
Recreational Marijuana Is The Smell Of Freedom, So Why ASK To Have It Taxed!?

todayJanuary 7, 2014 7


Colonial_Revolutionary_T_shirt_displayMandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “If you smell a dope plant being burned somewhere nearby where you live in Colorado, as Lord Christopher Monckton said to me one day when I smoked a cigar in his studio and he was shocked to see someone in the United States actually consume tobacco indoors – he said: I love that smell.  I said: You’re a cigar smoker?  He said: No, no, I despise tobacco, but you burning that indoors, that’s the smell of freedom to me..”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Pharmaceutical drug manufacturers are the ones that put the most money into trying to kibosh legal marijuana sales, because they don’t want to have to compete with something that you can grow in your backyard, just like the same modus operandi is what guides many of the major agriculture producers in proposing things that make it more difficult to have local farmers’ markets, for example.  There was this imbecilic policy that was passed a couple years back that purported to save us from those evil, hedonistic, despicable, irresponsible, careless farmers out there that might bring tomatoes to market that haven’t been USDA inspected.  And we’re going to fight this.  We’re not going to allow this unsafe stuff into our food supply.

I love how they say “our” food supply, as if they own it.  It used to be that our food supply was what you could either grow or what your neighbor could grow, or if you were looking for delicacies or rarities, what you could import and what could survive a trip from, say if you desired Washington State apples and you lived in Kansas, good luck with that.  How are you going to get Washington State apples to Kansas in 1850?  You’re probably going to have to find some way to preserve them or dry them out or can them because they’re not going to make the trip.

The Mike Church Show Band's Greatest Hits. Download all 67 tracks and the Autobiography of The Mike Church Show eBook
The Mike Church Show Band’s Greatest Hits. Download all 67 tracks and the Autobiography of The Mike Church Show eBook

In any event, what’s called the food supply today used to just be how you hunted and gathered.  You see, we’re evolved now.  We’re evolved and so far beyond that.  We have to have magisterial magistrates.  We have to have regulators out there making sure that the food supply that makes its way onto our tables is safe for our consumption.  We’re too busy updating our Facebook and Twitter accounts to actually go out and gather our own food and inspect it, or, heaven forefend, run some water over the vegetables.  You ever see these little scrubby things you can get at Wal-Mart or any grocery store, little vegetable scrubbers?  You just run that thing over the top of the cucumber and bammo, if it did have some bad stuff on it, you can scrub it off and it’s not there any longer.

The same thing applies to medical marijuana.  To get back to the reason I brought that up, if you’re a pharmaceutical drug manufacturer, the last thing you want is someone being able to [private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76] grow what it is that you are making out of various compounds, packaging and marketing and shoving down the throats of consumers through television and magazine and internet advertising, and then under the cover of “the FDA has approved this.”  If the FDA approves Cialis, after all, why isn’t everyone suffering you-know-what dysfunction?  If the FDA approves the purple pill, why isn’t everyone suffering some sort of mental disorder?  Don’t we all want to live a pharmaceutical, medicated life?  You bet your sweet delirium we do.  It’s the drug manufacturers and drug makers, and these are huge — now with Obamacare, these are hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars in industry that are at stake here.

This is why the threat of the medicinal marijuana laws giving way to actual consumption has so many people so up in arms.  No one would bat an eye about wild-growing apples and your ability to eat them, or your right or freedom to eat them.  But you start talking about putting a dent into the profits of certain major American corporations, and then the agencies that regulate those corporations and have their very existence at stake, you’re upending apple carts there, buddy, and we’re not going to let you do it.

Just for example, for those of you that are dopeheads out there — I’m probably one of the few that would say this — if that’s what you want to do, you go ahead and do it.  I don’t have the kind of hang-ups that some people have about it.  For those of you that are big marijuana smokers, you probably, especially if you’ve been doing it for a long time, illicitly, you’ve probably gotten pretty good at selecting your own preferred species, I guess you would call it.

Eric:  Strain.

Mike:  Yes, yes, a strain.  Is it a strain?  We can’t say brand.  We don’t have Marlboro Sensimilla yet, do we?  I can remember back from my younger days, I could name you a couple strains or nicknames for strains.  You’ve got your California kine bud, Kentucky blue sensimilla.  You’ve got your Jamaican Gold.  You’ve got your Panama Red.  Good grief, there are so many I can’t remember them all.  You have all these different varieties and strains.  You can get some of them now in Colorado.  What the Coloradans are saying is: We have plenty of supply for the citizens of Colorado, but we can’t meet the demand from all the dopers in Kansas and Nebraska and nearby states that are coming here to purchase the marijuana.

The headline is probably accurate, “Colorado’s Pot Shops Say They’ll Be Sold Out Any Day Now.”  This was posted yesterday afternoon.  This writer, Brad Tuttle, talked to one woman and said: I don’t think I’m going to make it to the end of the day.  I’m not going to have anything in any bins by the end of the day.  So there is a marijuana shortage in Colorado.  I would say if they’re selling out of marijuana in Colorado, there ought to be other attendant or other problems that will arise as a result of that.  For example, how are Colorado convenience stores doing on their supplies of Twinkies?  How are Colorado fast food restaurants doing on their supplies of anything you can fry and serve quickly?  I bet Taco Bell’s sales are way up in Colorado.

But seriously, to the point, this is an issue and development here that is not welcome by any establishment.  It’s not welcome by Democrat establishment types and it’s not welcome by Republican establishment types.  No one wants to see this because this, ladies and gentlemen is freedom.  If you smell a dope plant being burned somewhere nearby where you live in Colorado, as Lord Christopher Monckton said to me one day when I smoked a cigar in my radio studio and he was shocked to see someone in the United States actually consume tobacco indoors – he said: I love that smell.  I said: You’re a cigar smoker?  He said: No, no, I despise tobacco, but you burning that indoors, that’s the smell of freedom to me.  If you smell some dope being burned in Colorado, that’s the smell of freedom.

The people that we do daily battle with and against don’t like the smell of freedom, ladies and gentlemen.  As a matter of fact, it probably smells like something else they stepped in that their dog put in the backyard, if you get my drift.  They’re not enjoying this whatsoever.  This is why there are many people now rushing and dashing to the ramparts.  We’ve got to get out there and we’ve got to stop these maniacs before they legalize this stuff in a couple of other states, and before the drug war is undermined.  Think about this: How many hundreds of thousands of cops, some of them listening to this very show right now, have careers on the line here?  What are you going to do if you’re not running and cavorting about chasing pot dealers, apprehending people because they were smoking dope on the corner?  What if it’s legal everywhere?  What if a majority of states move in this direction, which I just think is the natural course of affairs?  There are many other people that think this.

I’m not one of these people, and I never will be, that thinks this stuff ought to be legalized so that government can derive some revenue from it.  I don’t want government to derive revenue from almost anything, you name it.  It already has more than enough revenue.  I’ve always wondered, why do you libertarians, those that fancy yourselves libertarians, you mean you’re willing to trade, if they’ll just let you smoke your marijuana, you’re willing to trade that for a tax?  [mocking] “Yeah, we get one freedom in exchange and they get a little revenue from it.”  They don’t just get a little revenue because revenue is controlled.

As John Marshall wrote in the McCulloch v. Maryland case, the power to tax is the power to destroy.  As a matter of fact, he was actually quoting John Taylor of Caroline from the Carriage Tax Argument on the constitutionality of the carriage tax, which you can find at in audio book form and in pamphlet form, the actual argument of the carriage tax case from 1794. [/private]

In any event, the power to tax is the power to destroy.  Once the course or the tide has turned and the legalization frenzy cannot be stopped, the next step will be: We’ve got to gain control of this somehow.  How’re we gonna do it?  Let’s tax it.  That’s exactly what Colorado has done.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. devise on January 11, 2014

    They cannot tax what you don’t sell. Persons living in Colorado and Washington are able to grow their own, or trade their own without worry of taxation. That and they lose the risk of going to jail for consumption.
