
Republicans Were Against Obamacare Before They Were For It

todayOctober 3, 2013 12


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – It was the citizens of the United States that elected the Democrat Party and that empowered it over the last century to begin and then to work at very hard the progressive era, as it’s called.  It’s the citizens that became corrupted by and were enraptured into the same process while calling themselves conservatives because they operated under the umbrella of the Republican Party.  I think that all citizenry is at some level responsible for this.  To say anything else, to me, is to be disingenuous.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  This is Mike in Philadelphia.  How you doing?

Caller Mike:  Good, Mike.  How you doing?

Mike:  Good, well.

Is Davis a Traitor? In Paperback, get it signed by the Editor!
Is Davis a Traitor? In Paperback, get it signed by the Editor!

Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILCaller Mike:  I’m listening to you guys’ discussion about the last election.  I hear that argument that we just had an election on Obamacare.  Every four years, you have a chance to go directly to the American people, over the heads of the press, and talk about what you believe should happen.  The second we nominated the state-level inventor of Obamacare, that issue went off the table.  That hurts us all down the line, under the ticket — well, Todd Akin was an idiot.  You have a law now that is about as popular as foot fungus.  Our job as conservatives was to make every day of that election about Obamacare and we didn’t.  We nominated the inventor of Obamacare.  Once we did that, it was over.

Mike:  Don’t say we.  I had nothing to do with that.  I caucused in Louisiana and we nominated Ron Paul.  Don’t say we.

Caller Mike:  When I say we, I mean —

Mike:  You mean the editorial we, the royal we.

Caller Mike:  Yeah, not anybody in this proverbial room here.

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Mike:  I have a follow-up question for you here, Michael.  You said that conservatives, as soon as we nominated Mitt Romney, that the gambit on Obamacare was sealed and that our fate was then sealed.  Billions of dollars was spent in campaigning, spent in the political process.  Tens of trillions of hours of people dedicated to the election of Romney and of the election of all these assorted members of Congress and the Senate and what have you, all this time, effort, money, daily visits to favorite radio shows and websites, Twittering and Facebooking and blogging, this all went into this political process that has now but us on the precipice of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.  In other words, it has all gone for naught.  It’s all been for zero gain.  The thing apparently is not going to be stopped and is going to become the law of the land.  It was the citizens of the United States that elected the Democrat Party and that empowered it over the last century to begin and then to work at very hard the progressive era, as it’s called.  It’s the citizens that became corrupted by and were enraptured into the same process while calling themselves conservatives because they operated under the umbrella of the Republican Party.  I think that all citizenry is at some level responsible for this.  To say anything else, to me, is to be disingenuous.

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If you’re going to spend the kind of effort that has been spent purely in the political realm and doing all the things that I just described and it hasn’t worked, hasn’t reversed Roe v. Wade, hasn’t ended the Federal Reserve, hasn’t repealed Social Security, hasn’t gotten rid of Davis-Bacon, hasn’t done any of the things that “conservatives” have desired to do, perhaps spending all the resources and all the times just described in the political process is the problem.  The political process is always inspired by, controlled by, and informed by the culture, informed by the culture and values of the people that are in the political process.  Maybe we should direct most of our attention — you have to spend some time in the political process.

article-v-pamphlet-adPerhaps we should direct a majority of our attention somewhere else, like ending the reign of the anti-cult, of course cult being the derivative of cults being those organizations or ancient human methods of organizing humans around a belief, around a religion usually.  Our religion today is the State.  The only way you’re going to reverse that is to give and promote and then implement a religion that’s not the State.  That seems to me to be a far more exciting prospect for future success than you’re ever going to gain at the ballot box dealing with the current anti-cult that you have.  What do you say about that?

Caller Mike:  I hear what you say about that.  To me, I’ll do anything I can to fight what’s going on in this country.  You make a good point.  I don’t think we can just do one thing at a time.  I’ll fight in the political arena.  I’ll fight in the cultural arena.  I have two young kids.  They have to live hopefully much longer than I will on this Earth.  I just want to be able to look them in the eyes and say: I fought this every step of the way.  I hear you say about this $220 trillion in debt.  On the face of it, it’s hopeless, but I can’t live thinking it’s hopeless.

Mike:  That’s because you’ve been seasoned and conditioned by the State to think purely in political terms and to think that all this must be political.  Hasn’t it sunk in our heads that political salvation or political revolution is not going to happen and is not going to forestall the horrific consequences of the things we all agree are right around the corner?  I didn’t say put all your effort into it.  I said put most of your effort into it.

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Caller Mike:  I understand.  I’m for all of the above, whatever I can do to fight what’s happening in this country and the culture.  I’m with you.

Mike:  Thank you very much for the call.  I don’t expect very many people to respond to what I just said positively.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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