
The Progressive Train Is Steaming Down The Tracks

todayOctober 21, 2013 3


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The reason is because it is far easier and a lot more comforting in the short-term to abuse the privilege of governing, especially when you can abuse it with the promise that a future person to be governed is going to pay for it.  It’s nothing more than a wealth transfer scheme unlike any the world has ever seen.  It is despicable.  It is criminal.  It is morally repulsive.  Yet, an entire population of this continent is unable to see the crime that is happening in broad daylight, is being rejoiced about, and is being celebrated today.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Conor Friedersdorf has a post at The Atlantic, the headline “The Tea Party Gets Its Information From Enablers Of Bushism.”  What he’s writing about are what I call decepticons.  Friedersdorf is correct.  We’ll delve into this a little deeper as we get into the aftermath of the Boehner Congress caving yesterday, waving multiple white flags of surrender, and while surrendering also surrendering constitutional powers to our new elected king, which President Obama  now basically will become, even though many thought he was a king before.  If you thought he was powerful before, he’s like Galactus in the Fantastic Four comic books now.  He’s got power over the seas, the space, the planets, you name it.

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Hear the story of the United States AFTER the Constitution like you’ve never heard it before

article-v-pamphlet-adAgain, as was warned by yours truly, relentless pursuit of political purification and political salvation would only yield heartache.  This, too, will end in tears, even though, as I said and continue to maintain as late as the end of yesterday’s program, the House of Representatives had the strongest cards in the game.  If they only chose to be committed to them for the right reasons and to play them, then we would have actually had to have had a serious and substantive discussion about the events that have now passed into law.  Alas, the only thing we got were self-aggrandizing, gratuitous speeches from certain members of the U.S. Senate, gratuitous promotions of schemes by certain members of the House of Representin’, and, at the end of the day, a newly-victorious and empowered president and ascending Democrat Party.

Folks, by keeping score here, the State has won yet again.  Obamacare is now officially the law of the land.  The only reproach that remains is to see whether or not the people of the several states have the wherewithal and whether or not there are legislators in significant enough numbers and people to inspire them in significant enough numbers to nullify — I just played a clip from my docudrama What Lincoln Killed: Episode I.  If you want to learn about the Constitution’s real limits on its authority and the powers attendant in the concept of nullification and interposition, What Lincoln Killed: Episode I is for you.  In any event, will those states that have previously voted for healthcare freedom of choice acts and what have you, will they now refuse implementation or attempt refusal of the Affordable Care Act?  Or will they say [mocking] “We tried everything.  The court’s gonna order us.  There’s nothing we can do about it.”  I fear, of course, that the answer is in the negative, but it does keep hope alive.  As far as hope goes, as Professor Kevin Gutzman is famous for saying here on this program, “Mike, I am not in the optimism business.”

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article-v-pamphlet-adWell, folks, if political victory is what it is you seek, I would say it’s probably a good bet that unless you want to join the Democrat Party and become a progressive, you’re not going to be in the optimism business.  The reason is because it is far easier and a lot more comforting in the short-term to abuse the privilege of governing, especially when you can abuse it with the promise that a future person to be governed is going to pay for it.  It’s nothing more than a wealth transfer scheme unlike any the world has ever seen.  It is despicable.  It is criminal.  It is morally repulsive.  Yet, an entire population of this continent is unable to see the crime that is happening in broad daylight, is being rejoiced about, and is being celebrated today.  That is the generational theft that was authorized yet again by this Congress last night with a vote.

Again, maybe there are other things we ought to be talking about on radio programs like this and in get-togethers when people who host these radio shows get together.  Maybe there are other points of discussion.  Maybe political salvation is only going to be possible when salvation of the soul is at hand and is widely and ubiquitously being discussed again.  Maybe then the regulating force comes from within and is not external.  When it comes from within, that means it is probably divinely inspired.  If that is the case, then government loses its power.  The State loses its authority.  I think this is the principal teaching of the great minds that made up the conservative movement or conservatism before it was hijacked by the profiteers of the last fifty years.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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