
Rand Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll and No One Notices

todayMarch 18, 2013 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Rand Paul wins the CPAC straw poll and nobody notices.  The Drudge Report doesn’t even have a headline on this.  My buddy tells me Saturday afternoon, when we’re knee deep in pork butts: Hey, Mike, did you know your buddy Rand Paul won the CPAC straw poll?  I just said: What!?  He said: Yeah, it’s on CNN.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

james-madison-gutzman-ad-signMike:  Rand Paul wins the CPAC straw poll and nobody notices.  The Drudge Report doesn’t even have a headline on this.  My buddy tells me Saturday afternoon, when we’re knee deep in pork butts: Hey, Mike, did you know your buddy Rand Paul won the CPAC straw poll?  I just said: What!?  He said: Yeah, it’s on CNN.  That’s what my alert app is telling me.  I have the Drudge Report alert app and I didn’t get anything.  I surfed on over to Drudge, no mention.  Yesterday there was no mention and today there’s still no mention, which is surprising to say the least.

Here’s the count, by percent of the straw poll — remember, Ron Paul, his father, won the CPAC straw poll in 2010 and 2011.  It was Paul 25 percent, Rubio 23 percent, AG’s favorite candidate Rick Santorum 8 percent.  He brought the house down, I’m told.  Chris Christie, 7 percent, Paul Ryan 6 percent, Scott Walker, 5 percent, Ben Carson — you know what’s funny about the Ben Carson story – this is the doctor that went to the prayer breakfast and spoke with the president sitting in close quarters and served up a heaping helping of Obamacare criticism.  He became the new Herman Cain of the Herman Cainsters, of the 9-9-9 crowd.  There are Tea Party groups out there already trying to draft the man to run for president.  Then Bobby Jindal 3 percent, Sarah Palin 3 percent, undecided 1 percent.

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The fact that Rand wins this thing, and they do this on Saturday — in the past whenever Ron Paul has won it, the decepticons, the fake, phony frauds that call themselves conservatives, have always complained that there are too many youths running around that are all yammering about liberty and non-interventionism and they stuff the ballot box, that they only fly in and go there specifically to vote in the sacred CPAC straw poll and rig the results.  I haven’t heard any claims about that this year.  It is intriguing at the least to say that at that less-than-august sitting, that Rand triumphs over Marco Rubio.  It’s 25 to 23, within the margin of error as they say.  Both of them speak at the conference.  What does this mean?  Does this have any impact?

Here we are in 2013.  I swore I was not going to do this.  I swore I was not going to talk about 2016 until 2016 and here I am in 2013 wondering out loud if this has any impact.  The answer to the question is that as the two senators jockey for position and support among Republican ranks, these little things may not have that large of an impact, but they do show a trend.  You could say that the anti-police state, non-intervention crowd is actually becoming a bit more popular than the police state enhanced and big-time military intervention crowd is.

Jordan Bloom at The American Conservative Magazine has a nice rundown of the events at CPAC this year, that’s Conservative Political Action Conference.  Of course, yours truly was not invited to sermonize, evangelize and speakify this year.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. JTWilliams on March 22, 2013

    Santorum brought the house down? Must have missed that headline. Im somewhat surprised that Rubio came that close to winning. If you observed CPAC, there was alot of evidence that the libertarian crowd was overwhelming. The suggestion that 75% of that crowd was conventional conservative types just doesnt ring true. But I wasnt there, so IDK
