Revisionist History Wants You To Forget The Founding Fathers Were Loyal British Subjects Until Secession
todayMay 29, 2013
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Not only are we in the process of cleansing or trying to eradicate any surviving history of the confederacy and of the old South leading up to the War of Northern Aggression in 1861, not only are we trying to cleanse that, we also seem to forget that once upon a time the men that you call patriots were proud subjects of the British Empire. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…
Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Caller Paul: This country was founded because the pilgrims wanted religious freedom. They came here to this great country of ours and they started a civilization that now has lasted 400-plus years.
Mike: That is something that is in today’s Pile of Prep. Paul, thank you very much for your call and insight. That’s in today’s Pile of Prep, about the country being founded. The truth of the matter is that there was no country founded. Nothing was founded. Land was found. Not only are we in the process of cleansing or trying to eradicate any surviving history of the confederacy and of the old South leading up to the War of Northern Aggression in 1861, not only are we trying to cleanse that — I have here an editorial written in the New York Time which furthers that effort. We also seem to forget that once upon a time the men that you call patriots were proud subjects of the British Empire.
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You can read Thomas Jefferson’s 1774 work “A Summary View of the Rights of British America.” British America, what’s that, Mike? We have roots in English common laws and traditions, or we used to have roots in English common laws and traditions. Of course, to acknowledge that is to acknowledge something that the decepticons and neocons will never accept. [mocking] “The founding was done intentionally. They laid cornerstones and founded it. Right then and there it happened.”
It is a more historical thing to say that the men of 1776 and 1787 were trying to conserve their lineage and what they thought was their birthright, their rights at Englishmen under the English constitution and the glorious revolution of 1688. What they thought they were doing when they rebelled or when they seceded from Great Britain was actually a conservative effort to: No, you guys want us to be libs over here in the colonies and you don’t want to give us a vote in your parliament. We’ll always be British Americans, but now we’re going to be British Americans that are independent. We’re going to have our own countries and we’re going to govern ourselves. You’re not going to stop us.
If you follow the writings of the men in the First Continental Congress and the Second Continental Congress, you will see an amazing thing. You will read amazing transcripts. You will read about a constitution over and over and over again. You will see references to our ancient and glorious constitution. This was prior to 1787, so what constitution could they possibly have been talking about, writing about, instigating and then participating in revolutions over? What constitution? The British constitution, which was not the kind of written one that we have today, although I believe there was an effort to write it down. Basically it conserved or constituted the rights of Englishmen, common law rights of Englishmen. Of course or ancestors of the 1776 revolution were Englishmen. They had grown up loyal subjects of the king or the queen, as it were.
Try and find that in modern history. You won’t find any of that. I’ll tell you where you can find it at: M.E. Bradford’s phenomenal book The Reactionary Imperative. You’ll find a chapter in there that is worthy of any [r]epublican’s reading and review called “Was the American Revolution Conservative?” Bradford concludes that it was conservative for the reasons that I just mentioned, yet you won’t find that in modern conservative discussion or thought. That’s the tradition that the founders, as we call them, were pursuing. They genuflected genuinely to that tradition.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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