
Representative Republic Vs. Pure Democracy

todayMay 30, 2013 12


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The Public Policy Polling Institute is out with a new poll that claims that people that live in red states and Southern states are clamoring, foaming at the mouth for the federal leviathan to pass all kinds of fancy, restrictive, tyrannical new gun background check laws.  By overwhelming majorities you people are pining away for this.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  The Public Policy Polling Institute is out with a new poll that claims that people that live in red states and Southern states are clamoring, foaming at the mouth for the federal leviathan to pass all kinds of fancy, restrictive, tyrannical new gun background check laws.  By overwhelming majorities you people are pining away for this.  I do not know what the question that was asked or how it was phrased, but I do have the results of the poll.  There’s something else disturbing happening here.  Women are 1.3 times more likely to want to collect your gun from you than misguided men sheeple.  So the sheeple male is only 60 percent of the time ready to grab your gun or try and prevent a law-abiding person from obtaining one, but a female sheeple is 80 percent of the time, four out of five in other words, willing, able and ready to prevent you, legal citizen, from protecting yourself and purchasing a firearm.  Let’s get some hula hoops out of the old hardware stores, pour some lighter fluid on them, and set them on fire.  Let’s let you gun nuts, you idiots out there that want to defend yourself, let’s watch you vault through these, pal.


According to the PPP, the Public Policy Polling Institute — I don’t believe this for a second, which is why I say I’d have to see how the question was phrased to make a solid determination on it.  If there was ever a case and ever a story that was published that is a shining example of why you don’t want to live in a pure democracy, and instead why you want to live in a representative republic, that story right there is it.  In the former, everything is up for a vote every day.  Public opinion changed?  Change it.  We’re a democracy.  [mocking] “But yesterday you guys said you couldn’t come over here and take my gun.” — “Well, that was before Smitty went over there and shot somebody.  Now we’re calling it the Smitty Rule.  That damn Smitty, today we think everybody ought to have their guns confiscated.  We had a vote, man, 50 percent of the population plus one.  You’re done, pal, turn it over.”  Of course, then after the Visigoths invade and no one is around to defend themselves, or after the criminals from the nearby county all storm your county and rob, rape, maim and trespass and cause irreparable damage, [mocking] “We’s dumb.  We want that Smitty law repealed.  We voted on it, 50 percent of the population plus one.”  So you vote to repeal the Smitty gun law.

Mike Church Show Transcript: James Madison Warns Of The Federal Monster

If you live in a representative republic, you probably have some kind of a written constitution that you govern yourself by.  In that constitution, it says that we don’t confiscate weapons here.  We only have reasonable regulations and they must be approved by overwhelming three-quarter majority.  That’s the only way to get this thing done.  You can have your vote on your stupid Smitty law in the city council or in the county council.  You can say you have to have two-thirds of those people agreeing to it.  Then you’d have to put it to a ballot. Then you’d have to have three-quarters of those people agree to it.  In a representative republic, your rights, privileges, and immunities are always protected.  In a democracy, it’s the next best thing to anarchy.  No wonder libs and conspiring Republicans love it so much, or decepticons rather.  It is the tyrannical method of governing of choice.

Sidebar_ad_Secede_die_baseball_capWhy do you think they’re always whining and carping about [mocking] “We’ve got to have democracy.  We’ll put this to a vote.  We know what’s going to happen if we put this to a vote.”  Of course you know what’s going to happen.  Sheeple are massageable.  Sheeple can be convinced to do almost anything on any given day, including taking other people’s property away from them.  You didn’t really need ten acres.  You only need eight.  You’re not going to miss the other two.  Really?  You think my property ought to be up for a vote?  What about life?  We vote on life?  We voted that everyone over 60, you’re going to go to a carnival.  Once every three months we have a carnival meeting and if you’re over 60 you’ve got to report to this place.  You never go home, so sell all your stuff before you go.  We’re doing the community good, though, because we’re mitigating health expenses for the elderly.  Besides, their productivity drops off once they become geezered citizens anyways, so we decided to vote them out.  We voted them off the island.  Since they won’t leave, the only thing to do with them is to bring them into these giant, massive gas chambers and subject them to sterilizations, or whatever it is you would call them.

Mike Church Show Transcript: Political Ideology Blinds Us To The Truth

Democracy, in other words, is dangerous.  It is extraordinarily dangerous.  I would rather live under a king than live in a democracy.  This is one of the reasons why the decepticon warmongers that were so ginned up — many of you people were probably ginned up over this, too.  [mocking] “Look, they got democracy in Iraq!  The women have purple fingers!”  Gee, what could possibly go wrong?  [mocking] “Look, in Egypt they’ve got blue fingers.  They’re voting.  Happy day!”  Democracy produces public instability, that’s what it produces.  It is a massive failure.  It is a horrifically massive failure everywhere it’s tried.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Constitution of US DEMOCRACY

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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