Founders Television

Prepare for the Extermination of the Southern Way of Life

todayJune 25, 2015 10


Mandeville,LA– This Founders TV Episode was originally published on Aug 7,2013 and is part of the Founders TV/ Post Show Show.

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    Prepare for the Extermination of the Southern Way of Life ClintStroman


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    Prepare for the Extermination of the Southern Way of Life ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – Are you a Neo-Confederate? Does anyone really know exactly what that means? Usually it is used in a defamatory manner, it implies that you or your ancestors are sympathetic towards slavery… but does ANYONE in their right mind want to bring slavery back? Most “neo-confederates” are people proud of their southern culture. Yes, their were some bad parts of it, but there are bad parts of every culture. But the way the word is used in such a deragotary manner, means that “they” are trying to eradicate the culture of the south.  For more on this be sure and check out today’s Founders TV and sign up for a Founders Pass if you haven’t already!


Written by: ClintStroman

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