Boomlet & Millennial Copout

This passage from Federica Matthewes Greene nails the principle reason why 60 million ‘Muricans have been killed in utero: it’s the easiest way to get out of the responsibility and maturity of parenthood.

We expected that abortion would be rare. What we didn’t realize was that, once abortion becomes available, it becomes the most attractive option for everyone around the pregnant woman. If she has an abortion, it’s like the pregnancy never existed. No one is inconvenienced. It doesn’t cause trouble for the father of the baby, or her boss, or the person in charge of her college scholarship. It won’t embarrass her mom and dad. Abortion is like a funnel; it promises to solve all the problems at once. So there is significant pressure on a woman to choose abortion, rather than adoption or parenting.

Nailed it! Recall Grace Emily Stark’s seminal and everlasting essay: Babies Make Families:

Yes, children can strain marriages, and no parent among us would say that motherhood and fatherhood are easy tickets to marital bliss. But the commitments and relationships forged by having children can—and should—bind us to one another. As a parent, it is clearer to me now than ever before that babies bring a greater connection between individual members of the same family, and also between different families. After all, who among us parents doesn’t have people in their lives whom they never would have met if not for their children? These stronger connections are the very bedrock of a strong, thriving society, and our leaders would do well to encourage all of us to continue building these foundations, one baby at a time.

I’ve quote Grace Emily dozens of times on The Mike Church Show and used parts of that essay in talks that I’ve given and it always leads someone to ask me where they can read the essay. Here’s a clue, don’t just read the essay, make it come true!

Dr. Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration, The Clown Car, The Modernists Strike Back  Review Hit Piece

Jeff Mirus is the co-founder of Christendom College and the founder of Catholic Culture an online magazine of, well, “Catholic Culture”. He has written a “review” of Dr. Taylor Marshall’s new book Infiltration that amounts to a assassination of not only the book but the “Traditionalist movement”. Here’s my tweet on the scandal, The Modernists Strikes Back.

Mike Church, Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Who Is Mike Church? Mike Church is the most aggressive yet charming promoter of using radio and TV media to restore Christian Order and promote God, Family and Country, on daily talk-radio & TV, in the U.S. today. Using his razor sharp wit and broadcast skills honed through 26 years in the business, there’s simply no other voice as unique and effective as Mike’s in all of broadcasting. Read the entire Mike Church Story as told by internationally renowned author Christopher Ferrara, a regular guest on The Mike Church Show, here.

Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day.

“Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.”

Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.

Need To Listen To The Pearcing Truth’s Series On Economics As If Families Mattered

Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!

It’s June 2019 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”


The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 29 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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