
President Obama Actually Takes Some Responsibility For Obamacare Disaster

todayNovember 11, 2013 10


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’ll give the president credit on that one score that he did not throw Sebelius under the bus, back it up, and then run over her.  He actually said: It’s my team.  Give him props for the one instance there.  It would have been very easy for him to say: Man, that was a mistake!  I need to find out which staffer it was that gave me that résumé.  He resisted.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I talked about this yesterday on my television show that I do after this program, on Founders TV.  I have a theory.  My theory is that there is now a two- or four-pronged approach to ordering our lives that our elites are undertaking.  On the one hand, we have statism, and on the other hand, we have scientism or mechanism.  The two have now converged to become one big, giant, very dangerous club that is being used to bludgeon humanity into compliance.  It’s doing this for the advertised purpose, as you just heard Obama say, ”We’re trying to make people’s lives better.”  Well, all of your efforts since the 1960s and the Great Society — first we had the New Deal, then the Great Society.  I don’t even know what we call it today.  I guess we just call it the Care Society.  We Obamacare and everyone cares now.  We have this great society now that cares so mightily with these people that love to care and love to care for others with other people’s money.  It continues to fail miserably by every metric, by every measurement you can measure this stuff by.

Is Davis a Traitor? In Paperback, get it signed by the Editor!
Is Davis a Traitor? In Paperback, get it signed by the Editor!

Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILThat’s the other part of the rub.  In the scientism part of it, which is the study of these things, or the use of science to make our lives better, you combine the use of science (doesn’t matter if it’s political science or medical science or social science) combined with the power of the State, and you get disaster.  As they’re doing this, the science end of this is creating the metrics themselves that we’re supposed to measure these things by.  You would think they would be able to create a metric or a measuring system that would be to their benefit, but they can’t even get that part of it right.

Let’s get to the end of the discussion here, Chuck Todd asking President Obama: Mr. President, is there a way out of this mess that you and the rest of us, thanks to you, seem to have fallen into?

[start audio clip]

President Obama: Obviously we didn’t do a good enough job in terms of how we crafted the law. And, you know, that’s something that I regret. That’s something that we’re going to do everything we can to get fixed. In the meantime —

Chuck Todd: By the way, that sounds like you’re supportive of this legislation, the various things that are out there.

President Obama: We’re looking at a range of options.

[end audio clip]

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Mike:  He doesn’t even know what the options are.  I will say one thing on the president’s behalf, one thing.  Will you play digital media file 1B?  I’m only going to say this once because I heard it this morning and I heard it played a couple times.  You were watching MSNBC during show prep and they played it.  I was watching the Clinton News Network and they played it.

[start audio clip]

Chuck Todd: Do you still have full confidence in Kathleen Sebelius?

President Obama: I think Kathleen Sebelius, under tremendously difficult circumstances over the last four and a half years, has done a great job in setting up the insurance markets so that there is a good product out there for people to get. You know, Kathleen Sebelius doesn’t write code. She wasn’t our IT person. I think she’d be the first to admit that if we had to do it all over again, there would have been a whole lot more questions that were asked in terms of how this thing is working. But my priority right now is to get it fixed. And, ultimately, the –

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailChuck Todd: Is she still the right person to do it?

President Obama: Ultimately the buck stops with me. You know, I’m the president. This is my team. If it’s not working, it’s my job to get it fixed.

[end audio clip]

Mike:  Andrew, I just want to bring you in on this for just a moment here.  You know who Cam Newton is, right?

AG:  The quarterback?

Mike:  Yeah, Cam Newton the quarterback.  He had an issue in the first two years of his professional career that he was less than likely to take the blame for a loss.  His body language and things he said after games was not helpful to his teammates.  He was being a leader.  He wasn’t falling on the sword saying: Hey, man, it’s me.  I’m supposed to lead this team and I didn’t get the job done.  He supposedly is doing it now.  I’ll give the president credit on that one score that he did not throw Sebelius under the bus, back it up, and then run over her.  He actually said: It’s my team.  Give him props for the one instance there.  It would have been very easy for him to say: Man, that was a mistake!  I need to find out which staffer it was that gave me that résumé.  He resisted.   He actually said, “The buck stops with me,” even though we know that it doesn’t for appearances sake anyways.  This would be what you would tell your children to say.  You would tell your children to say: When it’s your fault, just own up to it.  If you don’t, it’s just going to get worse.  I just wanted to, in the interest of fairness — that’s it.  That’s all I have to say positive about the man.  I always try to find something positive out of these things, and I supposed that’s the one instance.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. wyosage46 on November 11, 2013

    Thank you for the chance to speak this morning during my commute on the Mike Church show with our former Senator from Arizona, guest host. I was on my way to teach in the classroom. I was “Karen from Wyoming” who said, “Reality trumps rhetoric.” It was close to the top of the hour, and there was not much time before the news began. My classes and I analyze the “I Have A Dream Speech” every year, and to the President I say, “I HAD A DREAM—The dream of choice.” Also to quote King himself, we should judge people “content of their character…” Mr. President, you have tarnished your character with unfulfilled promises and deception. Simply and sincerely, “we” want to keep our health care. Americans want choice.
    Karen Zahn-Anderson, English teacher.
